reducing leg muscle...? I want skinny legs :(



  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    I want skinny legs too but aint ever gonna happen! just the cards i was dealt. make them strong and they will be sexy =)
    i blame mom and dad...they both have thick legs, and i've learned to accept genetics and appreciate a pair of strong legs.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Great example of Charlotte in Sex in the City. I think her legs are amazing and she is absolutely stunning. Defined legs look so good.

    Oh yes! I would love to have her legs.... But they don't look like that. They look like tree trunks. I'm 24%BF so my legs still have a bit of chub....but I'm working to get that off. I just want my legs to slim like the rest of me is....and to get pants that fit right instead of buying them to fit my thighs(tight) and beign too big in the waist...
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Oh yes! I would love to have her legs.... But they don't look like that. They look like tree trunks. I'm 24%BF so my legs still have a bit of chub....but I'm working to get that off. I just want my legs to slim like the rest of me is....and to get pants that fit right instead of buying them to fit my thighs(tight) and beign too big in the waist...

    Keeping working at this! Continuing to lose body fat will really help, especially since it sounds like genetically that your legs are the last place to lose. As you cut down fat your legs will get smaller.

    Also, remember to modify your expectation for YOUR body. It's no one else's. You can't have their legs just like you can't have their eyes or hair or waist.
  • helenlp83
    helenlp83 Posts: 67
    I suffer from (as I like to call it) "Fattus Calfus". I did dancing for years which made my calf muscles fairly big so I can't get knee high boots or even skinny jeans. If I get the next size up to fit my calves they are baggy round my knees and bum. Running is supose to change your shape which I'm hopefully getting into soon
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Great example of Charlotte in Sex in the City. I think her legs are amazing and she is absolutely stunning. Defined legs look so good.

    Oh yes! I would love to have her legs.... But they don't look like that. They look like tree trunks. I'm 24%BF so my legs still have a bit of chub....but I'm working to get that off. I just want my legs to slim like the rest of me is....and to get pants that fit right instead of buying them to fit my thighs(tight) and beign too big in the waist...

    So get your pants tailored. Seems easier to make pants fit your body than to make your body fit your pants. Or wear a belt. Or keep shoping. I have a 28" waist, 40" hips, and 24" thighs. It's difficult but there are certain brands/styles of pants that do fit me.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I suffer from (as I like to call it) "Fattus Calfus". I did dancing for years which made my calf muscles fairly big so I can't get knee high boots or even skinny jeans. If I get the next size up to fit my calves they are baggy round my knees and bum. Running is supose to change your shape which I'm hopefully getting into soon

    Actually, rather than fighting your build and body a good tailor is your best bet. Same goes for the waist/thigh issue.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I am built that way too, but I would NEVER want to lose any muscle for any reason. Of course I want to be strong and fit, not just skinny. Plus muscle is good for your metabolism!!!
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member

    The body will fit the activity it undertakes - eventually.

    This is why sprinters end up with muscley legs whereas marathon runners have slimmer legs and a racewalker will have even slimmer legs (albeit, all three physiques will have muscle but the "look" will be totally different).

    The more the explosive power of the activity, the more muscley will the legs be. Your trick is to find the correct activity for you and thereby, eventually, your legs will slim down to your desired size.

    Having said all that, it will not happen overnight and can take many months or years to get your desired effect as genetics will play a major role in the size of your legs.

    I quite beg to differ - this theory conflates correlation with causation. She is saying "Marathon runners have skinny legs BECAUSE they run marathons" when in reality it's much more likely that people who run marathons tend to have skinny legs. The marathons didn't cause it. If you trained like a ballerina for a year you still wouldn't get longer limbs.

    What is your body fat percentage? You carry your weight in your legs - that's still fat you're seeing, not muscle. Keep losing FAT and result will be MUCH better than trying to lose muscle mass. ALL of the advice above about not eating protein etc. is rather wrong headed because in the end, I very, very much doubt it's really muscle that's creating this bulk.

    When you have sub 18% body fat and still think you should lose muscle mass then it's time to revisit all this advice.

    Yea- i am working on getting my BF% lower. I'm at 24% according to my scale but 18-20% would be best.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Great example of Charlotte in Sex in the City. I think her legs are amazing and she is absolutely stunning. Defined legs look so good.

    Oh yes! I would love to have her legs.... But they don't look like that. They look like tree trunks. I'm 24%BF so my legs still have a bit of chub....but I'm working to get that off. I just want my legs to slim like the rest of me is....and to get pants that fit right instead of buying them to fit my thighs(tight) and beign too big in the waist...

    So get your pants tailored. Seems easier to make pants fit your body than to make your body fit your pants. Or wear a belt. Or keep shoping. I have a 28" waist, 40" hips, and 24" thighs. It's difficult but there are certain brands/styles of pants that do fit me.

    I'm very similar! 27' waist 39.5 hips and 22.5-23" calves are like 17"!
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    Great example of Charlotte in Sex in the City. I think her legs are amazing and she is absolutely stunning. Defined legs look so good.

    Oh yes! I would love to have her legs.... But they don't look like that. They look like tree trunks. I'm 24%BF so my legs still have a bit of chub....but I'm working to get that off. I just want my legs to slim like the rest of me is....and to get pants that fit right instead of buying them to fit my thighs(tight) and beign too big in the waist...

    So get your pants tailored. Seems easier to make pants fit your body than to make your body fit your pants. Or wear a belt. Or keep shoping. I have a 28" waist, 40" hips, and 24" thighs. It's difficult but there are certain brands/styles of pants that do fit me.

    I'm very similar! 27' waist 39.5 hips and 22.5-23" calves are like 17"!

    me too!!

    27" waist, 39" hips, 22" thighs and calves are 16" -- oh and i'm only 5'3"!
  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    Nordic Track will work as long as you go a medium pace for at least 45 minutes per day. Your legs will shrink and get toned. I have the same legs from squating heavy weights and my legs are looking thin and ripped now. :-)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Yea- i am working on getting my BF% lower. I'm at 24% according to my scale but 18-20% would be best.

    Scales are not very accurate sadly. Error ranges tend be quite high and I find they tend to give low results I would recommend getting tested by an experienced trainer with calipers at least.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member

    I'm very similar! 27' waist 39.5 hips and 22.5-23" calves are like 17"!

    Our numbers are nearly identical (26", 38", 22", 17", 23.5%BF) and I don't consider myself big. I think my legs are my best feature! It is all a matter of perception. Do you know what your measurements were before losing weight? I know I've lost inches everywhere so that might help me accepting my current measurements.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    I have the same thing. I learned that there is also fat within the structure of the muscles, but it seems to be harder to get rid off - I always lose in my face and belly first - legs always seemed to be the last place to go. The exercising that is helping me (may not be the right answer for everyone - just stating what is working for me.) I do strength training with fairly heavy weights to build more muscle 3X/week. I also do a LOT of stretching to lengthen those muscles. Seems to be getting to the fat within my muscles. My legs ARE getting smaller and better defined. Will I ever have skinny legs? Not likely, but they are getting better every day!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I have always had big legs, at 145lb, at 190lb, and now at 166lb. It's just the way my body is, and that's ok. I have been realizing though as my waist is shrinking and my legs are getting more defined, shorts actually look pretty good.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Great example of Charlotte in Sex in the City. I think her legs are amazing and she is absolutely stunning. Defined legs look so good.

    Oh yes! I would love to have her legs.... But they don't look like that. They look like tree trunks. I'm 24%BF so my legs still have a bit of chub....but I'm working to get that off. I just want my legs to slim like the rest of me is....and to get pants that fit right instead of buying them to fit my thighs(tight) and beign too big in the waist...

    So get your pants tailored. Seems easier to make pants fit your body than to make your body fit your pants. Or wear a belt. Or keep shoping. I have a 28" waist, 40" hips, and 24" thighs. It's difficult but there are certain brands/styles of pants that do fit me.

    I'm very similar! 27' waist 39.5 hips and 22.5-23" calves are like 17"!

    Why don't you cut body fat before trying to cut muscle. You will be surprised of the results. Try to get down to 15-18% before making any drastic assumptions.

    Figure out your TDEE, cut 20% and do a lot of strength training. This will tighten up your body.

    BTW, 17" calves aren't all that big, I have 16" biceps and I don't believe my arms are that big.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member

    Yea- i am working on getting my BF% lower. I'm at 24% according to my scale but 18-20% would be best.

    Scales are not very accurate sadly. Error ranges tend be quite high and I find they tend to give low results I would recommend getting tested by an experienced trainer with calipers at least.

    Well i don't use a gym I use exercise videos and treadmill and elliptical.... So I can't go to a trainer. Plus the one time I did have a membership and the guy tested my BF% with calipers he told me i was 17% BF!! legs were bigger then than they are now too. So I don't really trust that. I might order some calipers online just to see if I get teh same numbers but ....I don't really trust those either. :(
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My non-professional advice to obtain skinny legs instead of muscular ones: sit down and exercise your legs as little as possible. They will turn flabby in a matter of months. Also, you might want to consider doing strength training for your upper body to even things out.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member

    I'm very similar! 27' waist 39.5 hips and 22.5-23" calves are like 17"!

    Our numbers are nearly identical (26", 38", 22", 17", 23.5%BF) and I don't consider myself big. I think my legs are my best feature! It is all a matter of perception. Do you know what your measurements were before losing weight? I know I've lost inches everywhere so that might help me accepting my current measurements.

    Haha well if I didn't have fatty looking knees and inner thighs I might think the same thing. I didn't take measurements but I know I have lost inches. I am just trying to lose more inches. LOL
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Yea- i am working on getting my BF% lower. I'm at 24% according to my scale but 18-20% would be best.

    Scales are not very accurate sadly. Error ranges tend be quite high and I find they tend to give low results I would recommend getting tested by an experienced trainer with calipers at least.

    Well i don't use a gym I use exercise videos and treadmill and elliptical.... So I can't go to a trainer. Plus the one time I did have a membership and the guy tested my BF% with calipers he told me i was 17% BF!! legs were bigger then than they are now too. So I don't really trust that. I might order some calipers online just to see if I get teh same numbers but ....I don't really trust those either. :(

    Getting your body fat done is tricky regardless. Even calipers, when used perfectly (and they most often aren't), have a big error range. Just important to know your scale may or may not be reliable. If you are really interested in knowing what it is then you can look into a bod pod test. There's one at a university near me - I can buy 2 sessions for $30 each.