Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 4



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's
    I have to say this was a great week end. I did a 3 mile walk on sat. with my mother in law for 60 min exercise, ate my fruits and veggies. and sat in the yard for me time(but I was thinking this needs to be cleaned:laugh: ) Then went and got my hair done with a friend, which she gave me for my bday. I got a new hair style and love it. Sunday, I raked the whole yard it took 90 min and I burned a lot of calories, ate my veggies and fruits.
    Today I did my 36 min walk and eating my fruits and veggies now. I am feeling so much better.

    Have a great day, work is really busy will have to check back later :bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all !
    Siting here eating some leftover mac and cheese (Homemade) But using puree cauliflower and fat free cream cheese and some reg cheese too:) and flax seed:) YUMO
    So It is somewhat healthy. Doing good. It is cold here today
    will check back later:bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hey all !
    Siting here eating some leftover mac and cheese (Homemade) But using puree cauliflower and fat free cream cheese and some reg cheese too:) and flax seed:) YUMO
    So It is somewhat healthy. Doing good. It is cold here today
    will check back later:bigsmile:

    That sounds like another recipe you need to post!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Sorry I wasn't on here yesterday. It was an awful day. I somehow managed to keep my food under control, but I missed gong to the gym. I was supposed to go right after work, but I found out about 1/2 an hour before I left that my husband got fired. He got fired for text messaging. :angry: How stupid is that!! :explode: Stupid on his part for doing it and stupid on their part for firing a good worker for something so trivial. He managed to have another job lined up last night and he starts his new job today. :happy: After that, I really couldn't be mad anymore. I hated the job he was at before and I've been trying for years to get him to find a new one. I guess he just needed a push, and not just a little one.

    Today's a new day. :flowerforyou: I have my gym bag in the car. I will go to the gym this afternoon. I need to be there for an hour. I'm going to have to push myself the next few days to get some time in. It was one thing after another this weekend and I never managed to get any exercise in. I'm still hoping to get in 3 hours before Friday morning.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hi Peppers
    Back now from my long weekend trip to St. Louis. Took the train from Kansas City to St. Louis with my bf. Had a really great time, the weather was bad the first day (rainy, cold) but Saturday turned out to be beautiful. BF if a big Cardinals fan, so the game was really disappointing. Took the tour of the Budweiser Brewery (I've been to St. Louis many times but had never done that) that was fun. This is the first "vacation" I've taken from my diet since I started on June 8th. didn't do too bad. Seem to be up about a pound, but will focus on water and healthy food for the next few days and I bet that will drop.

    Kelly - you can put me in as steady on my weight for last Friday and 195 minutes of exercise for last week. I'll be back on track with reporting this week.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so yesterday i started so strong, and was proud of meyself. But was bone tired after work, I knew I was going to be also. So I put my gym bag in the car so I did not have to go home, becuase I knew I would not leave the house once I enter it. So since 4pm I started calling my son to make sure he got home ok. Well he never answer the house or cell phone, so I had to go home and sure enough he was in bed not feeling well, so I did not make it to the gym.
    This is going to be a hard week for me. When the cuppards get bare I start comfort cooking so I eat the cheep bad stuff. And I am so behind on workout hours. So gym bag in car and def got to go tonight and get back on track before I can all the weight back
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's :heart: ,
    Looks like this has been a busy begining of the week for everyone. Hope you are doing well :drinker: I have managed to stay on track had veggies and fruit, the me time did not happen yesterday but maybe later I will get some in today :happy: I have been drinking so much water I am floating :laugh:

    this is one of those days its raining so my walk may be put off but I will do something I am not going to let the weather get to me :bigsmile:
    Well stick with it Pepper's :drinker: Will check back later. :smile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Options lots of you did so much better than I have. BIG month here for me bc last weekend was baby shower for HS friend, then this weekend it was a big college football weekend so I drank and ate alot there and has my same friends daughters 5th bday party, yesterday was my girl's 5th bday and we let her pick out what food she wanted, this week I will have to get in good eating and workouts b/c this weekend and next weekend are yet 2 other baby showers, this sunday coming up is my 5 yr olds bday party, and then there our halloween party and then trick or treating! its not that there arent ways to get around these but it has been very hard to not over indulge. Hoping for a few chances to really hit the gym. i might be able tomorrow but today and thursday are tball practices so to the ball fields we go!!!
    well, I got in some yummy fruits and veggies though this weekend and thats real good. Still didnt feel the greatest to go and do the gym this weekend as this sinus infection is still making it hard to breathe and as I recall....working out invoves lots of breathing! lol:bigsmile: :laugh:

    ***heres to keeping the motivation up and hoping for some real changes soon! :drinker: ***
    lots of :heart: :heart: my SHGP's!!!!!
  • angiemcnett
    Good evening SHGP! I have been doing good with vegetables and water this week but need to improve on fruit. I am going to try to get to the farmers market by my house tomorrow to pick up more fresh fruit & veggies. I need some more healthy food in my house. All I want to eat is ice cream and easy food that I don't have to make. I try to limit my self to 1 low fat ice cream sandwich a day but some days that doesn't work. I hope everyone is having a good evening. :happy:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi gang ~

    almost hump day....

    things really off plan here w/dh on vacation. not a good day here on anything past noon. got a few groceries today. have bus trip tomorrow to nature center. 3 more days til weigh in. keep on keepin you guys, in the end, all the little changes add up!

