How do you find the energy??



  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    It is hard to find the energy, you are not alone! I work in an Operating Room, on my feet constantly and on the move! I have three kids 20, 16 and 2 1/2 and it is easy to say I'm to tired. For me I had to change my mind set. I set small goals and when I reach them I reward myself. I give myself 15 minutes in the morning before work to do general aerobics, that burns at least 91 calories, than after work I have 1/2 hour of what I call me time to exercise. Actually, thats helps me through my frustrations of the day. If I get down, I tell myself to get back up and tomorrow is another day and I look at the big picture!

    More power to you haha im a wimp then all I do is work and that is it. No kids and no bf.
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    I tell myself I can phone in it if I need to, but I should at least try. 99% of the time, I don't actually slack. But knowing that I can if I want is enough to make it okay. Apparently I don't like being bossed around, even by myself. lol
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    I got surgey yesterday in my mouth and now the ONLY thing I can eat is pudding and applesauce....will this AFFECT my running performance?
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ When you make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle ... you find the time. As I eat foods that keep me energized throughout the day, I also choose to workout over watching tv. If you are a morning person it becomes part of your daily routine.

    If you look at working out as something you have to force yourself to do ... your doing the wrong workouts ! If you find something you enjoy and love doing ... it becomes as natural as finding the time to eat a meal throughout the day.

    We sometimes emphasize to often on " types " of workouts ~ vs ~ the passion we have for working out ! If you love to walk, after dinner every night ... go for a walk. If strength training is your gig .... fit the 30 to 60 min into your regimen of preparing for the day.

    We tend to overlook there are 24 hours in a day ... perhaps if we analyzed what we do in those 24 hours we would find there is definitely time that could be resourced in different ways ... it just boils down to choices ... we all make them.

  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Something motivating:

    I will have 0 motivation to go to a gym, or jogging. I have to do a sport.
    Not so much now, it's too hot outside, but I do skiing, snowshoeing, bike, hiking,.... but not much during the week... too busy, working, house etc... but I usually have a 30 minutes walking the dog (again, I have a Berner, a big no-no to walk at this hot temperature!)
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I've lost almost 15 pounds, and that alone has given me the energy to get those workouts in. Plus, it's a mental thing with me. I say to myself that if i don't focus on being healthy, and lose this weight, that i'll never do it, and that i'll be miserable. That's what i DON'T want! I'm on a "mission" sorta speak, to rid myself of this extra flab that i've had for a few years now., and so good!
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    I got surgey yesterday in my mouth and now the ONLY thing I can eat is pudding and applesauce....will this AFFECT my running performance?

    Probably, but don't let it get you down. Either do something else for a few days or accept that your runs aren't going to be as good for a bit. Also, try smoothies. There's a lot more nutrition in a smoothie than apple sauce. Avoid strawberries or other fruits with small hard to break up seeds, use mangos, pineapples, blueberries, or bananas and some protein powder. Seeds could wind up in you wound and that would suck You can also put spinach or other veggies in. They don't add a lot of calories or change the flavor much, but they add vitamins.
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    I got surgey yesterday in my mouth and now the ONLY thing I can eat is pudding and applesauce....will this AFFECT my running performance?

    Probably, but don't let it get you down. Either do something else for a few days or accept that your runs aren't going to be as good for a bit. Also, try smoothies. There's a lot more nutrition in a smoothie than apple sauce. Avoid strawberries or other fruits with small hard to break up seeds, use mangos, pineapples, blueberries, or bananas and some protein powder. Seeds could wind up in you wound and that would suck You can also put spinach or other veggies in. They don't add a lot of calories or change the flavor much, but they add vitamins.

    Thanks so much for the helpful advice!!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I work out after work, and I think of it as an appointment (or date, as I like to call it) that I can't miss. Someone on here (I wish I could remember who) once said "You will never regret going to the gym, but you'll always regret NOT going" and I totally live by that. There are days I just don', but I repeat that quote, and I go, and ya know what? I never regret it! As far as energy goes, I have MORE energy after a good workout, so I always remember that too when I don't think I have the energy to go.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I look at myself naked in the mirror. It motivates me plenty :laugh:

    Meeeeee too! Seeing yourself nekkid is a great motivator! I work out first thing in the morning or it doesn't get done.
  • RWIlliams8505

    I agree. I have to workout in the mornings too. I get up at 7am and workout for an hour. After I exercise, I feel good. I shower and start my day. If I don't workout I feel super guilty ALL day. Seriously. I feel total guilt like I let myself down if I had not worked out.
  • TaintedGenius
    Find the energy for workouts? Simple: By getting exercise off the priority list.

    What I mean is this: people who drink coffee don't put coffee on the priority list do they?

    That's a pretty good way to see the gym, or not see it. Thanx
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I eat well and try to get enough sleep.

    On motivation, do I LIKE getting out of bed early, no, but I do know I'll enjoy my lifting once I get to the gym. I remind myself that Im not going to achieve my goals with an extra 45 minutes in bed. I also usually spend a couple of minutes when I wake up perusing facebook. A friend has a fitspo page, and her picture posts are usually around the time I get up or the gym. Spurs me on to get up and go do it every time :)