unhealthy eating in america



  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Oh and hard liquor ads are still on TV. Captain Morgan has a lot of them. My love of the Captain did not come from his commercials though
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    Because bad food "Contributes to" unhealthy eating and overweight

    Cigarettes "Cause" cancer.

    I remember the stories of Usain Bolt living on McNuggets in Beijing, he is one healthy guy living on an unhealthy diet, but I'm sure he counts his calories in and out :bigsmile:
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member

    I am not crazy about a Big Brother society either... being forced to wear my seat belt and having to keep my children backwards in the back seat pissed me off. But i have to because of the law, and the law says it's safer.
    The law says that it is more safe because it is. There are many crash tests and statistics to prove this. Yes, take my word for it because I don't feel like looking for and posting sources. ;)
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    How about we all take care of ourselves and the government just gets out of the way? You wanna smoke? Smoke. You wanna drink alcohol? Drink alcohol. You wanna eat fast food everyday? Eat fast food everyday. You make a decision and live the consequences. I, for one, do not need my hand held by Big Brother.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Here in the UK there is a ban on 'junk food' for kids channels, McDonalds gets round it by advertising their fruit, water and carrot options and the cheese industry are up in arms because it is considered a junk food due to salt content!!

    I would much rather my kids had cheese over a happy meal, although I try and teach them everything in moderation or you will end up like mummy :(
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    How about we all take care of ourselves and the government just gets out of the way? You wanna smoke? Smoke. You wanna drink alcohol? Drink alcohol. You wanna eat fast food everyday? Eat fast food everyday. You make a decision and live the consequences. I, for one, do not need my hand held by Big Brother.

    Great I don't want to smoke, which is why I'm glad the government prevents the smokers from doing it everywhere I have to go, like the office, the entrance and exit to the building etc..

    Considerate smokers can do what they like, it is a shame the they have to pass a law for the inconsiderate ones
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I don't blame the marketing either. It's not a matter of being influenced by commercials. Just because they have a commercial doesn't mean I have to eat it. I see ads for that stuff all the time, and very rarely, if ever, do I go out and eat it or buy the product. And as far as it being marketed towards kids, I don't agree with that, but then again, kids don't have money and they don't go purchase their own food. Its the parents job. I know a lot of parents can't or don't choose to do that, but that is not at the fault of these companies. They make it because it's bought. If it wasn't, they wouldn't make it. Simple as that.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    You can't legislate behavior.
    Even with current safety laws, people don't wear seatbelts, drink and drive, text while driving, etc...
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I brought this up because of the amount of people blaming McDonald's and the like for their weight problem. And although i am sure they will never ban commercials for unhealthy foods, i am sure the tobacco companies thought the same thing.. they would never be banned from commercial tv.

    Instead of blaming McD's they should only blame themselves for lack of willpower. McD's never made them eat their food, they chose to eat it. People just want to blame others for something they caused.

    Agreed. People will either choose to eat healthier or they won't. A commercial on TV really doesn't make that big of a difference in my opinion. Marketing is about getting the name out there, but human beings still have control on if they actually partake or not. It is not the fault of McDonalds that people are getting fat... it's the fault of the people for eating too many calories.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I brought this up because of the amount of people blaming McDonald's and the like for their weight problem. And although i am sure they will never ban commercials for unhealthy foods, i am sure the tobacco companies thought the same thing.. they would never be banned from commercial tv.

    While I agree to some extent that there are times when the government has to protect people from themselves I don't see limiting what can be advertised on tv for food as either smart or effective. Educate people to the harm that food does to their body. Educate people to remember that they are personally responsible for their own actions when it comes to eating! That is as close to effective as you will ever get. The simple fact is you can get just as fat and unhealthy eating nothing but salad and tofu as McDonalds IF you eat way to much of it and sit on your butt all day long. Do we ban advertisement for all foods and beverages then?

    How well did the advertisement restriction on liquor and tobacco work?

    *steps off soap box and walks away*
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    So.. i got to thinking... I am old enough to remember when they were allowed to show cigarette and hard liquor commercials on TV. They banned the TV commercials, but allowed them to keep with print ads, but the main reason being because of the health issue. If the government is so concerned with the obesity crisis in America, how about they ban TV commercials for any food product that gets more than 30% of it's calories from fat?? And for that matter, how about we ban the unhealthy commercials all together? "Good Mood Food", "4th Meal" and the Dove chocolate commercials that show a stressed out mom treating herself to chocolate?

    I totally get and agree with what you're saying but it will take a longggg time for that to happen I believe. No McDonald's commercials?? I wish...but I don't think so. Not for a while lol. I saw a McDonald's commercial last night advertising Buy one quarter pounder get one for 1 cent. My heart sank for the millions of probably already obese people who are going to buy and eat two because one is a penny, not thinking about how bad it can be.

    But, I don't think liquor commercials in America are banned. I see the ones for the Smirnoff Vodka a lot. Especially the kinda new Mashmellow and Whipped Cream ones!
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    Behold the power of Government intervention.

    In the 70's the government (both in Canada and the US) started getting into pushing food recommendations. In Canada it was (and still is) the Canada food guide. In the time since they started getting involved with telling people how they should eat (high carbs, low protein, low fat anyone?) obesity levels have increased substantially.

  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    How about we all take care of ourselves and the government just gets out of the way? You wanna smoke? Smoke. You wanna drink alcohol? Drink alcohol. You wanna eat fast food everyday? Eat fast food everyday. You make a decision and live the consequences. I, for one, do not need my hand held by Big Brother.

    Completely agree!!

    I think I am going to eat a bunch of fast food and chocolate and have a cigarette and drink until I pass out!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    There are beer ads, yes, but whiskey and the like?? only in print.

    I realize it would never happen, my point being that if the government is as concerned with obesity as it was with alcoholism and smoking, it would take a stand. All the people who advertise now would still advertise, but have to highlight healthier choices and keep the super fattening choices to the print ads.

    No I see vodka commericals on TV all the time. As well as other liquors... this part you're mistaken about. But I get your point. It's kind of life New York banning certain sizes of sugary drinks. People are raising hell about that... they don't think it's constitutional.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    who decides what food is healthy? a vegan may want all meat ads banned because they feel thats unhealthy. someone else may want high carb foods banned. etc...

    and liquor commercials may have been banned for a while but they are certainly all over the place now.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member