What does everyone do for a living?



  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I am a juvenile corrections specialist.
    I'm impressed! That's hard work.
  • SexyMidnight
    SexyMidnight Posts: 72 Member
    Im a stay at home mom but i have to at home work jobs! i love them bc i make a great income while i get to stay home and be a mom and wife!
  • Pannna
    Pannna Posts: 42 Member
    Housekeeping at a very large hotel..I walk between 10 and 15 miles a day !
  • fitwithchelle
    Full time Beachbody Coach as well as a part time job at a school for extra cash to throw around. Also a mother of 2. (I realize that's not really a job, but it keeps me moving!. lol)
  • Miss_Mae3
    Miss_Mae3 Posts: 27 Member
    Propane office assistant...I sell propane and propane accessories lol! Very inactive :(
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    Just wondering as some of us have jobs that are more active than others and I wonder if you bother to factor that into your calories burned? I have not tried to. BUT I DO work with 7 children all day between the ages of 18 months and 6 years. This new kid who started this week(18months) is making me earn my money for sure! This is the first time I have sat down since 7:30 this morning and only because it's naptime! I have chased him and chased him and removed him from climbing. I have been up and down the stairs at least a dozen times. I am literally ready to cry. Yeah I just turned this into me whining. At any rate do any of you figure in all that? I tried a pedometer once but it didn't seem accurate to me.

    I believe I am in the same line of work as you. I keep 6 ranging from 15mo to 4.5 years old. I originally thought I was sedentary. That quickly changed when I started wearing my pedometer. I walk 6000 to nearly 8000 during my working hours. Add in my eveningwalks and it jumps up to 13000 to 14000. It is useless to sit down most days. You did not mention lifting and carrying the children ihave three that are 35 lbs each.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I'm a photographer for Gannett publications (newspaper, mags, Internet publication, print materials) shooting primarily family oriented events and locations like festivals, museums, holiday events. etc.

    I am also a professional nanny and run a home care/elder advocacy care business.

    Sound busier than I am as I make my own hrs for the most part and love everything I do :)
  • Mokanit
    Mokanit Posts: 1
    with all that running around, you're doing great on losing the weight. So yeah, I'd say that should be a factor :)
  • jasminecandle
    I'm a student, hoping to be a pediatrician someday :)
  • timman97
    timman97 Posts: 1
    I started my Fitness Pal in April of 2012 shortly after turning 60. I am a security officer in a hospital doing a roving patrol, I spend at least six hours a night walking. I do not figure it into my exercise log, figuring that it will help offset any errors or miscalculations in my calorie counting.I started at 262 pounds and am currently at 237 pounds.
  • akiss4u2tam
    I am a special ed teacher... I work with children with autism.... I know I burn massive amounts of calories... and I think my hearing is going from the loud sounds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... I'm working summer school.... :-/ It's been helpful because I think I would have lounged around the house eating allllllllllllll day!
  • wvLadyRed
    wvLadyRed Posts: 1
    I am a 9-1-1 Dispatcher in WV so I sit all day. I am now planning on walking no less than three times a week. I am just getting started with the plan so I hope to have some good results to post soon. <3 HUGS :happy:
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I am a "web content specialist" which is a fancy name for someone who works on websites and answers questions for people who need help with their pages. I also do graphic design. So...I have a sedentary job, but I hardly stay at my desk for an hour. Most of the time I get up at least once an hour, if not more. I also take walks around campus (work at a university) when I am getting restless or feeling tired. I despise sitting here for 8 hrs a day, but it pays the bills and this is the field I chose to work in.
  • Aehisme
    Aehisme Posts: 60 Member
    I work for the London Fire Service. Have done for nearly 30yrs,,,, wow where did them years go!!
  • Effinlegend
    I am an accountant - extremely sedentary work environment. I have been jogging a few months now - really looking forward to expanding my exercise regimen.
  • sugarbaby54
    @ fitwithchelle, being a mother is definitely a full-time job and the pay is priceless!
  • imissme37
    imissme37 Posts: 5
    I'm an Administrative Assistant so the majority of my day is spent at my desk. I have to watch what I eat and make sure I take time to workout at least every other day. :smile:
  • BChamp1226
    BChamp1226 Posts: 26
    I'm a Cubical Dweller. No-exercize-whatsoever...
  • rbrashear68
    Network Admin/IT for a company I've been with for over 13 yrs. Love it here! Sometimes hectic, but most of the times it's not and pretty laxed. Very little stress and great benefits!
  • BigCopper
    BigCopper Posts: 1
    I'm a Police Officer, hence the name BigCopper since I'm also 6'10" and 270 lbs .