Why do there appear to be more women than men here?



  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Because most men will think they know everything about dieting and fitness and that they need no support.

    sooo true!! it's like asking for directions when we're lost... we just don't do it. we think we are masters or our universe and can figure it all out on our own. :-)
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    Because most men will think they know everything about dieting and fitness and that they need no support.

    Preach brutha....
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    REAL men don't need no road map and we don't ask questions.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Because my fiance can drink whole milk, sleep all day, eat pizza and live off ice cream cake and barely make it into the "normal" weight range for his height while I have to exercise to fit into my jeans.

    This! FFS he makes me sick...(my fiance) He eats what ever, when ever, n usually all the time.... he's 6'4 n do a one week out door project n get all buff(not cut, but I like a little softness to cuddle with personally)

    Personally I think that women tend to need more support and reassurance and positive reinforcement. Just my opinion.

    I'm here because I am tired of my weight yo yoing between summer n not summer... and I periodically under eat to the extent that I was getting nightly headaches n the shakes after working out..
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I think counting calories is often considered a girly way to do it.

    I was reading a Lyle McDonald ebook that has you dieting at a 400-800 calorie level (no counting calories, just some grams) and then using calorie counting for a short time afterward to ease into maintenance or something. McDonald went on about he knows how abhorrent it is to count calories but it was only temporary. I was thinking, "The calorie counting part sounds a helluva lot easier than that diet you just described!" :huh:
  • CallMePat
    CallMePat Posts: 74 Member
    We don't like to talk about it.

    I had the MFP app a while before I even knew about the forums