Chocolate cravings attack EVERY night, without fail... tips?



    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    Low cal hot chocolate is great :) In England there's a drink called "options" - its low cal, I don't if you get it in America though but if not options there should be something similar - each mug is like between 38 - 44 cals depending on the flavor. They really do cure my chocolate urges :)

    Beth x

    This is what I was going to say - Options hot chocolate works as well for my chocolate cravings as a strip off a huge dairy milk bar, or possibly better actually as I can never be bothered to go downstairs, boil the kettle and make some more after the first one!
  • the3rdwife
    the3rdwife Posts: 43 Member
    I crave chocolate so I work some into my daily plan. with dark chocolate you get more for your cals & need less. Make an occasion of it so your mind knows you are oding it. break some chocolate peices onto a plate & put the rest of the bar away. Sit down somewhere & focus on eating it. you will eat less & satisfy your craving..
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Flavoured black tea like caramel flavoured, vanilla flavoured, chocolate flavoured, etc. There's also herbals teas that are flavourful. Try David's Tea and Teavana for many flavoured teas that may help with the cravings.
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Really dark chocolate? I can nibble about 50g over the course of a day if I'm really in a chocolate mood, but generally I find that 10-30g is enough to satisfy cravings. Plus, you know, dark chocolate is the new red wine. You get to feel smug and superior while nomming!

    All i can say is...............GO THE BUNNIES!!!!

    Oh sorry to the OP. Distracted by someones avatar.

    I was a chocoholic. Mum worked at a chocolate factory so growing up chocolate was always in plentiful supply. About year ago I totally abstained from eating chocolate. Cold turkey. Infact I gave sugar the flick. The reason you cant stop is the sugar cravings. It takes a couple of weeks or more in some cases but if you go cold turkey your body will adjust. I now only eat chocolate rarely and having a small piece is more than enough.
  • paprikas
    paprikas Posts: 118 Member
    I have this every day, it feels like something special and is only 100 calories. Put a cup of skim milk in the microwave for 2 minutes. Then add a couple of sweeteners ( I use natvia as it seems healthier). Then stir in 2 teaspoonsful of cocoa powder, buy something strong and indulgent as it will last for ages. Stir well, find a peaceful spot and... Luxury!
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    Just budget for a small amount in your daily calories - This is about a lifestyle change not about quick fix and back out into the world again. I have the odd beer or wine, I also slip a snickers in when calories are availabe. If they are not available a 20 minute walk gives you some calories to play with.
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    I have this every day, it feels like something special and is only 100 calories. Put a cup of skim milk in the microwave for 2 minutes. Then add a couple of sweeteners ( I use natvia as it seems healthier). Then stir in 2 teaspoonsful of cocoa powder, buy something strong and indulgent as it will last for ages. Stir well, find a peaceful spot and... Luxury!

    This is a fantastic tip!!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I've been planning chocolate into my diary everyday and it was fine and the weight was still going... until now - I've been at a plateau for a month now despite still gymming and being under my cals.

    Lots of people seemed to agree (on my plateau thread) that a calorie is not a calorie so you could try what I'm going to do? I'm now going to plan choc in every other day and then try and cut down to twice a week, then once a week...

    It not easy but if I can get that bar on my weight moving (in the right direction) again then it'll be worth it.

    I personally don't think going cold turkey ever works as I'd binge so just trying to turn my habit into a little bit of what I fancy rather than too much of what I fancy xx
  • SarahSosi
    SarahSosi Posts: 349 Member
    i just now ate 3 small pieces of dark choclate :( and i feel damn guilty! i love choclate alot! this is y i can't get my weight down easily :( please help me to control my self? any tipes?:love::brokenheart:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hot chocolate is good. First few weeks r tough but it's true the less you eat, the less you want after those initial few weeks x
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I too have massive sugar cravings, it is like a drug and u just need it.
    My main trick is to remember that you don,t need will power alll the time, just when you go shopping. So go shopping after a meal when your full. If you can shop online you don,t have to go past all the advertising and that helps alot.
    Also if you,re just going to work, leave your purse at home, if ou dont have any money you can,t buy the chocolate there.

    I like the frozen fun size idea, will try that.

    What works for me is fancy chocolates. When i crave chocolate i pick one, and savour it and its enough.

    Another idea is the shot glass, i've got hubby to do this too. If you want a handfull of something (nuts, candy coated chocolate etc) fill up a shot glass instead of small bowl or a handful, then put the pack away in somewhere really hard to get to.
    The shot glass is smaller than a bowlful, and because it doesn,t fill your hands you can eat them alot slower, so the craving goes buy the time you,ve finished.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    i just now ate 3 small pieces of dark choclate :( and i feel damn guilty! i love choclate alot! this is y i can't get my weight down easily :( please help me to control my self? any tipes?:love::brokenheart:

    Have you read any of the posts above yours, all of which offer tips?
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    Weightwatchers Double Choc Sundae doesn't feel like diet food, and omg it tastes sooooo good.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    usn lean dessert in chocolate. so yummy!
  • uzit_13
    uzit_13 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread! Usually I eat a square of a 75% dark chocolate bar cause I find dark chocolate satisfies my chocolate craving faster than milk chocolate. I decided to be ''good'' and switched to 90% chocolate. It was too dark for me and I found myself binging on chocolate last week (and I was brave enough to put it in my food diary) I guess I'll plan chocolate into my meals as the others have suggested.

    AudreyandHana and paprikas: Thanks for such awesome tips!!!!!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Get Adora's dark chocolate calcium supplement. It tastes delicious but if you eat too much calcium you will likely end up constipated. That knowledge keeps me from overeating it LOL.
  • verbalriot
    verbalriot Posts: 90
    Do you live by a Whole Foods by any chance? They have 100 cal dark chocolate bars for $1.99!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I had a chocolate sugar free cake for dessert tonight with a cream cheese filling, think it would be super good with raspberry sauce.

    I would eat chocolate at every meal if you need to. Add chocolate chips to pancakes or yogurt. Eat a tiny piece (I have these Inspirations 25 calorie mini squares that are individually wrapped). after lunch.

    Plan it and enjoy it.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    These are great you guys/gals! Keep em coming :)

    40 calorie frozen fudge bar- realllly hits it for me.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Really dark chocolate? I can nibble about 50g over the course of a day if I'm really in a chocolate mood, but generally I find that 10-30g is enough to satisfy cravings. Plus, you know, dark chocolate is the new red wine. You get to feel smug and superior while nomming!
    I agree with this! Eating dark chocolate satisfies my cravings!

    agreed REALLY dark chocolate + a little will power.

    Nibble it or break it up n put one little piece in your mouth at a time n let it dissolve.

    And account for it in your daily diary to ensure it won't be putting you over.

    If u decide to move past that, you can get cocoa nibs(it's little bits of the actual cocoa bean) tastes nothing like herseys but satisfies my chocolate craving(had some with over cooked quinoa(basically tastes like oatmeal to me) n honey this morning-yum)