Back fatttttt. eeek.



  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    For the first time today, I looked in the mirror and saw I had only one role of back fat instead of three. The roll also can't be seen from the front- another front. I'm a few weeks into Jilluan Michaels Body Revolution so have been doing back exercises but it's mainly as I've lost 9 pounds.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    For the first time today, I looked in the mirror and saw I had only one role of back fat instead of three. The roll also can't be seen from the front- another front. I'm a few weeks into Jilluan Michaels Body Revolution so have been doing back exercises but it's mainly as I've lost 9 pounds.

    Awesome NSV!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Exercise does little to promote fat loss. Being in a deficit will. Carb control is important to control insulin. (the fat storage hormone)

    Fat loss is diet.

    Exercise and specifically strength training causes postive hormonal responses that aid in fat loss and help to maintain deficit. Also, insulin is a critical hormone for regulating blood sugar. It's is not for storing fat. How would you account for the fact that protein also spikes insulin. Some attached reading for your enjoyment.

    FTR, I am an advocate of being judicious with carbs for craving control and blood sugar stability.

    I did not say anything about protein. Are you assuming I advocate a high protein diet? I don't.

    I eat a 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carb diet. Packing in additional carbs only forces the issue with insulin. A high protein does does stimulate an insulin response.

    Insulin does take that excess glucose that can not be received by organs and muscle and stores it as fat. This is how it keeps the glucose from reaching toxic levels.

    We need between 0.1 to 0.3 grams of protein per lean pound of body fat to maintain muscle.

    The article you listed is for a high protein diet. It's relevant based on your assumptions, but not relevant based on the advice I gave.

    I also fast daily to keep my insulin at minimal levels to lose fat.

    Insulin does store excess glucose when there is surplus. When in overall deficit, the cycle of eating and fasting (as in sleeping for 8 hours) burns more off than it stores no matter what the macronutrient mix is and that includes carbs.

    Also, your protein recommedations resemble nothing that I've ever seen before. .8 grams per kg of body weight if not exercising. 1 gram to 1.6 grams per kg of lean body weight if strength training is a recognized standard. With all due respect, your statement that exercise does little to promote fat loss is ingnorant of the facts. Exercise, in particular strength training and HIIT increase EPOC which gives passive metabolic benefit specifically for fat oxidation.

    It appears that your understanding and expertise is lacking some fundamental basics.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Didn't OP say she wanted to strengthen those muscles? Why did it immediately turn into a "you can't spot reduce fat" discussion?

    Or am *I* the one being dense and everyone else figured out what she *meant* to say was that she wanted to lose fat in that area?

    Because my answer for strengthening the back muscles (and pretty much all of the other muscles) would be deadlifts, rows, and squats (in conjunction with OHP and bench).

    the thread title is "Back fatttttt. eeek."

    Good point. I overlooked that.

    (I'm going to blame that on the number of t's used...and the distracting "eeek" at the end.)
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    You can't spot treat. Simply eat right, do cardio, strength train, and your body will start to lose the weight where it wants. :flowerforyou:


    more recent....
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You can't spot treat. Simply eat right, do cardio, strength train, and your body will start to lose the weight where it wants. :flowerforyou:


    more recent....

    Sweet results girl! You are looking fiiiinne! Nice job.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Exercise does little to promote fat loss. Being in a deficit will. Carb control is important to control insulin. (the fat storage hormone)

    Fat loss is diet.

    Exercise and specifically strength training causes postive hormonal responses that aid in fat loss and help to maintain deficit. Also, insulin is a critical hormone for regulating blood sugar. It's is not for storing fat. How would you account for the fact that protein also spikes insulin. Some attached reading for your enjoyment.

    FTR, I am an advocate of being judicious with carbs for craving control and blood sugar stability.

    I did not say anything about protein. Are you assuming I advocate a high protein diet? I don't.

    I eat a 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carb diet. Packing in additional carbs only forces the issue with insulin. A high protein does does stimulate an insulin response.

    Insulin does take that excess glucose that can not be received by organs and muscle and stores it as fat. This is how it keeps the glucose from reaching toxic levels.

    We need between 0.1 to 0.3 grams of protein per lean pound of body fat to maintain muscle.

    The article you listed is for a high protein diet. It's relevant based on your assumptions, but not relevant based on the advice I gave.

    I also fast daily to keep my insulin at minimal levels to lose fat.

    Insulin does store excess glucose when there is surplus. When in overall deficit, the cycle of eating and fasting (as in sleeping for 8 hours) burns more off than it stores no matter what the macronutrient mix is and that includes carbs.

