anyone using unsweetened almond milk?



  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Personally I love unsweetened almond milk. But if you don't like it, don't eat it. I don't get why everyone keeps trying to force themselves to eat food they don't like.

    I think people try and eat different nutritional substitutes because the foods that we grew up with (well I grew up with), if I ate that on a regular basis, I'd be going WAY over my calorie limit, it's not like I was eating a bag of chips a day and whatever else, just the "norm" of regular 2% milk, and 12 grain bread, etc.. and I found that by substituting with other things such as unsweetened almond milk instead of 2% milk, I would feel more full as I could eat more, but still stay under my calorie goal. I would go back to my 2% milk and other things of the sort if I knew that I'd be full without going WAY over my limit for the day, but that's not the case, it's because we're used to the foods we grew up with, therefore we're finding out new ways to enjoy other nutritional and healthy foods.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Oh to add- I recently bought a sugar free cheesecake pudding. I used it to satisfy a craving for cheesecake. It was good with my cool whip, graham cracker crumbs and fresh strawberries. BUT that awful 'sugar free' taste kept it from being great. Next time I do it, I"m just going to get regular jello. As that sugar free had a weird taste to it. I should've known better. I have otherwise stopped buying any 'sugar free' type of foods.
    So I'm thinking maybe it was the jello that ruined it. (And I know on the side of the jello box it says not to use almond milk. But that is because it won't 'set' right.. )
    I'd try it again without the jello, and use a protein powder.
  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member
    I use it daily for everything that calls for milk and love it, only 30 calories per cup, so fits in perfect with my protein shakes and fruit, keeping the calories low. My protein shake mix , tastes like a cake mix so I don't need any added sweetener. If you feel you need some added sweetness you could try Coconut Palm Sugar or Agave sweetener as a natural low glycemic option.
  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    I've started using it in my smoothies. I am also trying to get away from artificial sweeteners. I found a liquid, alcohol free stevia that is working really well for me in coffee and ice tea. I make my smoothies with 1/2 frozen banana and frozen mixed fruit plus unsweetened whey protein power.
  • melodyoutside
    melodyoutside Posts: 1 Member
    You know, I make my own unsweetened almond coconut milk. I use organic almonds and organic coconut, and it only comes out to be about $.75 per half gallon (compared to $4.90 of unsweetened Almond Breeze Vanilla almond coconut milk).

    Here's the link to the recipe:

    I also saw a post somewhere about somebody who made some is a better cheesecake recipe that looks pretty tasty (it's at the bottom of the page):
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    I love it! I don't drink it straight but I use it in my iced coffees (with 2 shots espresso and Torani Sugar Free Syrup) and I use it in my overnight oatmeal, as well as other places I would use milk.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    it ate my first attempt?

    unsweetened almond milk, I buy Silk 30 calories one.

    Use for whey shake, regular fruit shake with greek yogurt, with coffee and cereal and rarely plain. I really enjoy it. I want to try coconut but can't swallow that the ones I have found have more calories. Love that there is only 30 calories, and 2x the calcium.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    LOVE IT!! Use it in everything. Don't miss milk at all.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    Personally I love unsweetened almond milk. But if you don't like it, don't eat it. I don't get why everyone keeps trying to force themselves to eat food they don't like.

    I wholeheartedly agree -- the reason this weight loss and healthy lifestyle thing is working for me is because I eat what I like. I refuse to eat stuff I cannot stand to eat..... every food is not for every person.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Yep! I use it all the time as a substitute for milk. It tastes sooo much better!
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    I use is every day in my protein shakes. Tastes much better than mixing with water, and the Silk Almond Milk is only 30 calories.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I'm not fond of the sweetened or unsweetened vanilla. It does have a "whang" to me. I stick with the original, plain stuff. If I need the vanilla taste, I add some vanilla kefir.
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    It is fabulous - I use it to make my protein shakes low cal and low carb.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I use either Silk Almond Milk, Unsweetened Vanilla or Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk every morning in a protein shake. They're all so good but not everyone likes the taste and it also may take some getting used to for some people.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Which brand are you using? I've tried several. My favorite unsweetened ones are Silk Almond Milk, Earth's Own Almond Fresh, and Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze. ALL of the other brands I've tried have been either bland or down right horrible.

    I believe there are a few unsweetened vanilla ones out there too, so those are also worth a try. Try out different brands until you hit the jackpot, I could drink full glasses of all the above brands. It's so refreshing!

    Another suggestion: try getting unsweetened and the original sweetened ones, then mix half and half together if you really can't stand the unsweetened stuff alone yet.
  • wendytc
    wendytc Posts: 189 Member
    I add one or two Stevia Packets. I use the unsweetened Almond milk daily.

    Also, I use Optimum Nutrition Double Chocolate protein powder which has a really good taste, low carb (1g), with that it doesn't need sweetener. This protein powder does not have added sweeteners either. Good Luck!
  • mangoduck
    mangoduck Posts: 35 Member
    I hate the unsweetened type. I keep trying to like it, but nope. I've started adding a little bit of stevia to it and it seems to help.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    The Unsweetened Almond Milk is not as good as the Original Almond Milk. There isn't much of a difference either. The Unsweetened has 40 calories per cup and 1 gram of sugar while the Original has 60 calories per cup and 7 grams of sugar. But for me, the Original is just so much better! I'm speaking about the Blue Diamond brand, as there are no other brands available where I live. I hope this helps!! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Unsweetened vanilla almond milk or unsweetened almond/coconut blend. Both delicious in place of regular milk!! If you're looking for a way to sweeten your shakes without artificial flavoring, try Truvia or honey.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I add unsweetened almond milk to my smoothies and in recipies. I actually do not care for the taste but I don't taste it in smoothies ot recipes and it have a LOT less calories so it's worth it!