SSS Challenge - July 23 - 1st week weigh in

Hey everyone. Happy Monday! I worked my butt off this past week and it paid off. I am in the 150s for the first time in a very long time. That has been the hardest breakthrough for me. I am so happy. These 15 pounds have got nothing on me. I hope everyone did well, but if not, don't worry. This was our first week. We have 5 to go. We can do this!

Starting weight (July 16): 163.4

1st week weight (July 23): 159.4
2nd week weight (July 30):
3rd week weight (August 6):
4th week weight (August 13):
5th week weight (August 20):
6th week weight (August 27):

Total lost in challenge: 4 pounds


  • laur4mar
    laur4mar Posts: 19 Member
    Not a great week for me, I have been eating well but a bit of a crazy week with kids sick and busy work schedule so I didnt get the workouts in that I had hoped to. But I did lose, which is better than gaining.... more motivation for this week.

    Starting weight (July 16): 184.4

    1st week weight (July 23): 183.8
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 0.6 lbs
  • Godchilds
    Godchilds Posts: 13 Member

    Starting weight (July 16): 220.0

    1st week weight (July 23): 217.0
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 3 LBS
  • jdavidson81
    jdavidson81 Posts: 35 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 177

    1st week weight (July 23): 170
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 7

    Not sure how I pulled that off, but it puts me almost 1/2 way to 15:) I just need to keep it up and I'll get my 15 pounds.
  • ckane22312
    ckane22312 Posts: 21 Member
    I did loose this week. It's bittersweet since It is weight I initially lost and then gained back (I am hoping it's muscle.) But I adjusted the my calories this week and it seems to be working :) Wishing everyone a wonderful week. Get motivated, no matter what your outcome of this weeks weigh-in.

    Starting weight (July 16): 174

    1st week weight (July 23): 172.5
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 1.5 pounds
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Last week was ok. Still trying to really find my place in watching what I eat and working out. Started P90X today so hopefully that number will change more before next week. Going to work hard on it this week. Here is to another week!
    Starting weight (July 16): 196.0

    1st week weight (July 23): 195.0
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 1 pound
  • FinsUpBindy
    FinsUpBindy Posts: 39 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 159

    1st week weight (July 23): 157
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 2 lbs

    not a bad week! On to the next one- let's go group!!
  • Leverty35
    Leverty35 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 176.8
    1st week weight (July 23): 176.0
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 0.8 pounds
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I didn't lose is week. I'm still learning to eat smaller portions and learning the difference between splurge and binge, but I'm working on it. I did meet my personal goal of working out 3 times
  • tereced
    tereced Posts: 46 Member
    I am logging my lowest weight in the last week. The last week was really challenging!!! i felt like giing up on some days. Slipped up on others but i am trying to be consistent in this coming wekk. Thanks for doing this with me guys.


    Starting weight (July 16): 156.0
    1st week weight (July 23): 153.8
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27): MY 29th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

    Total lost in challenge: 3.2 pounds
  • Rusjo
    Rusjo Posts: 31 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 258.2
    1st week weight (July 23): 257.1
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 1.1 lbs
  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 172.0

    1st week weight (July 23): 169.8
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 2.2 lbs so far!
  • lkweightloss
    lkweightloss Posts: 9 Member
    Unfortunately this week consisted of fast food and unhealthy restaurant foods and birthday cake. I did workout but diet is more important. I did gain. I hope this week will be better.

    Starting weight (July 16): 182.6

    1st week weight (July 23): 183.8
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: -1.2lbs
  • Liquidfeet
    Liquidfeet Posts: 62 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 250
    1st week weight (July 23): 248
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 2 pounds
  • sunfire683
    sunfire683 Posts: 2 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 203.4

    1st week weight (July 23): 202.3
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight Lost: 1.1
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    My normal WI day has been Saturday mornings. But I Don't think what will be a problem, if anything it will help me to be good during the weekends. wink

    ...AND... I weighed myself after my shower this morning anyway. :bigsmile:

    Starting weight (July 16): 169.5

    1st week weight (July 23):169.1 (-0.4 from last WI)
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost:
  • rockchalk03
    Crap! I gained a pound. Not that it was unexpected....these next five weeks are mine!

    Starting weight (July 16): 177

    1st week weight (July 23): 178
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Unfortunately this week consisted of fast food and unhealthy restaurant foods and birthday cake. I did workout but diet is more important. I did gain. I hope this week will be better.

    Starting weight (July 16): 182.6

    1st week weight (July 23): 183.8
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: -1.2lbs

    What's done is done. Let's crawl back on the wagon together :)
  • kelseytmurray
    Starting weight (July 16): 170.60

    1st week weight (July 23): 168.00
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 2.60 :happy: :happy: :happy:
    This is great motivation! I will be down to 155 by August 27. Good luck everyone and keep up the GREAT work!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Didnt get much in myself til this weekend and did massive amounts of yard work! GOOD LUCK ALL!!! :)
    Starting weight (July 16): 227.8

    1st week weight (July 23): 226.0
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 1.8 pounds
  • makanuilani
    makanuilani Posts: 10 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 170.2

    1st week weight (July 23): 168.2
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lbs. lost: 2

    I am super happy with that considering my dilemma this week.
    I met my goals for this weekend.
    No alcohol this weekend
    Worked out Friday,Saturday and Sunday
    Logged in journal over the weekend.
    Super Proud of me.