Team UK October:



  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    just realised i havnt logged my weight here for ages, im at
    147.8 woooooooooooooooooooooooo
    im hoping for 145 before i go home on the 6th nov which i realy think i can do :drinker:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    just realised i havnt logged my weight here for ages, im at
    147.8 woooooooooooooooooooooooo
    im hoping for 145 before i go home on the 6th nov which i realy think i can do :drinker:

    Katie you legend well done. you can defo do it.
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Back from Brighton. 4 nights of alcohol and food was great. Best chips i've had for a while lol. 3 pound gain so far I've tallied my alcohol calories to surplus 4000 for the weekend so there is one pound of fat lol. Back to 12st 2 but was worried it would be higher so i feel pretty good about it. anways i still have a week to get back to 12st but hopefully if all the waterweight truths are real it should be ok. Im stuck at work for two weeks of lates so no more drinking and lots more running!!

    Hope everyone else is doing ok. seems to have gone a little quiet this week. congrats also to Katie I would dissappear if i weighed 147.8 lol good luck for the 6th there is still plenty of time.

    I've started tracking my foods on the iphone now. Found a great little app for it much easier when im not at work. still waiting for a myfitnesspal app yet though lol.
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    heyy every1 its bn months since i checked in but iv bn sooo busy n stil managed to a few pounds n finally get into the 11stone area jus weighed myself ther n am 11st 11lbs :smile: and this is without ny actual exercise or healthy eating i think its jus down to me bein busy at college and work all the time that i burn off al the junk i eat n make xtra cals wen i aint eatin junk lol

    glad to see every1 else is doin rlli well nywy, so for the past few weeks iv bn sayin to myself ryt im strtin agen this week n goin to stop with the junk n i havent managed to do it cos its so much easier n nicer to do for me to fit it in or wen i jus crnt b arsed ha so im hopin to reach 11 1/2 stone for xmas which i crnt belev is only 7-8 weks away hah n ano thts nly a few lbs to shift but id b happy with that

    nywy il try to keep checkin bak in on a regular basis agen cyass :bigsmile:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Well done sean. Good on ya. It has been a while glad the weight's going well for ya. I'm also on for 11.6 for chrimbo. I'll get there one day lol.
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    as its end of the month thought i would share that i'm still 11stone 6. Everything good and I get its going to be a slower process now but one I will keep focusing on. Inspired by Simplicity thought i'd shar a topless photo too. lol i'll hide it in my galery though so you all dont get put off you tea. lol

    Hope everyones ok this month. Happy trick or treating catch you in a few days off to brighton for the weekend.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Looking good James. I weighed in at 11st 12 yesterday and today so I can say I made my goals I think. 11st 10 for next month I think. New goals start tommorrow. Christmas will be hard though. Everyone buys me jack daniels although last year I was too I'll to drink. Happy Halloween for those who enjoy it. Have a good night out. I'll be sitting at work till midnight. :angry: