20pds by XMas who's with me? P90x week 7



  • SW 170
    CW 163
    GW 135

    Well, I am down a pound for the week. Better than up a pound! We did have a good time at the bonfire and I got Kenpo in before we left so I didn't feel guilty about having the one chili dog. I did feel guilty, however, eating the piece of Texas Sheet Cake that my mom makes. It is a weakness of mine!

    I hope scale is nice to everyone today. Here's to a great week!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey guys i'm not on p90x but I am trying to lose 20lbs by december.
    last week I didnt lose a pound but I feel like I lost inches ( I know I will get an actual measuring tape soon so I'm sure).

    any tips? I only have exactly 9 wks left before I visit my family for the holidays.

    Good luck everyone!

    SW: 190
    CW 186
    GW 170
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Sw 273
    CW 272

    I have NEVER weighed this much in my LIFE! But I have let me myself go and put my family and school before exercise and eating right. So, its time to get out of this rut and feel good about myself for once! Don't get me wrong my hubs is very supportive but he's the type that can eat whatever he wants and not gain a bit. So, I think my lesson this week is that I have to think about what I can eat/ when to eat not eat b/c my hubs does. I'm hoping to lose at least 15lbs by Christmas. OK Good Luck to all!
    Good Job down 1 14 to go! Oh yeah I was gonna tell you guys. I'm taking Chromium Picolinate 800mcg. It's not a diet pill..it's all natural you can get at Walmart. It's for Metabolism Support. Back when I use to train hard; I took it to lean out..it really only helps in my opinion if you are working out. nolachick- stay focused don't let that little devil sit on your shoulder and tell you negative things. "this isn't going to work, "you failed before ya just gonna fail again", "1 pd that's nothing; you should just go eat what you want"....that's what mine tells me some..maybe someone can relate..keep moving. want to boredom eat...go get unbored! Drink water not soft drinks, and move that body...get that heartrate up and don't do the same ole same ole each day! You with me girl! You got this! Fine in 09 and Thin in 10!!!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Sw 273
    CW 272

    I have NEVER weighed this much in my LIFE! But I have let me myself go and put my family and school before exercise and eating right. So, its time to get out of this rut and feel good about myself for once! Don't get me wrong my hubs is very supportive but he's the type that can eat whatever he wants and not gain a bit. So, I think my lesson this week is that I have to think about what I can eat/ when to eat not eat b/c my hubs does. I'm hoping to lose at least 15lbs by Christmas. OK Good Luck to all!

    I so feel what you are saying. Over the last years, I am joined at the hip with my husband/child. I do what he wants to do and don't do what he doesn't want to do. I've been working at changing this. Remembering that we are 2 people. That it's ok to do things apart from him...to do what I need. Because he doesn't have 50pds to lose and he will still love me, etc. if I go to the gym, bikeride without him..cleaning/cooking etc can wait for an hour...or even the next day. I asked them if they wanted to go for a bike ride...they both said no...so I wasn't going to go. But then I told them, 'Well I'm gonna go; I'll be back in about an hour...they ended up going and we had a great time". Everyone knows the definition of Insanity but just want to remind you "doing things the same but expecting different results" we have to change...we were thinner when we were young cause we weren't so focused on food and we were active..that's hasn't changed we have...We will change cause we are changing!!!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Great job!!! You go!!! It's rainy and ugly here in Georgia! Well here we go one day at a time..making good choices and moving.. Off to do Core Synegistics.. yay...here's to sweating out the goo!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Sw 273
    CW 272

    I have NEVER weighed this much in my LIFE! But I have let me myself go and put my family and school before exercise and eating right. So, its time to get out of this rut and feel good about myself for once! Don't get me wrong my hubs is very supportive but he's the type that can eat whatever he wants and not gain a bit. So, I think my lesson this week is that I have to think about what I can eat/ when to eat not eat b/c my hubs does. I'm hoping to lose at least 15lbs by Christmas. OK Good Luck to all!
    Good Job down 1 14 to go! Oh yeah I was gonna tell you guys. I'm taking Chromium Picolinate 800mcg. It's not a diet pill..it's all natural you can get at Walmart. It's for Metabolism Support. Back when I use to train hard; I took it to lean out..it really only helps in my opinion if you are working out. nolachick- stay focused don't let that little devil sit on your shoulder and tell you negative things. "this isn't going to work, "you failed before ya just gonna fail again", "1 pd that's nothing; you should just go eat what you want"....that's what mine tells me some..maybe someone can relate..keep moving. want to boredom eat...go get unbored! Drink water not soft drinks, and move that body...get that heartrate up and don't do the same ole same ole each day! You with me girl! You got this! Fine in 09 and Thin in 10!!!

