reducing leg muscle...? I want skinny legs :(

Ok so I was always heavy- and I hold the majority of my extra weight in my calves thighs and hips. Well I've lost a bunch of weight over the last couple years and recently when I started dieting again. I read a forum a while back about how people who are heavy will build bigger muscle in their legs from carrying all that weight around- then after they've lost the weight their legs are still really big because those muscles were enlarged still from the extra weight they used to carry....

My question is- now that I have lowered my body to I lower my muscle mass% in my legs so that they're slim and shapley and not still looking bulky?.... Wearing shorts and skirts is sooooo not happening with my big wide calves and thighs.

. I mean I'm a size 6 now in pants and I still can't wear tall boots because of my huge calves!! Asking for wide calf-boots at the store...embarrassing, no thank you.

Girls with this problem- you understand me right?....


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The problem you may run into trying to lose muscle is it most likely will come from somewhere other than your legs first, as it sounds like you naturally have larger legs. Just like fat, the body will chose where it loses from.

    I would not recommend this but the best way to lose lean muscle is to eat at a large caloric deficit and do a ton of cardio, and don't lift much weights, also increase carb intake and lower protein as a % of caloric intake. Again I do not recommend this, I would say stay in a caloric deficit and continue lowering BF% so the only thing left on your legs is lean muscle, with very little fat.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I don't know if there's a way or an answer, but I feel ya. I've always had large calves and thighs, even when I was thin! I've learned to embrace them though, and they don't really bother me anymore, since I'm gaining more definition.
  • sandwichcat
    I can totally relate to this!, I can be as skinny as I would like to go, but my thighs will ALWAYS be big.. despite everything else (including the bottom of my legs) being small!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I imagine the bes thing you will have to do is wait and let your body make the adjustments itself. Don't do any strength training on your legs, and keep the cardio fairly light. Now that your body has less weight to move around, the muscles with tone themselves, and if not getting worked hard, the muscle mass may eventually go down.

    However, this will be an extremely slow process. It could take a year or longer.
  • wee_emski
    wee_emski Posts: 22 Member
    I have the same problem! I am small, but I've always had 'muscly' legs, it seems to be a genetic thing. I'm just going to work on toning them up because unless I got way too skinny everywhere else, I don't think dieting/losing weight would really reduce them much. But I so here you with the boots. Mine are a bit better now, but still don't own knee high boots. I compromise by getting mid calf cowboy boots/ ruched boots which are designed not to be super tight.
  • sillyhilly
    Me too. I used to figure skate and have always had very strong muscular but thick calves and thighs. I've noticed the last few years though that they've slimmed some. I'm no longer skating and really walking is my main exercise. So cutting out the leg strength exercises helped... though it did take a long while to notice the difference.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've always had muscular legs even when I was a size 2 when I was younger. It's potentially genetic in your case, not a repercussion for being heavier. I love my muscular calves though...makes my ankles look cute and tiny :)
  • 19nicole89
    19nicole89 Posts: 10
    I feel ya. i can lose as much weight as i want but i will ALWAYS have wide hips, a big *kitten*, and thick thighs. oh joy.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have "strong" legs too, and I used to HATE them. Then I came to realize that they are really a blessing. I love the power in my legs, and since I've taken up running, I like that they carry me so well. I'm not ever going to be a dancer with legs like mine, but that's come to be something that I have come to accept. Also, it's partially my bone structure. I see girls with super skinny legs, and notice that their knees are bout half the width of mine. Well, since that's mostly bone... that's that.

    I'm not sure that I really like the sound of cutting down on muscle, since I find defined muscle totally sexy!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I don't have this problem, so I can't relate, but don't forget if you intentionally lose muscle mass, your metabolism will decrease accordingly too, since muscle burns more calories than fat. I'd rather have "big" calves and ask for wider boots than have skinny legs and have to eat like a bird to maintain it.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Sadly, sometimes our genetics have more say in what our body looks like than we do.

