Help solve a fight.



  • Jeramie1
    Jeramie1 Posts: 8
    Your body turns any excess calories into fat. Doesn't matter what you eat. it makes poo because every food has bits your body can't use. It has to come out , it removes toxins. you need to eat some fat because your brain fuels itself with it. It's pretty easy to get this information from your public library. Or google. not a matter of intelligence, just knowledge.

    I am going to require a broader explanation on this.
    You are saying that my body will turn excess cals into fat, so whatever i eat that isn't calories gets turned into poo?
    On a side note, can you give me the definition of "toxins" and the chemical makeup of some? The reason I ask is because too many people out there are selling snake oil products that "remove toxins from your body". I think that there is something to the idea of toxins, but it has been clouded by sham artists.
  • ok first 10000 calories of baby carrots is roughly 66.1386lbs of baby frickin carrots!!!! not sure you could survive that, you would end up like the glutton on the movie "seven"... I cant get past this to even think about this argument...
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,177 Member
    Didn't somebody recently post the same thing as the OP?
    I think that one was that you can't gain weight if all you eat is 10,000 calories of fat. I think his premise was that fat doesn't cause an insulin reaction...or something like that.

    Ohhh...the exact opposite! 10,000 must be a magic number...LOL! No wonder its confusing. :ohwell:
  • Jeramie1
    Jeramie1 Posts: 8
    It's completely idiotic.

    Excess energy (calories) are stored as fat, regardless of if they come from fat, carbs or protein.

    Prove me wrong by telling me HOW. **EDITED** I want to hear how my body can turn a banana into body fat. I want to know how my body turns broccoli into body fat. I don't want to argue, I am asking how it happens.

    ****STAFF NOTE: Post has been edited due to violations of guideline #17****
  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member

    You are saying that my body will turn excess cals into fat, so whatever i eat that isn't calories gets turned into poo?

    it seems like the entire basis of your argument is upon the faulty logic that we poop unabsorbed calories. fecal matter is not calories that were not absorbed by the body. fecal matter is a combination of water, protein, bacterium, mucus and other liquids produced by the body as well as insoluble fiber.

    it's not a multi-layered question with no good answer.

    the answers are scientific. you just need to know where to look.

    every food contains macronutrients. our bodies break these down differently. but ultimately, if you consume 10,000 calories per day and burn 10,000 calories a day plus your basal metabolic rate, you will lose weight. if you only burn 2,000 calories per day but consume 10,000 calories per day, that leaves you with a surplus of 7,000 calories. one pound is 3500 calories. in that day that you consumed roughly 7,000 extra calories, you would gain 2 pounds.
  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member

    Prove me wrong by telling me HOW. I want to hear how my body can turn a banana into body fat. I want to know how my body turns broccoli into body fat. I don't want to argue, I am asking how it happens.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I was the other person having the discussion with the OP. My dietician and I have had several conversations about this (I actually have been to a few of them over the years). I have done my own research into the subject as well. It is a multi-layered question without any good answer.
    Here is how it can be explained for those of you whom just reply with nonsensical replies. Let me preface this by saying "this is not the published results from my 20 year study from a scientific view". It is like one of those yogurts with real fruit. You have to get through the yogurt on top (cals) before you can get to the fruit on the bottom (fat). Everybody is different. Some have more yogurt to burn before they get to the fruit, others have less. Some people have a yogurt that comes pre-mixed.
    My point to the OP was that just because somebody eats 10,000 cals in a day or even per day does not automatically mean you will be obese. To prove my point I used baby carrots as an example. I am sure I would have gotten a different response if I used something that is full of fat like....deep fried chicken skin or deep fried bacon.

    I understand you are theorizing a principle here and not suggesting people go on a 10,000 cal a day carrot diet

    However unless you are a seriously energetic athlete you will be over your daily maintain by APPROX 7200 cals = 2lb of excess weight per day . Obese in about 2 months?

    You cant beat calories 3600=1lb doesnt matter what they are made out of. The carrot diet would work because you would never even eat to the maintain cals. All diets manipulate macros to overall reduce calories. 'Well designed' ones do it to fail because they don't get rid of concepts like "its everyone else's fault", "The fit muscled guy has it easy - he doesn't know what it is like to work for something, metabolism, "This 10000cal fat only diet would work" this keeps you hooked and in denial
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    there is a gram of fat for every so many cals, so it makes no sense.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    It's completely idiotic.

    Excess energy (calories) are stored as fat, regardless of if they come from fat, carbs or protein.

    Prove me wrong by telling me HOW. I want to hear how my body can turn a banana into body fat. I want to know how my body turns broccoli into body fat. I don't want to argue, I am asking how it happens.

    Fat does Not Make You Fat.

    One of the other huge myths is that fat makes you fat. It doesn't. When you eat fat, your body has to break it down into its little building blocks and then absorb the pieces. The fat you have in your body is not the same as the fat you eat. In fact, the fat naturally found in whole foods is fat you actually need for your body to function properly.

    Essential Fatty Acids are the name given to the types of fat that you need to eat. This is why they are called essential. Your body cannot make them, you must eat them. And these essential fatty acids are only found with fat that naturally occurs in whole food. What are these essential fatty acids used for in your body? Well, literally everything.

    Every cell in your body is partly made up of these essential fatty acids. To breathe, to have your heart beat, to run, walk, think, to make hormones, to remember anything, you need essential fatty acids for all of these and basically, to live. And if you don't eat them in the food you eat, your body will not function properly. And the only place you can find essential fatty acids is in food that has naturally occurring fat in them. So if you try and cut fat out of your body, you will actually be causing harm and not really be doing anything to get rid of the fat already in your body.