    Also, your protein recommedations resemble nothing that I've ever seen before. .8 grams per kg of body weight if not exercising. 1 gram to 1.6 grams per kg of lean body weight if strength training is a recognized standard. With all due respect, your statement that exercise does little to promote fat loss is ingnorant of the facts. Exercise, in particular strength training and HIIT increase EPOC which gives passive metabolic benefit specifically for fat oxidation.

    It appears that your understanding and expertise is lacking some fundamental basics.

    Your first point does nothing to negate what I had said. Why continuously spike insulin when its not necessary? Keeping insulin at a low promotes fat loss and, helps leptin and ghrelin sensitivity and receptors. (the "feel full hormone", and the "hunger hormone"). This allows control over appetite and cravings. Fasting promotes a very large spike in natural HGH that prevents lean mass loss, however for a limited amount of time. This is why the Intermittent part of IF is important.

    Secondly, I said .1 to .3 grams per pound (american aka imperial pound) of lean body mass. Your comparison is not the same. You used a different form of measurement based on different/mixed criteria to compare? Keep a constant, go with either lean body mass (mostly accurate) or total body mas (much less accurate). If we do the math, it comes out to 0.45 0.72grams per pound. 2.5 times more protein that I suggested (based on your lean body mass suggestion). If you have literature that proves this, I'll be happy to read it. Otherwise, these last 3 months, I've become stronger, slightly larger, and I sure don't look wasted away. I'm going for maximum fat loss while maintaining LBM. So 0.1 to 0.3 is doing it for me.

    The most efficient way to create a deficit is to simply not eat (fast). Most people burn around 500-700 calories in exercise every other day. People can exercise more, but its not necessary. Fasting can deliver a deficit of over 5000 calories for me over two days. So yes, exercise, it does little in comparison. Over-training also causes a cortisol spike. This has many down sides.

    EPOC also known as afterburn, is minimal. If I do cardio for an hour, after-burn may burn an additional 80 calories. If I can do 700 calories burned (on the high end of an estimation on a treadmill), I may burn 780 calories total from the exercise. Still very insignificant compared to a 48hour fast. Sure, both can be performed, but it's not necessary. The fast alone would create a deficit 6.2 times larger than the exercise, or another way to look at is that exercise would only be about 13% of the total deficit (rounded up to 800 calories). Insignificant.

    If you have better information, I'm open to it. I'm not stuck in my ways or beliefs. Just don't expect me to believe something that is parroted over and over. It doesn't make it true.
    (the source I found for EPOC that wasn't some bro-science article, if you have one better, I will be happy to look)

    As for your last statement. Well, that's opinion and not exactly friendly. I'll chose to ignore it because I would rather have a learning experience than trade comments like that.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    okay, clobercow, read this and the links and you can message me or respond to discuss. I'm always open to new theories. :)
    Those spikes in HGH might not happen like you think they do.
  • WandRsmom
    WandRsmom Posts: 253 Member
    You can't spot treat. Simply eat right, do cardio, strength train, and your body will start to lose the weight where it wants. :flowerforyou:


    more recent....

    THAT is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
  • fatpanda96
    fatpanda96 Posts: 77
    Strength train and eat right.

  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Strength train and eat right.


    Agreed. All the arguing and semantics in the world won't change the fact that exercise plus a healthy diet, at a deficit, will help one lose weight.
  • lovezies
    lovezies Posts: 28 Member
    So I agree with all that say healthy eating, cardio & strength. You may think you just want to lose back fat but you will notice all over toning up. and who doesn't want to look good all over? Lol
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    As others have already said it is not possible to target fat loss in one area over others. Simply eating in a deficit will reduce "weight". What that weight loss comes from will depend on how big a deficit you have and how you exercise but it will be a combination of fat AND muscle. What weightlifting/resistance training on a deficit will do is help you keep the muscle you have while losing the fat. Muscle is really expensive (calorie wise) to upkeep. Too large a deficit or not enough resistance training can lead your body to get rid of more muscle instead of the body fat. But because muscle is so expensive to maintain also makes it really valuable to try and keep. Meaning that muscle burns more calories just by having it on you.

    Simpy eating at a calorie deficit without exercise to lose weight is terrible advice. Lots of people lose weight and then wonder why they dont look the way they wanted once the reach their goal. Most of the time it because their deficit was too large or they were not stimulating the muscle and the body didnt feel it was a necessary to keep them. Resistance training is vital for maintaining muscle while cutting weight AND burns calories while training and for a long while afterwards which is an added bonus. The amount of muscle you have does have an impact on metabolism. Muscle burns calories all day everyday just having it on you. Not to mention the many other benefits if weight training like strengthening bones and joints.