    BL was ok. i am not a fan of Tracey. she is a total game player and so unpredictable. i was so surprised they let Coach Mo go.

    g'nit peppers! :yawn:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ... just making a quick report here ... I'm back from my Hiking Trip to Tobermory ... it was the best de-stressing trip ever. I'm a little stresssed to be back at work now ... but I'll just have to deal with the reality and move on. Hopefully I'm back on my healthy lifestyle track now. Gotta get working ... I'll talk to you as soon as my home computer is up and running again.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good morning Pepper's,
    I think we all need to remember there will always be a hump to get over, but we are all trying to get over them and even if it takes 8 or 9 times (like me and me veggies:laugh: ) we will keep trying. So dont get down the day is new and it is never to late to start again. :drinker:

    This has been a very tough week with getting all my veggies in but I have gotten at least 2 a day. I am doing great on water, fruits and exercise. It stopped raining yesterday and I was able to get my 36 min walk in.

    Have to get back to work, Have a great day I will check back in later. :bigsmile:
  • angiemcnett
    Good morning Smokin' Hot Green Peppers! I am just checking in quick before I go for my 2nd swim for the day. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and remember to drink your water, eat your fruits and veggies, and make some time for yourself. :flowerforyou: I have been using my me time to read about my pregnancy. I am 10 weeks and my baby is starting to look like a baby now. I am excited.:happy: Everyone I hope you have a great day.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good morning Smokin' Hot Green Peppers! I am just checking in quick before I go for my 2nd swim for the day. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and remember to drink your water, eat your fruits and veggies, and make some time for yourself. :flowerforyou: I have been using my me time to read about my pregnancy. I am 10 weeks and my baby is starting to look like a baby now. I am excited.:happy: Everyone I hope you have a great day.

    It has been a long time since I had my kids, but I do remember, that is so exciting. congrats again:bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey all, I have been MIA for most of this week so far. I have been taking me time to sit and read, and reducing the tv time, and the kids being annoying time:laugh: Made a load of home made applesauce (well atleast aht is what i call it, boiled apples blended with cinnamon and cloves) :bigsmile: I love it!
    I hav NOT been getting H2o down at all really I dont know why but I will kick my butt in gear better, need to get moving this week and get a load of exercise in. Just a lot of stressors preventing me, but it is not making me happy not going to work out at all:grumble: So I will get my butt in gear!
    doing good on fruit and veggies:) :drinker: Hope everyone has a wonderful wednesday and I wil get my head out of my butt and start getting to it:)
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all, wow this is really being a tough week for me. Eating very poorly. Not been able to get to the gym yet this week. No desire or energy to do anything. It like I am keeping myself down. Well tonight I def want to go to the gym. Wish me luck
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi all ~
    well, back from bus trip. i worked on my seating assignments for almost 2 hours!! i am up to 61 kids now on a 65 passenger bus, actually seats 43 comfortable. 3 kiddos in some seats. never had this many, and a long route, 1 hr and 10 min.

    glad to see everyone checking in and reporting how things are going. sounds like many of us are having a tough week. i have really been slacking on the exercise and me time..... fruits, veggies and water ok. i find i do better with some issues ( past bad habits ) over others. like ok, it is Halloween time....the old me would be eatin the trial size bars like they were bite size ones and by this time have had to replace 3-4 bags. well, i am proud to say i have only had one trial size bar and only 2 bags thus far. folks dont forget all the little changes you are making day to day, week to week, or month to month. this all go towards efforts of our changing lifestyle. and what i think is great is that we are still here in this, whether we have a good day or bad day, or good week or bad week. it shows you are being somewhat mindful of your health and takin it seriously to the next level. don't ever give up on you, and remember it is usually only you that controls what the outcome of every day is. i believe in all of you and know we can succeed here.

    keep on keepin and make it count! :flowerforyou:
  • artichoke
    hi everyone! it's been a crazy week already for me...we're expecting layoffs any day now and i've been stress eating like mad.

    the good news is that i ran yesterday and just came back from a walk!! i'm ALMOST back to my pre-move weight of three weeks ago and i'm gonna blow right past it. small steps are good steps :smile:

    oh! and i now have internet AT HOME so i'll be posting on fridays with you all!! hooray.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • angiemcnett
    Magglett - I love your pictures at the end of your post.:smile: