how often do you weigh yourself?



  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    I do it "officially" once every week or 2 weeks. I do occasionally weigh myself every couple days out of curiosity to see how my body fluctuates. It's kind of amazing. I can fluctuate up to 5 or 6 lbs heavier some days. In the end, I know I'm eating at a defecit and working out so in the long-term I WILL lose fat and I'm not worried about the scale so much.
  • I weight myself once a day, every morning, naked. That way I know what my body is doing. If I wait and do it once a week I may get lazy and let the pounds go back on! They can jump on quickly if you aren't careful!
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I weigh in once a week, Friday mornings, just out of bed still in my PJs after going potty of course....LOL

    As a woman, I know my weight will fluctuate too much to weigh every day, I would drive myself nuts if I did that.
  • Daily. I don't freak about the flucuations and it helps keep me on track. This doesn't work for everyone, though.
  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    Tracking food and exercise - every day.

    Weighing - once a month.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I weigh myself daily upon awaking before eating or drinking but after a good morning pooh.:drinker:
    And I record any gains the instant I enter a newer, lower number.
    EXAMPLE: If I was 199.9, then saw my weight creeping down day after day, I would not record a new weight on MFP until that scale said 198.9.
    And I record 198....and so on....
    Makes it more fun for me, but some people who stress out over the scale would go insane doing this.
    I get it.
    To each his own.
    I also track progress with bodyfat. Weight is not the whole picture, and the scale can lie as badly as the man in the mirror.
    You can check here for free:
    Something else to obsess over? Not al all.
    Remember, you rule the numbers - not the other way around.
    Have a great day!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    I seem to have fallen into a trap of weighing myself everyday, one day the scales will tell me something different to the next (either more or less).

    How often should i be weighing myself?


    You should weigh as often as works for you.

    I like to weigh daily to see how my day to day activities and food/water choices affect my weight. I have thought about weighing weekly occasionally, but there have been times where my weight on one Monday would the same from one week to the next even though there were fluctuations throughout the week.
  • daughterofthesea
    daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
    I used to weigh myself every day but our scales are absolutely terrible so I've given up until my semester starts in September. When that starts, I plan to weigh myself once a week when I'm in university.
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    Once a month usually but if I go to gym then once a week.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Weight can fluctuate from day to day and from morning to afternoon to evening. I got rid of the scales in my house so that I would not get caught up weighing myself every day (or multiple times each day). I weigh myself once a week on the same day (most of the time). Usually it's Sunday, but there have been a few times where I've weighed in on Saturday for different reasons.

    I always use the same scales (in the gym at work).

    I weigh myself in the morning before eating breakfast.

    I wear the same clothes every time I weigh in.

    Maybe a little bit OCD...but this way I know that the numbers on the scale are an accurate reflection of what I've lost and not a product of what I may have just eaten, water weight, time of day, clothes I'm wearing, etc.

    This is what works for me.
    this is what i will be doing from now onwards as weighing daily drove me nuts
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    Every two weeks ,same scale make sure it calibrated, weigh after usuing the bathroom and around the same time, females its different cause we have water weight gain. I can go from 2-3 lbs in two day off and on it sucks. take in mind what yhour eating and how much you exercise (gaining muscle) Hold off of heavy strength training will gain you muscle. Get an advanced scale that show more than weight. Also MEASURE yourself. You can not lose a pund but measuring you can lose inches. Happened to me no weight but 6 or more inces all around for one month of boot camp (exercise boot camp). If you have privacy weighi in with no clothes.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I weigh in either every Saturday or every other Saturday.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I do it once a week but only count it once a month and post it here...I use my clothes and how they fit as a better measurement
  • beckydunks
    beckydunks Posts: 65 Member

    It's obvious you'll weigh different everyday/hour , depending on food and water intake!!

  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I seem to have fallen into a trap of weighing myself everyday, one day the scales will tell me something different to the next (either more or less).

    How often should i be weighing myself?


    I used to weight myself everyday but it will literally drive you to the looney bin! I think once a week or every 2 weeks is best. Your body weight fluctuates so much day to day due to water retention that it's never a good representation. Also, make sure you weight yourself when you wake up in the morning (after you go to the bathroom!)... you are the lightest at this time.
  • stina0t2
    stina0t2 Posts: 62 Member
    I weigh in everyday also, but only record once a week. I agree that it helps keep me on track though seeing the roller coaster can give me anxiety :)

    this is my strategy as well. keeps me accountable.
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    At the beginning i didn't weigh myself at all. I hated the high number and I didn't want to see it.
    After three months with seeing some success I started to weigh myself once a week. 196 pounds at that moment.
    With 182 pounds I found MFP and that helps a lot!
    Now I am at 171 pounds.
    I still want to weigh myself once a week, but sometimes I am that happy about losing weight, that I do it daily.
  • jamm2000
    jamm2000 Posts: 79
    Once per week.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    I weigh myself everyday to keep taps on whats going on but I only record it on a Fri/Sat depending on if I forget Fri lol.

    Another thing always weigh yourself first thing in the moring as otherwise it can fluctuate 1-3 pounds during day depening on what you have eaten/drank/water retention etc.

    Good luck
  • rhiannan1991
    rhiannan1991 Posts: 12 Member
    Once a week. Personally, I hate weighing myself so i wouldnt wanna do it everyday,, but thats just me lol