What is your favoriet Video game?



  • jaygregz
    jaygregz Posts: 104
    I've played so many games that my brain hurts trying to think about this...


    Punch Out, Super Mario Bros 3, Zelda (NES)

    Golden Eye, Mario Cart, Mario 64 (N64)

    Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solider 1 & 2, Resident Evil 1 & 2 (PS1)

    Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2, or Morrowind (Orginal Xbox)

    Everquest, Portal 1 & 2, the King's Quest series, Half Life (PC)

    Skyrim, Borderlands, Modern Warfare 1, Halo 3, Ghost Recon, Gears of War 1

    Games I currently play - Ghost Recon FS (xbox 360), Gear 3 (xbox 360), and I put put on a few computer OFFLINE rpgs.

    Games that have consumed the most of my life... any mmorpg I've played... and I've played a lot. Not currently playing any MMOs and don't see that changing anytime soon. I don't miss it at all. I played EQ1, EQ2, Shadowbane, WOW, Rift, and SWTOR. Totally burned out on the genre now.
  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    oh man....do I have to pick just one?? Any of the Tomb Raiders....Alice: Madness Returns, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dante's Inferno, Primal, FFVII, Kingdom Hearts.....I can keep going lol
  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls: Morrowind ummmmm Blood Rayne, F.E.A.R (even though it makes me pee my pants from fright)
  • kaileykill
    I play MMOrpgs. NO NOT WORLD OF WARCRAFT..Mabinogi and Vindictus lol
    Oh yeah. :P

    Zelda is pimp. Played them all. Even that weird side scrolling one..
    XboxLive ask for Tag if you want it (: