One wrong choice & I'm set back a week....



  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Something tells me the OP already knew it'd be water weight. Don't think she needs to be repetitively told...
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:

  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:
    You want weight loss or fat loss?

    Fat loss? Then you are doing fine. Salty foods will cause water retention which will shed when the salt is done in your system.

    Weight loss? Start hacking off limbs, the pounds will LITERALLY shred right off.
    <Yoda>Too focused on scale. Madness that way lies. Understand big picture you do not</yoda>

    This thread has some of the best answers ever.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Again, maybe I didn't read everything but people seem to forget that carbs also increase retention of water which is how athletes know the proper amount to carbo load and if they are doing it good the next day etc.

    1g of carb needs 3g water to get held in storage.... SO 250g carbs is 1kg of total weight added.

    Add salt to that mix and yes... a few bad choices can indeed make it seem like you gained A LOT!

    Not true of course, but still... Give it a few days, cut back the salt and carbs a bit the next few days, train hard to deplete muscle glycogen and use those carbs that are stored, and you'll have the best weight loss you have had so far.... lol..
  • jd7887
    jd7887 Posts: 59 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:
    You want weight loss or fat loss?

    Fat loss? Then you are doing fine. Salty foods will cause water retention which will shed when the salt is done in your system.

    Weight loss? Start hacking off limbs, the pounds will LITERALLY shred right off.
    <Yoda>Too focused on scale. Madness that way lies. Understand big picture you do not</yoda>

    This thread has some of the best answers ever.

    Yes. The snarky comments are so helpful to the OP, I am sure.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Yes. The snarky comments are so helpful to the OP, I am sure.

    Would you prefer;

    "Awww I'm soooooo sorry! It really sucks that you HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOUR BODY WORKS."
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Yes. The snarky comments are so helpful to the OP, I am sure.

    Would you prefer;

    "Awww I'm soooooo sorry! It really sucks that you HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOUR BODY WORKS."

  • broyletr
    broyletr Posts: 2 Member
    Best advice I can give is STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALE! I go by my clothes. Most of the time, I have no clue what I weigh. When you're working out, especially weight training you gain muscle, but lose inches. Who cares what you weigh, just go by how your clothes are fitting and how you look in the mirror...that's my motto! :)
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    You want weight loss or fat loss?

    Fat loss? Then you are doing fine. Salty foods will cause water retention which will shed when the salt is done in your system.

    Weight loss? Start hacking off limbs, the pounds will LITERALLY shred right off.

    I love the quotes from this person. The message is sarcastic, but not really to hurt, just good humor!

    You can't look at one day's actions and evaluate progress or lack therof. This is a process, a life long process. You need to make generally healthy food choices and work out regularly and make sure your caloric intake stays below your goal on most every day. If you do this, you will lose fat and you will lose weight where necessary. You'll also get into better shape and will look and feel much better.

    Good luck!:smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Oh yes, indeed, the best answer is to completely ignore the actual misunderstanding and instead bury your head in the sands of ignorance.

    Or maybe a better approach would be to read up on the many ways scale weight changes in a 24 hour period that have nothing to do with actual long-term body composition.

    I'm probably just biased, however, as I personally went with the latter option.

    (Dagnabbit, I went all jerk-mode again. What I'm trying to say is, while I understand where you're coming from with the advice to avoid the scale, an even better way of dealing with it would be for her to learn so that the daily number on the scale doesn't affect her based on her misunderstanding. That said, if she can't (or won't) get to this point, then certainly, hide the scale. It's better than being unnecessarily freaked out about it.

    And here's a smiley: :smile: )

    EDIT: to delete the quote, as my response is for everyone claiming ignoring the scale is the best answer to the problem.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    That's ridiculous. A portion of baked beans did not cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. If you can't handle normal fluctuations in your weight, such as water retention, please step away from the scale.
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:
    You want weight loss or fat loss?

    Fat loss? Then you are doing fine. Salty foods will cause water retention which will shed when the salt is done in your system.

    Weight loss? Start hacking off limbs, the pounds will LITERALLY shred right off.
    <Yoda>Too focused on scale. Madness that way lies. Understand big picture you do not</yoda>

    This thread has some of the best answers ever.

    yes, yes it does! :heart:
  • dapeloquin
    dapeloquin Posts: 10 Member
    I understand that it's water weight. Thanks for all your support.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yes. The snarky comments are so helpful to the OP, I am sure.

    Would you prefer;

    "Awww I'm soooooo sorry! It really sucks that you HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOUR BODY WORKS."

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Number one lesson on your weight loss journey. NEVER, weigh yourself on a daily basis--you will only set yourself up for failure. And as has been mentioned by several others--this is a journey not a race. Take one day at a time and don't sweat the small stuff.

    actually, I weigh myself daily. it helps me hugely. I get to understand from regular weighing how patterns of eating, weight lifting, etc etc contribute to weight fluctuation. As a consequence, when I have a 'bad weigh day' it really doesn't bother me that much.

    This is genuinely one of those areas where different things work for different people.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    So, the beans contained 10,500 calories? :huh:

    Exactly!! LOL there is no way the beans put on 3 lbs. You are probably experiencing water retention... My weight can go up or down by as much as 5-6 lbs. on any given day... I stay off the scales but once a week and I log the number and move on.. This isn't a race or a diet and once a make weight I am done.. This is the rest of your life so you treat it as such and keep pushing forward... Best of Luck

  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Good news is, it's not fat. Just water weight. Sometimes it comes off as quick as you put it on. Drink all your water and keep sodium down and do some cardio. You'll be good as new soon. Promise!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Sounds like it's time to put away the scale. This sort of obsession is not healthy for long term successes.

    Weigh once a week at most.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member

    I am anywhere between 3-5 pounds up from Friday to Monday morning because of my enjoyment of my weekends. Does that mean I actually GAINED 3-5 pounds of fat??? NO! Sodium and water retension go hand in hand.

    The sad part is you are part of the majority in this way of thinking (MFP notwithstanding). Everyone's weight fluctuates on a daily and even a weekly basis! A more accurate picture is every week to 2 weeks or even monthly to see what the true scope of your progress has been.

    SMFH :noway:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Sounds like it's time to put away the scale. This sort of obsession is not healthy for long term successes.

    Weigh once a week at most.
    ^^^ this this this

    you will make yourself insane jumping on the scale constantly, everyone's body weight fluctuates through out the day! one bad food choice DOES NOT cancel out a whole week of hard work. stick to the plan, stick to your calories and you will see results.