Afraid to say anything at alll



  • aquamarine36
    All you can do is try. Take it one day at a time. That's what I'm trying to do. I finally decided that I want to do better for myself because I'm worth it. You are too. Just do the best you can!
  • rudy7020
    rudy7020 Posts: 62
    I love all the supportive and amazing people on this site! I've tried and failed many times in the past and I, too, ended up weighing more then when I started. The people on this site give me hope, encouragement, and inspiration.

    I read the sucess stories everyday, several times a day. It's amazing to me what others have accomplished.

    So log in everyday and we will share your journey. You don't have to go it alone!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    You only fail when you give up. Just being here proves you have not given up. The journey is hard and personal, each of us on our own path yet we can support each other. With the support and acceptance in our challenge it can be accomplished. We are so very glad you are here to share that journey with all of us.:flowerforyou:
  • cjenwokolo
    It's good to have a calorie goal for the day, but when you take that and break it down into 5-6 meals a day with each meal having a calorie goal you'll feel like you're eating all day and it's easier than just making a daily goal
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You've come to the right spot and we are all here to help. But you have to want it bad enough to log everything and be honest with yourself.
  • baddbob
    baddbob Posts: 133 Member
    Start off a bit easier ...

    Today: Take 3 pictures (front, profile, rear), measure thighs, hips, waist, chest & biceps)

    Week 1: Cut the sugar/sweeteners, go for a 30 min walk every second day, 10 glasses of water a day, 1 beer a week (a man's gotta live!)

    Week 2: Cut all the "white/processed" foods - detox

    Week 3: Go for a 30 min walk every day

    Week 4: Add exercise for 30 mins, 3x per week

    Make 1 little change every single week, take pics/measurements at the end of every month, compare first set with last set.

    ^ I agree. This is excellent advice. :flowerforyou:

    I'm right there with my friend Ladytinkerbell. Excellent advice!! Fundamentally you have to completely change the way you think about food. People have "cheat days" or reward themselves with food for doing good. I say rubbish. You have to get "food as a reward" out of your thinking and lifestyle. That's difficult because that's how our society is wired. You can do it though. Start slow and build up. Like the first person in this thread said. One small change at a time. You also have to get some exercise. Walking is certainly a good start. Elevate the pulse. Also spread your eating out over 6 meals a day and don't miss a meal even if you are not hungry. You have to keep stoking the furnace and keep the metabolism working hard burning calories. YOU CAN DO IT....but you really have to want it.
  • fitatfiftyfive
    You're off to a great start! You'll find a lot of support on this site. Welcome!
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    It can be done at any age.Just be honest logging in your calories and get your workouts in. I'm 65 and I support your efforts.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hey, anything you do is better than doing nothing; sounds like your plan is a good one... Just try to stick to it; that being said... Realize that one or two days that are off cannot cause you to fail.. You only fail when you stop trying. You can do this. If I can.. Anybody can.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Very Good Start! 5^^ Don't forget to be PATIENT with yourself and forget about the scale. Just focus on working the Plan and the scale will take care of itself!
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I agree with what many of the people are saying! The fact that you are here speaks volumes! Good luck!
  • 1981buddy
    1981buddy Posts: 1
    Very proud of you. I finally went to the doctor and had HCG shots and lots weight rapidly and was not hungry.You take the little shots home with you and refrigerate them. Give in the fatty part of belly....very tiny needles...I was never hungry...drop of HCG did not work for me.
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    Congratulations on starting. That's the number one most important thing to do.

    You have the same goals I have with the exception of the total calories....I'm female, so I'm at 1,200. Once you've got a good grip n your diet and you're in complete control, you might want to lower your calorie goal a tad....maybe to say 1,750. As I got stronger from the little bit of exercise I was able to do, I started adding more and as the weight came off, I was motivated to do it every day. I drink mostly water (just a cup of coffee in the a.m. for caffeine as a metabolism booster) and some milk. Most of it is water. Normally I'm on a whole food/clean food only diet, but right now, to even my surprise, I'm on a Cheerio's kick, but I'm keeping within my goal so I'm okay with it. I'm sure I'll be over it in a few days.

    Once upon a time I was starting again.....feeling the same way you do after many failed attempts.....and the weigh started coming off. It was hard to start, but I just had to. It was the only viable option. It's been a learning process, but I'm winning the battle.

