how often do you weigh yourself?

I seem to have fallen into a trap of weighing myself everyday, one day the scales will tell me something different to the next (either more or less).

How often should i be weighing myself?



  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I do everyday as well. Keeps me on track personally. If I don't I slack a bit. LOL
  • I've started doing it just once a month, when I'm feeling thinnest and I remember. It's so easy to obsess about all the little changes but mostly it's just water.
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I do it every day, I always have! It can be really uplifting, or make you feel pretty bad, but I always remember the final judgement is the mirror as you may have gained muscle
  • robvaleri
    robvaleri Posts: 7
    I weigh in everyday also, but only record once a week. I agree that it helps keep me on track though seeing the roller coaster can give me anxiety :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I weigh in every other week. I have a tendency to bounce up and down even if I stay at my daily calorie goal and a lot is water weight, so I usually show an accurate loss on the second week.
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    :sad: all the flippin time, it's my new vice
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    I think I'm going to do it once a week. Doing it every day would just stress me out because of increases which aren't necessarily diet related but water etc.
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    once a week
  • 1992cmw
    1992cmw Posts: 19
    I use to weigh myself everyday because I was obsessed with my weight(losing it). I suggest you weigh yourself once a week or once every two weeks. You should do it early in the morning after you wake up and have used the bathroom. I suggest either Mondays or Fridays.
  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    Weight can fluctuate from day to day and from morning to afternoon to evening. I got rid of the scales in my house so that I would not get caught up weighing myself every day (or multiple times each day). I weigh myself once a week on the same day (most of the time). Usually it's Sunday, but there have been a few times where I've weighed in on Saturday for different reasons.

    I always use the same scales (in the gym at work).

    I weigh myself in the morning before eating breakfast.

    I wear the same clothes every time I weigh in.

    Maybe a little bit OCD...but this way I know that the numbers on the scale are an accurate reflection of what I've lost and not a product of what I may have just eaten, water weight, time of day, clothes I'm wearing, etc.

    This is what works for me.
  • DietandVlogsense
    DietandVlogsense Posts: 48 Member
    I seem to have fallen into a trap of weighing myself everyday, one day the scales will tell me something different to the next (either more or less).

    How often should i be weighing myself?

    Weekly, or at most twice weekly, should be enough.

    Remember, you weight will fluctuate, in both directions, depending on many factors, including have you just eaten, how hydrated are you at this point, have you been to the toilet this morning, etc, etc.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Once a week
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Two or three times a day. I only record Monday mornings one though.

    For me I'm interested in how much it can change during the day, so the number never worries me.
  • KaonaRose
    KaonaRose Posts: 9
    I know I have become obsessive about it in the past (I would weigh myself after every meal or snack), so now I'm trying to stick to once a week, twice max.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    I weigh myself daily...

    I record them and take the average of the past 10 days to record here. Averaging takes out all the highs and lows from my daily diet, so you don't stress out over those 2 pounds you 'gained' over night, or get really excited about the pound you 'lost' after a hard workout.

    Perhaps a little too much for some, but it works for me!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Everyone does what works for them here, but if you like to weigh yourself everyday, but find it kind of makes or breaks how you feel, I suggest keeping a weekly comparison log- in excel or some other program, record your weight everyday, but make it a weekly grid so you are comparing your weight to what it was on the same day last week- Monday to monday, instead of monday in relation to Sunday and Tuesday. It's better for your sanity, and, I find, a better barometer for how you are doing.
  • AlexLee13
    AlexLee13 Posts: 2
    I normally weight myself once a week, but now that it's summer I am weighing myself more and more! :smile:
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    I do everyday as well. Keeps me on track personally. If I don't I slack a bit. LOL

    Same here
  • Once a week. Thinking of going once a month though...because I drive myself crazy if I don't see the loss I want. I wonder what I did "wrong". Silly brain. :)
  • jjtl0811
    jjtl0811 Posts: 7 Member
    I weight in once per week. Every Tuesday morning! My weight changes so much on a daily basis. I've always heard that to be accurate you should weight the same day of the week at the same time!