Day 5 of 30 Day Shred - anyone else at the same point?



  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    I am on L1D8 and for the first 6 days my calves KILLED me!! I thought I had some muscle conditioning before starting 30DS, as I had been going to a personal trainer 5 days a week for 4 weeks prior to starting JM. But no they still hurt. I also don't like the arm raises with side lunge. But all in all I am determined to do this 30 days straight with out stopping......
    arm raises with side lunge = killer!
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    Oh yeah-i'm feeling it! Its the morning after Day 1 & I am moving a little bit gingerly. But it feels good knowing I actually did it.
    Here's to Day 2!
    Yay, nice one!
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    I'm on D5L1 and am aching less and feeling like I'm getting a bit better at it, going lower into the lunges and so on. Still really hopeless at press-ups, though.

    Jennie - I don't have any weights either, but tinned tomatoes are doing the trick so far. I don't know how heavy the weights are meant to be but I'm definitely feeling it.
    I think the weights will vary a lot from person to person depending on what you're used to. Just make sure they're providing some resistance and not mega easy. Press ups are hard work, but I do love body-weight exercises!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    CALF MUSCLES!!! Oh man they have been cramping up like crazy. Level 1 Day 3 was on Friday, then I took a day off yesterday. I was with family then friends all day and thought that having somewhat of a social life for a day was a good excuse to take a day off. This morning I felt ready to go again. Just got back from a 3 mile run and will be doing Day 4 shortly. If you think it will recharge you to take a day off, go for it. If you think it might make you fall off track, don't! :)
  • nbrown1989
    nbrown1989 Posts: 44 Member
    I am going to try this maybe when I get to level 2. I am on day 4 which I did already
  • MrsKillough
    MrsKillough Posts: 30 Member
    How's everyone doing? I'm starting Level 2 tomorrow. Wish me luck!