One wrong choice & I'm set back a week....

I ate something salty on Monday for dinner (vegetarian baked beans-1 portion) and woke up Tuesday gained 3 pounds. Worked out last night, cardio for 1 hour and stayed under my daily calorie goal but only dropped 1/2 pound. I'm so bummed, it's going to take me the rest of the week to get back to where I started. All because of some beans.... (I know, sounds kinda funny.)!!


  • jd7887
    jd7887 Posts: 59 Member
    I hear ya. I listened to recent posts and ate back my exercise calories.. went out for dinner and had a pasta meal and a glass of red wine. I just weighed and gained horribly. I won't be doing THAT again. - Hang in there and start over today :smile:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    Gaining that much weight overnight means you gained water weight. Drink a ton of water (sounds counter productive, but still true) and do your normal workout. I usually add a walk if I'm feeling bloated; for some reason that helps me with water weight. In any case, you DID NOT gain 3 lbs of fat, so don't beat yourself up.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You want weight loss or fat loss?

    Fat loss? Then you are doing fine. Salty foods will cause water retention which will shed when the salt is done in your system.

    Weight loss? Start hacking off limbs, the pounds will LITERALLY shred right off.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    This may seem like an obvious question but are you on your period or due to start your period soon, like in the next few days? Lady Days can cause you to retain water/gain water weight...I'm actually quite surprised at the number of women who've been menstruating for years who don't know this.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    Eating beans is never a wrong choice. This is going to be a frustrating journey for you if you simply rely on the scale for validation (because of daily, normal weight fluctuations). Go for a goal body fat% rather than a number on the scale.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    What Elizabeth and Brian are getting at is that your 3 lb overnight gain was just water retention due to higher than usual sodium intake. Your weight is going to go up and down as your hydration level changes. What you describe is perfectly normal, not a one week set-back.
  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    I've been there before. But what we have to remember is that our weight does fluctuate throughout the week. Do you weigh yourself daily? If you do remember that it'll go up and down. I love carbs! So whenever I have a day full of LOTS of carbs I tend to gain and its harder to lose it. Don't be discouraged it'll take a while to figure out what foods are good for your diet and which ones aren't.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:

    Exactly!! LOL there is no way the beans put on 3 lbs. You are probably experiencing water retention... My weight can go up or down by as much as 5-6 lbs. on any given day... I stay off the scales but once a week and I log the number and move on.. This isn't a race or a diet and once a make weight I am done.. This is the rest of your life so you treat it as such and keep pushing forward... Best of Luck
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.

    This. Its a little water retention. It will go away.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I ate something salty on Monday for dinner (vegetarian baked beans-1 portion) and woke up Tuesday gained 3 pounds. Worked out last night, cardio for 1 hour and stayed under my daily calorie goal but only dropped 1/2 pound. I'm so bummed, it's going to take me the rest of the week to get back to where I started. All because of some beans.... (I know, sounds kinda funny.)!!

    Uh... you can't gain 3lbs from something that only weighed 16oz. It's just not possible.

    Yes, salty food can result in water retention -- but that's not a weight gain that requires burning calories to reduce.
    In order to gain a pound, you must eat at least a pound (and with the fiber beans have, you'd have to eat more than 1lb of beans to gain a pound). Drink plenty of water, and don't make yourself crazy over it.

    Chances are you'll drink lots of water, have a good BM and at your next weigh in see a big loss.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    You want weight loss or fat loss?

    Fat loss? Then you are doing fine. Salty foods will cause water retention which will shed when the salt is done in your system.

    Weight loss? Start hacking off limbs, the pounds will LITERALLY shred right off.

    LOL. Too funny. I quit worrying about the salt because honestly it doesn't make that big of a difference unless you're trying to squeeze out a pound or two of water weight. You won't notice a difference in how you look with less salt unless you're trying to get that bottom part of your abs to show. For everyone else this is a non-issue and doesn't really do much to affect your total weight or fat loss success. If you're still trying to lose 10 pounds or more salt is not your problem.

    Your body actually needs salt to survive so don't eliminate it all together. You'll lose most of it anyway if you sweat a lot or drink a lot of water. It gets flushed out quite easily. The fat on the other hand doesn't go away so quickly. Focus more on that.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    My weight can go up or down by as much as 5-6 lbs. on any given day
    I normally drop 1-2 pounds from just 30 minutes of cardio but I don't count that as weight loss. It's just lost from sweating and breathing. A couple 32 oz. bottles of water fixes that problem.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.

  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:
    ^^^ this
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    3500 caories over your maintenance level would need to be consumed in order for you to gain one pound of fat....
    to gain three pounds, is a downright scary amount of beans to eat.. if that was the case and you truly ate that many beans in one sitting-- weight gain would be the least of your problems...
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.

    A little harsh but true. There's no way you gained that much. It's just water weight and it happens all the time. It made me go up 8lbs once overnight. I laughed my *kitten* off when I saw that. You cannot take the scale seriously on a day-to-day basis. Look for week/month averages.

    Also, working out causes your body to store water while it recovers. It is not necessarily that you've gained 1-3lbs of muscle, it's just that's where the water goes after you've worked out. Stay hydrated and you'll do fine, and please, don't stress over fluctuations so much. This has to be a life change to have any permanent impact, independent of what some little digital number says on a little scale.
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    baked beans have a lot of salt (which everyone has already said) but they also contain sugar (a lot of it). If you stick to low sugar normally than eating a ton of sugar will cause bloat as well.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    drink more water!

    i struggled with this a lot early on, and it's part of the reason why i don't really weigh myself everyday anymore. one meal out would cost me 3 or 4 pounds. i asked about it here, got the same responses you did, high salt foods ='s water weight. drink more to flush (almost literally) the salt out of your system.

    drink more water!

    good luck.