    So what is one of the main causes of being fat. Sugar and refined carbohydrates. NO, not again with the sugar, you might be saying. Yes, Sugar and refined carbohydrates are really one of the main causes in many problems we as humans face today. You can pretend it is not true, you can believe it is not true, but no matter how you try and avoid it, sugar and refined carbohydrates will still negatively impact you weather you want them to or not. And whether or not you believe they will or not.

    How does sugar and refined carbohydrates make you fat? It is really simple. You have a relatively set amount of fat cells in your body. It is just a matter of how big your fat cells are.

    So what affects the size of your fat cells? Sugar. Because glucose is what is stored in your fat cells. And there is a little "gate" that controls the movement of sugar in and out of your fat cells. And the key to this little gate is insulin. Insulin is the key that opens the gates to the fat cells and allows excess glucose in the blood to go into the fat cells. So if you never eat anything that raises your blood sugar levels beyond normal, your body will not release insulin, and you will not get bigger fat cells.

    The body releases insulin to lower blood sugar levels that are too high. So Sugar and refined carbohydrates are actually what are one of the biggest contributing factors to why people are overweight.

    The ironic part of all of this, is that when you get food that has "artificially" been made to be low fat, you know what they usually put in when they take out the fat? Sugar. They usually add the very thing that contributes to people being fat when they are trying to make something that many people think is helping them not be fat. Fat does not make you fat. In fact, you need the essential fatty acids found in fat to live. Sugar is one of the biggest contributing factors to what makes you fat.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Your body turns any excess calories into fat. Doesn't matter what you eat. it makes poo because every food has bits your body can't use. It has to come out , it removes toxins. you need to eat some fat because your brain fuels itself with it. It's pretty easy to get this information from your public library. Or google. not a matter of intelligence, just knowledge.

    I am going to require a broader explanation on this.
    You are saying that my body will turn excess cals into fat, so whatever i eat that isn't calories gets turned into poo?
    On a side note, can you give me the definition of "toxins" and the chemical makeup of some? The reason I ask is because too many people out there are selling snake oil products that "remove toxins from your body". I think that there is something to the idea of toxins, but it has been clouded by sham artists.

    Here is an interesting thing about poop. Infants who are exclusively fed human milk will reach a point in their development where they will not produce any poop because their bodies are using everything in the milk. At a baseline minimum you only are required by the body to poop when it replenishes digestive fluids and such. Some infants this is a week, with others efficiently burning their food with no waste up to a month at a time. So in theory if we were eating a food that was more usable by the body we would stop pooping.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    It's completely idiotic.

    Excess energy (calories) are stored as fat, regardless of if they come from fat, carbs or protein.

    Prove me wrong by telling me HOW, don't be another d'bag and say "cause it is". I want to hear how my body can turn a banana into body fat. I want to know how my body turns broccoli into body fat. I don't want to argue, I am asking how it happens.

    You should read this:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    .... So in theory if we were eating a food that was more usable by the body we would stop pooping.

    But when would we get any time to read?
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    The answer has nothing to do with the amount of fat or carbs or protein in the food you eat. The answer is simply that your body needs X calories per day to survive. If you eat X + 1, it stores the +1 just in case you need it in the future. If you do need it, you do not gain weight. However, in general you do not need it, so it continues to be stored as fat and each time you eat another +1, +5, etc, all of that gets stored. Likewise, if you eat X-1 calories, your body uses stored calories (fat) to make up the -1. That is how dieters lose weight.

    Biological processes (urination, defecation) do not eliminate unneeded calories, they just eliminate things that our bodies cannot process.
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member

    Prove me wrong by telling me HOW, don't be another d'bag and say "cause it is". I want to hear how my body can turn a banana into body fat. I want to know how my body turns broccoli into body fat. I don't want to argue, I am asking how it happens.

    I believe you just won the internet.

    Well played.
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    Once again.

    Thank you.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    It's completely idiotic.

    Excess energy (calories) are stored as fat, regardless of if they come from fat, carbs or protein.

    Prove me wrong by telling me HOW, don't be another d'bag and say "cause it is". I want to hear how my body can turn a banana into body fat. I want to know how my body turns broccoli into body fat. I don't want to argue, I am asking how it happens.

    You should read this:

    This ^^

    And everything else on that site.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Help solve a fight.

    You will no gain weight if you eat a NO fat diet, and eat 10,000 calories.
    Because it is the Fat in food that stored as Fat.

    What is your thought on this statement!?
    I did hear someone say this once, but to be fair he was the Retail Marketing Director of a major sugar producer.

    "Fat makes you fat, not carbs" he said. "If you could make a snack that was pure carbohydrate you would be rich".

    Unfortunately, insulin has other ideas.
  • paulvt65
    paulvt65 Posts: 73 Member
    You can't eat that many cals without gaining whether or not you include fats.

    Michael Phelps - and doubtless many other high-performance athletes - can eat that many calories without too much of a problem. Phelps is currently on 12,000 calories a day in his Olympic build-up - and not too much fat going on there!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    You can't eat that many cals without gaining whether or not you include fats.

    Michael Phelps - and doubtless many other high-performance athletes - can eat that many calories without too much of a problem. Phelps is currently on 12,000 calories a day in his Olympic build-up - and not too much fat going on there!

    Yeah, and Phelps eats a diet pretty high in fat and carbs. BECAUSE, it's not fat or carbs that make you fat. It's the number of calories you eat vs. the number you need. Phelps needs 12,000 calories a day because he's working out all day and burning that many calories. If he ate less than that, he would be losing weight. He also doesn't eat more than he needs. Even Phelps will get fat if he eats too many calories.
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    Exactly. An olympic swimmer burns an ungodly amount of calories, daily.