    Good luck.
  • tequillarose04
    tequillarose04 Posts: 30 Member
    Its really hard to get started for sure, but once you get going, and try and get yourself around like minded people for support, you can do it, i really feel like the food charting on my fitness pal has been the best thing for me, sometimes when i think "oh there cant be much calories for that meal" and then add it all up in front of me, i realize that i need to make a few healthier adjustments.

    ^^ exactly! YOU CAN DO IT! if you need support add me as a friend....The fact that you have NOT given up is the best thing ever...everything is possible, even if it takes a few tries.... its a learning experience... YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Start off a bit easier ...

    Today: Take 3 pictures (front, profile, rear), measure thighs, hips, waist, chest & biceps)

    Week 1: Cut the sugar/sweeteners, go for a 30 min walk every second day, 10 glasses of water a day, 1 beer a week (a man's gotta live!)

    Week 2: Cut all the "white/processed" foods - detox

    Week 3: Go for a 30 min walk every day

    Week 4: Add exercise for 30 mins, 3x per week

    Make 1 little change every single week, take pics/measurements at the end of every month, compare first set with last set.

    This is perfect advice, one step at a time and one elimination from your diet at a time, small steps still add up to big leaps in the end. you've already realized you need to get going, that's the biggest step. Good luck
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Last week, as a big breakfast was being made for the office, someone asked me how I could turn down the high calorie breakfast. I told my co-worker, simple, I am through "starting over tomorrow". This thought came to me on day 3 of my journey, March 14, 2012, and it has helped me stay focused through my weight loss of 70+ pounds so far. I still have a long way to go, but little things help me stay on track. A perfect example was today, when my daughter was giving me a goodbye hug, and she told me I was skinny (which I am definately not, but I am on the way).
    This web site is a life saver for me, literally. People do not realize just how much their triumphs, failures, and day by day comments have helped me so far.
    I hope you can find the same inspiration.
    The very best of luck to you!

    thanks for sharing that!!
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    This site is my "program"... It doesn't happen over night, but it can happen. Like posted before, don't set a huge goal at first... Don't try to change everything at once.

    Small steps that you can continue to do for the rest of your life - that's the key to success.

    We're all in this together... we'll help you
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    You've got this Brother, baby steps is the way to go. :smile:
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Last week, as a big breakfast was being made for the office, someone asked me how I could turn down the high calorie breakfast. I told my co-worker, simple, I am through "starting over tomorrow". This thought came to me on day 3 of my journey, March 14, 2012, and it has helped me stay focused through my weight loss of 70+ pounds so far. I still have a long way to go, but little things help me stay on track. A perfect example was today, when my daughter was giving me a goodbye hug, and she told me I was skinny (which I am definately not, but I am on the way).
    This web site is a life saver for me, literally. People do not realize just how much their triumphs, failures, and day by day comments have helped me so far.
    I hope you can find the same inspiration.
    The very best of luck to you!

    <3 this.. teary eyed.. awesome..
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    i wouldnt wanto 'cut out/not have ' ANYTHING!! because anything you cut out you will want more.. and think about more and crave more.... grrrrrrrrrrrrr... im on week 2 of "MFP" and ive simply (not so simply) but done my calorie goal that is set up for me.. ive made some adjustments (like egg whites vs eggs) think b4 I just eat whatever when hungry.. and add food to the 'diary' as i go not just at nt or something.. I measure and have litearlly what i already ate before but much less!! portions is a huge part of it... i have 50-80pnds to loose.. and im not going to say I cant have 'anything".. for example too yesterday was a festival thingy at the harbor near me (and im like hmmmmm kettle corn"!!! oh wait too high. i prob cant... and got sad :sad: ... then i went on the MFP tracker.. and nope.. ONE cup (smal bag is 7cups) is 70 calories a cup!!! so i got me a small bag.. and had a scoop equaled a cup and threw it in my purse! (yep) and guesss what? i had my kettle corn.. but disicplined myself to the ONE cup 70 cal. and can have it as a treat once a day till gone.. and honestly once i got the kettle corn and had the one cup i threw it in my car and we went down to the beach.. and later when i got home that nt i forgot it in my car! lol (the bag.. didnt even remember to bring it in the house) but .. had i not even gone.. or gone but felt all down/sad cuz couldnt get kettle corn..i woulda craved it for the next 3mo...(sorry so long) but this is real life.. full of choices... and you can do this.. but just dont go so extreme is my thoughts...:bigsmile: