

  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member

    maybe not, but hey, you all post about sex and stuff... this is important to her and I think as people it is important to help and support others. if you don't like the topic of the forum, move on.

    I agree that you should comply with the system and get them on your side. fighting the system will only hurt you and your situation. always be up front and open and they will do the best they can. right now they probably need to get it cleaned up. you may want to just not depend on getting anything from him. he sounds like a real jerk. I hope things get better for you and your daughter.

    Oh, and daughters are like that... sons too... it's even worse when the mom and dad are not together. I have 2 sisters who are divorced and the children for the most part are okay, but they definitely have their moments.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Okay first off. That was really hard to read. But I empathize with your situation so I muscled through it.

    I applaud you for trying to stay off welfare, however, you really need to continue to pursue him for child support. He has a legal responsibility to his daughter, and if you don't hold him accountable for that, then he never will be.

    As far as your daughter being unappreciative, I can relate. Mine is 13 and when she is mad at me I hear "I wanna go live with daddy!" To which I reply, "Great, he can pay your phone bill!" Which he won't so that usually brings an end to that.

    It's hard as a single mom. But you continue to be strong and love her as much as you can. Remember that the child support is for her, and giving up because the system is difficult to deal with is really just letting her down.

    All my best! :flowerforyou: Please try to use some punctuation in the future! I haven't read the thread, but I'm sure you've been trolled quite a bit for the lack of it.

    I agree with this ^^^^ Also, I was once told in one of my 'not so finer moments' that if my child ever screamed 'I hate you' at me, before I scold I should sit back and relish the fact that I am properly doing my job as a parent..Luther discipline for speaking to me like that! Let it all out sister...land to after him for the support he needs to pay. The system is there to help you. It's a lot of paperwork and phone calls but so worth it in the end! Good luck!
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    Really? Ya'll have to jump on her? That's sad.

    I took the time to read it and I'm sorry hun. The system sucks and some dads are dilholes. You might never get a dime from him just keep doing what's best for your daughter. Good luck.

    I agree with the "jump on her" statement.....WOW...there are some rude and INSENSITIVE people out there.

    Sorry to hear about your struggles...being a single mom SUCKS...have been there....will throw up a prayer for you. Let go of the "dad" issue...obviously he was just a "sperm" donor! ...and remember the "teenage" days will pass....and she wil come back to you:) Hang in there!:flowerforyou:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    This is your 5th post, huh?
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'm so sorry! I hope you'll be at peace with all this someday. The world can be a sucky place, but hey, at least you got a precious daughter of your own :)
  • bbaker172
    bbaker172 Posts: 93
    Really? Ya'll have to jump on her? That's sad.

    I took the time to read it and I'm sorry hun. The system sucks and some dads are dilholes. You might never get a dime from him just keep doing what's best for your daughter. Good luck.

    I was thinking the same thing as I was reading all of the comments. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all is what my mom taught me.....

    Just remember that you are doing the best you can for your daughter. Will they be unappreciative? Yes, she's a teenager and thinks that she knows best. One day she will realize all that you have sacrificed for her, and what her father didn't do for her so don't worry.

    Just remember Karma is a bigger Bit*h that you can be and he will get his.....