    thanks girl! I'm with ya for sure!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Great job!!! You go!!! It's rainy and ugly here in Georgia! Well here we go one day at a time..making good choices and moving.. Off to do Core Synegistics.. yay...here's to sweating out the goo!

    bnewag123 this was for you...i thought i did the quote thing right...P90xxxxxxxx! If you haven't hit it- get to it! Burn baby burn...by by goo and grim...see you later fat...hello definition...
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I've done four rounds of P90X, one round of Insanity, and am now doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. You are all doing a great job. Keep it up!

    I thought I'd share a few tips:

    1. When calculating your nutrition level in the Nutrition Plan, use your target weight, not your current weight. Women should eat anywhere from 1600-1800 calories to lose weight. Your body needs food for fuel; it's important to eat clean and often.

    2. Don't work out on an empty stomach. I get up at 5 a.m., and always have a banana as soon as I get up. I wait about 20-25 minutes and then start my workout. Without fuel in your system, your body will actually turn to your muscles for fuel, not fat. So, it is eating away the muscles you are trying to build.

    3. The only way to get better at pull ups is to do them. Work the negatives. Use the chair to help you get up over the bar, take your foot off, and then slowly lower yourself back down. Negatives work. You'll be doing unassisted pull ups before you know it.

    4. If you're having trouble with ARX, take your shoes off. That little bit of weight from the shoes makes a big difference.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if I can answer any questions for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Ok, so I have been away for a few days for my birthday and am ready to get to it!!! I see everyone is making progress already, way to go!! Do we have to do the P90x to be part of this??? What exactly is it? Sorry for the questions, I just thought I had better ask. Thanks.
  • Is it too late to join your group? I would love to have support and someone to confer with as I reach for the goal of 20# off by the Holidays (then another 20# by summer?). I've been on this site off and on since late summer and I really need to start focusing on me and get healthy. I started last month with the first big step, I changed my job. I just started last week and I forsee a lot less stress and less strain on my time so I can focus on my health/fitness. So, I am now ready for the next step - getting it done!
  • I will be sweating out the goo for sure tonight, the dreaded plyometrics! Believe it or not, I'm actually enjoying all the different types of pushups. I love that I can do some of them more than the hubby. Guess he should be doing his yoga!

    Everyone have a good day and make smart choices. Drink water!
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    I will be sweating out the goo for sure tonight, the dreaded plyometrics! Believe it or not, I'm actually enjoying all the different types of pushups. I love that I can do some of them more than the hubby. Guess he should be doing his yoga!

    Everyone have a good day and make smart choices. Drink water!

    10 of my favorites are Plyo and Yoga. Love both.
  • Rachel6901, I don't do P90X. I would only do the yoga right now anyways. I do other types of exercise. P90x is from Beach body and its a program of 13 dvds of home workouts. I'm sure someone else who do it can tell u more about it. BUt I just want to let you know we do weigh ins on Mondays and share how we felt that week, any new recipes and stuff like that. Welcome and good luck on your journey!
  • Just wanted to post and share my guilt. Bad, bad night for me. I had stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut last night. I only had one piece but still, a moment of weakness. We were celebrating my son's football team's win and end of the season. I know I should have went with the salad bar, but I didn't. Now I just feel guilty.

    Today is a new day though. I will make better choices today!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Is it too late to join your group? I would love to have support and someone to confer with as I reach for the goal of 20# off by the Holidays (then another 20# by summer?). I've been on this site off and on since late summer and I really need to start focusing on me and get healthy. I started last month with the first big step, I changed my job. I just started last week and I forsee a lot less stress and less strain on my time so I can focus on my health/fitness. So, I am now ready for the next step - getting it done!

    AS IF!! NO!!!! Glad to have you aboard!!! We weigh in on Mondays and through out the week vent, praise, encourage, inspire!!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Just wanted to post and share my guilt. Bad, bad night for me. I had stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut last night. I only had one piece but still, a moment of weakness. We were celebrating my son's football team's win and end of the season. I know I should have went with the salad bar, but I didn't. Now I just feel guilty.

    Today is a new day though. I will make better choices today!