    There are so many back exercises and they are all good. I like to break them down into three different movements and mix them up on different days.

    Pulling downwards (lat pull downs, chin up, pull ups and so on)
    Pulling straight back (cable rows, bent over rows, dumbbell rows and so on)
    Pulling upwards (low cable rows, dead lifts, shrugs and so on)

    Then there are wide grip/narrow grip variations of most of those.

    Even using the rowing machine for your cardio is an awesome full body workout and will kick your butt.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I know that I need cardio - got that - but what are some good exercises to strengthen the muscles in your back? Seems that one of my problem areas (probably like most women) is the area right under where the bra is.....

    any help is appreciated! thanks!

    what you need is things like back extensions, lat pull downs, etc. Basically any of the machines that show they do your back muscles. I haven't had ANY PT sessions in 6 months of working out, yet I have lost a TON of back fat in the last few months. Check out my profile--the pictures of me in a black/white shirt are only about 6 months apart ( and less than 20lbs)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    In the meantime, check out the UNBELIEVABRA. It works wonders under your clothes!

    Crikey. $75 and I'm guessing plus shipping? Sadly, I'm intrigued.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    In the meantime, check out the UNBELIEVABRA. It works wonders under your clothes!

    Crikey. $75 and I'm guessing plus shipping? Sadly, I'm intrigued.

    If I ever spend that much for a bra, or any other garment for that matter, it will be because I'm small enough (some day, sigh) to venture into Victoria's Secret and buy something. Even then it will be on sale, and most likely I will still think it high priced but may bite the bullet and get it anyway.
  • cmb0267
    cmb0267 Posts: 7
    I love assisted pull-ups and bent-over rows...and the conrarption you do kind of like upside down sit-ups on(sorry, dont know the name) but its great for the lower back...

    The contraption is called a Roman chair. I think it's a fun apparatus.
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Honestly, it really is just general fat loss. No matter how much muscle you build in your back, you won't be able to see it with fat in the way. Just keep doing what you're doing... The annoying part of weight loss is that you don't get to choose where you see improvements. But if you keep moving, you should get to a place where you're happier with the gestalt.

    I appreciate everyone's input....but this caught my eye in particular. thank you!
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    As others have already said it is not possible to target fat loss in one area over others. Simply eating in a deficit will reduce "weight". What that weight loss comes from will depend on how big a deficit you have and how you exercise but it will be a combination of fat AND muscle. What weightlifting/resistance training on a deficit will do is help you keep the muscle you have while losing the fat. Muscle is really expensive (calorie wise) to upkeep. Too large a deficit or not enough resistance training can lead your body to get rid of more muscle instead of the body fat. But because muscle is so expensive to maintain also makes it really valuable to try and keep. Meaning that muscle burns more calories just by having it on you.

    Simpy eating at a calorie deficit without exercise to lose weight is terrible advice. Lots of people lose weight and then wonder why they dont look the way they wanted once the reach their goal. Most of the time it because their deficit was too large or they were not stimulating the muscle and the body didnt feel it was a necessary to keep them. Resistance training is vital for maintaining muscle while cutting weight AND burns calories while training and for a long while afterwards which is an added bonus. The amount of muscle you have does have an impact on metabolism. Muscle burns calories all day everyday just having it on you. Not to mention the many other benefits if weight training like strengthening bones and joints.

    There are so many back exercises and they are all good. I like to break them down into three different movements and mix them up on different days.

    Pulling downwards (lat pull downs, chin up, pull ups and so on)
    Pulling straight back (cable rows, bent over rows, dumbbell rows and so on)
    Pulling upwards (low cable rows, dead lifts, shrugs and so on)

    Then there are wide grip/narrow grip variations of most of those.

    Even using the rowing machine for your cardio is an awesome full body workout and will kick your butt.

    THANK YOU!!!!! I know that I need CARDIO AND STRENGTH TRAINING - I can tell a difference. I have known people who only diet and don't worry about exercise and I don't think their body is as attractive as those who do BOTH. I think consistency in both of these will provide results.
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Chalean Johnsons "Chalean Extreme" and "Turbofire" really got my back fat BLASTED.. I know it's not COMPLETELY gone but you look small so I'm sure yours isn't as massive as mine once was lol.. But here's a look at what happened with those programs. I'm sure it's changed more in the last month but I don't have a picture of it yet.


    AWESOME results!!! So far, the top portion of my back/shoulders is looking better...but that SPOT under my bra is so annoying. Time will tell. Thanks for sharing!