    Grats on your losses! And if you want boots, go in there and ask for them! No one will care that you want wide leg ones!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I have 17" calf muscle and 22" thighs (huge by many women's standards) and I wouldn't want to get rid of them. They look shapely and sexy. Muscle mass also increases your metabolism so I get to eat more. Sure, I can't wear some boots and skinny jeans, but who needs that? I look way hotter in heels and a short skirt than someone with smaller and softer legs!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What's with all the leg hating on MFP?

    I understand about the tall boots - I have always had that problem, even when I was in high school and weighed 140lbs!

    But since then, I've learned that my legs are fabulous! They are muscular, strong, and can take me anywhere I want to go. I can run for miles, take back to back spin classes, stand, walk, lift, etc. And I look damn good in heels and skirt.

    Maybe you just need to start lifting some heavy weights to get some definition?

    And, why are we ashamed to ask a store clerk for something that fits? That's what they are there for! And they make boots out of stretchy material too :)

    Ladies - embrace your legs, train the heck out of them, and enjoy the results!! :drinker:
  • uk_ja
    uk_ja Posts: 143 Member
    Keep the diet clean and balanced and build up to lots of long slow distance running and stretch a lot to lengthen those muscles.

    Do not expect fast results, give it a year.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm guessing they aren't as big as you think. We are our own worst critics.

    Second, we aren't all the same. We aren't all going to look like Victoria's Secret models. Embrace who you are. Be the best you, you can be. (I know it's cheesey). Learn to love your muscular legs. Muscles are awesome.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Ok so I was always heavy- and I hold the majority of my extra weight in my calves thighs and hips. Well I've lost a bunch of weight over the last couple years and recently when I started dieting again. I read a forum a while back about how people who are heavy will build bigger muscle in their legs from carrying all that weight around- then after they've lost the weight their legs are still really big because those muscles were enlarged still from the extra weight they used to carry....

    My question is- now that I have lowered my body to I lower my muscle mass% in my legs so that they're slim and shapley and not still looking bulky?.... Wearing shorts and skirts is sooooo not happening with my big wide calves and thighs.

    . I mean I'm a size 6 now in pants and I still can't wear tall boots because of my huge calves!! Asking for wide calf-boots at the store...embarrassing, no thank you.

    Girls with this problem- you understand me right?....

    The body will fit the activity it undertakes - eventually.

    This is why sprinters end up with muscley legs whereas marathon runners have slimmer legs and a racewalker will have even slimmer legs (albeit, all three physiques will have muscle but the "look" will be totally different).

    The more the explosive power of the activity, the more muscley will the legs be. Your trick is to find the correct activity for you and thereby, eventually, your legs will slim down to your desired size.

    Having said all that, it will not happen overnight and can take many months or years to get your desired effect as genetics will play a major role in the size of your legs.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    I want skinny legs too but aint ever gonna happen! just the cards i was dealt. make them strong and they will be sexy =)
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I have "strong" legs too, and I used to HATE them. Then I came to realize that they are really a blessing. I love the power in my legs, and since I've taken up running, I like that they carry me so well. I'm not ever going to be a dancer with legs like mine, but that's come to be something that I have come to accept. Also, it's partially my bone structure. I see girls with super skinny legs, and notice that their knees are bout half the width of mine. Well, since that's mostly bone... that's that.

    I'm not sure that I really like the sound of cutting down on muscle, since I find defined muscle totally sexy!

    ^ This. I used to hate my legs and now that I'm a runner, I realize how much power I have in my legs. You won't get skinny legs, but you can get defined legs...and that's SO much better.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I don't know why some ladies don't want strong legs. Your legs are awesome. ): They move you around. You can do so much more with a strong pair of legs than wear some particular brand of boots.
  • tracy1031
    tracy1031 Posts: 36
    I keep trying to convince myself that the power in my quads is what's sexy!! But, that does not help me look good in anything cut above the knee. =-( I definitely don't want to lose muscle though, having more lean muscle mass helps keep your metabolism higher which equals better fat loss. I'd rather be solid than skinny and if this is the way I look because of it, I just have to learn to love it.