    You said it sista..If you make bad choices one day don't let it continue for the next day, etc. If I have a bad eating day (and everyone does), I work out extra hard the next day, drink a lot of water and make better choices that day! My husband reminded me that I was in week 9 and that we only have 5 more weeks with this round..(I had missed a few days so I was doing the week behind him) but decided I would go to the week I'm suppose to be in.. Anyway, Had chest and Back week 9..omg..tons of pushups and pullups.. I about monkeyed! I thought I would throw up/pass out! I'm getting a lot stronger though..still can't do a pullup without the chair but I did a lot with the chair. I'm gonna be so fine next summer..I WILL NOT BE ASHAMED AT THE POOL WITH MY SON!!!! I may look like what I did in high school but I'm gonna look better than this past summer!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I've done four rounds of P90X, one round of Insanity, and am now doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. You are all doing a great job. Keep it up!

    I thought I'd share a few tips:

    1. When calculating your nutrition level in the Nutrition Plan, use your target weight, not your current weight. Women should eat anywhere from 1600-1800 calories to lose weight. Your body needs food for fuel; it's important to eat clean and often.

    2. Don't work out on an empty stomach. I get up at 5 a.m., and always have a banana as soon as I get up. I wait about 20-25 minutes and then start my workout. Without fuel in your system, your body will actually turn to your muscles for fuel, not fat. So, it is eating away the muscles you are trying to build.

    3. The only way to get better at pull ups is to do them. Work the negatives. Use the chair to help you get up over the bar, take your foot off, and then slowly lower yourself back down. Negatives work. You'll be doing unassisted pull ups before you know it.

    4. If you're having trouble with ARX, take your shoes off. That little bit of weight from the shoes makes a big difference.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if I can answer any questions for you! :flowerforyou:
    Girlfriend you are ripped!! Wow thank you for this.. because when I first started the P90X I did my current weight and was eating too much and wasn't going down in sizes or weight...I was getting stronger but no weight loss or wasn't "leaning out".. I lowered my intake to around 1600-1800 and that is working...i'm starting to see the "definition". So were you heavy at all before? You look super thin and ripped...
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Rachel6901, I don't do P90X. I would only do the yoga right now anyways. I do other types of exercise. P90x is from Beach body and its a program of 13 dvds of home workouts. I'm sure someone else who do it can tell u more about it. BUt I just want to let you know we do weigh ins on Mondays and share how we felt that week, any new recipes and stuff like that. Welcome and good luck on your journey!

    xStargazerx - Thank you for your response. I am glad to know that I am not the only one doing the P90X. I am happy to be part of this and just need to force myself to log on more often! I have been in a two week slump and have made no progress, actually have gained a few back. So I am going to readjust my attitude this week and get back into my biking. Right now I am biking for me knees and hope to do my walking/jogging soon!!
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    You know how some support groups on here do small weekly challenges like focusing on water, crunches, push-ups, more veggies, more fruits, etc., etc.? Anyone interested in having small focuses like this each week? Portion sizes would be a big one for me as well!!!!! :-) Let me know!

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to reduce my appetite some? I have looked up natural appetite supressants like apples, flax seed and more. Any other suggestions? I always feel like I am hungry and I try not to have more than just a small snack. Maybe multi-grain crackers and such.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I've done four rounds of P90X, one round of Insanity, and am now doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. You are all doing a great job. Keep it up!

    I thought I'd share a few tips:

    1. When calculating your nutrition level in the Nutrition Plan, use your target weight, not your current weight. Women should eat anywhere from 1600-1800 calories to lose weight. Your body needs food for fuel; it's important to eat clean and often.

    2. Don't work out on an empty stomach. I get up at 5 a.m., and always have a banana as soon as I get up. I wait about 20-25 minutes and then start my workout. Without fuel in your system, your body will actually turn to your muscles for fuel, not fat. So, it is eating away the muscles you are trying to build.

    3. The only way to get better at pull ups is to do them. Work the negatives. Use the chair to help you get up over the bar, take your foot off, and then slowly lower yourself back down. Negatives work. You'll be doing unassisted pull ups before you know it.

    4. If you're having trouble with ARX, take your shoes off. That little bit of weight from the shoes makes a big difference.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if I can answer any questions for you! :flowerforyou:
    Girlfriend you are ripped!! Wow thank you for this.. because when I first started the P90X I did my current weight and was eating too much and wasn't going down in sizes or weight...I was getting stronger but no weight loss or wasn't "leaning out".. I lowered my intake to around 1600-1800 and that is working...i'm starting to see the "definition". So were you heavy at all before? You look super thin and ripped...

    Thanks! When I started getting serious about my health again, I was 40 pounds heavier than I am now. I owe it all to Tony -- and me, of course. :bigsmile:
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