That guy with fries



  • becki1815
    becki1815 Posts: 51 Member
    I look at a fat picture of myself. Reminds me why I'm doing without and suddenly I don't care about it anymore, because I am not going back to being that person.
  • Brengild
    Brengild Posts: 127
    I feel that way when I go to our lunch room. I have found quite a few healthy option for lunch that I love, but, they are mostly cold. When I smell all the yummy aromas of stuff they are heating in the microwave it kinda gets to me. Sometimes its better to eat alone at my desk!
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    the whole thread makes me want to go down a large order of onion rings.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    I always have a stash of 100cal packs in my desk - one bag of salty and one of something sweet. I usually find that it's not so much the food I'm craving, it's the salt/sugar.

    This is genius.
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    I like ice cream. I keep a box of small snack size ice cream bars on hand. I eat one and only one each day and this keeps me ok. No more large portions.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Ahahahah @ Holly & Amy. :laugh:

    It's better than it looks. French fries with brown gravy (they have the BBQ gravy and white sauce version as well) and cheese kurds. Some places even did fancy versions with chicken or veggies, smoked meat, grated mozzerella.. what ever they can had in it.

    Look at it this way: when you go to Swiss chalet or what ever chicken place you have in the States, 99% of people will dip their fries in the BBQ sauce... well add cheese to that and mix this in a bowl! Same thing! :wink:

    You taste once, you're screwed! :bigsmile:
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Oh! Talking about food from our lil corner of the planet.... And my fellow Canadians will know what I am talking about... What better dessert than falling for a Beaver Tail!!!!!


    And no, aint a real one, it's a pastry, and my dear US and UK friends, if you come to our beloved country, you have to try one! (but Saw there's one in Keystone,CO


    Here's the site:::
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    I try to log my entire day first thing in the morning. That way, if it's not on the list, it doesn't go in your mouth. It's a pain, but if you get a high off discipline like I do, it will be effective.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    If I'm craving something, avoiding it is a disaster. I end up eating large amounts of other foods trying to avoid it. I end up eating more calories than I would have eaten if I just ate the food I was craving in the first place!

    So, I would say, have some. Order the smallest order they have, and throw (or give) half of it away. And then enjoy!

  • fatboymax
    fatboymax Posts: 90
    Cheating is a very, very slippery slope for me, so I avoid it. I know I won't just eat one fry, it will be an entire order of fries, then a brownie, and something else...followed by multiple days of cheating.

    This is exactly my problem. I have to be either 100% on the money or i binge. I used to smoke 10 years ago and it is the same thing for me!
  • earthquick
    earthquick Posts: 20 Member
    I ALWAYS give into my cravings, but I just have a tiny bit. I think its much better than trying to avoid it and obsessing about. Just have a few bites and enjoy it and move on!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    when it comes to resisting, practice makes perfect :)

    after a while, you won't want it.

    if its a "hey i haven't indulged in quite a while i want some freaking french fries damnit" then go for it. but the other 90% of the time... the longer you go without it, the less you'll want it.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I should point out that I refuse to live a life where I can't have a burger and fries, some pizza, or a cupcake. I eat healthy the majority of the time so I don't worry so much about the indulges. I mean, what kind of life is it if I have anxiety about having a slice of pizza? It's not a life I want to be a part of.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    when it comes to resisting, practice makes perfect :)

    after a while, you won't want it.

    if its a "hey i haven't indulged in quite a while i want some freaking french fries damnit" then go for it. but the other 90% of the time... the longer you go without it, the less you'll want it.

    Agreed! I have more resistance than in the beginning... still... I have some craving/crisis.

    I should point out that I refuse to live a life where I can't have a burger and fries, some pizza, or a cupcake. I eat healthy the majority of the time so I don't worry so much about the indulges. I mean, what kind of life is it if I have anxiety about having a slice of pizza? It's not a life I want to be a part of.

    Agreed also! I have seen somewhere that we need those once in a while. Anyways, treat ourselves once in a while is good! I refuse to fully give up on food I like...I only agree to make them a once every month treat.
  • fatboymax
    fatboymax Posts: 90
    when it comes to resisting, practice makes perfect :)

    after a while, you won't want it.

    if its a "hey i haven't indulged in quite a while i want some freaking french fries damnit" then go for it. but the other 90% of the time... the longer you go without it, the less you'll want it.

    Agreed! I have more resistance than in the beginning... still... I have some craving/crisis.

    I should point out that I refuse to live a life where I can't have a burger and fries, some pizza, or a cupcake. I eat healthy the majority of the time so I don't worry so much about the indulges. I mean, what kind of life is it if I have anxiety about having a slice of pizza? It's not a life I want to be a part of.

    Agreed also! I have seen somewhere that we need those once in a while. Anyways, treat ourselves once in a while is good! I refuse to fully give up on food I like...I only agree to make them a once every month treat.

    i wish i could be like that but it is all or nothing with me. But one thing i agree with for me is that the longer i do this the easier it gets.

    I have now planned to go nuts on my anniversary with my wife. Eating whatever i want for 1 day will be someting i can look forward to
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    I have been a good recently. I have made my lunches and drank water and balanced my meals. Then there is that 1 day when a co-worker sits down next to me with a giant plate of orange julep french fries (if you know mtl you know these fries)... would have murdered him just to have them. I was good got up and left but now i feel haunted by that smell.

    How do you guys deal with junk food cravings? What are your weaknesses? I know moderation is the key but knowing that i could potentially murder someone for fries indicates to me that I might have other issues...haha!

    Never heard of orange julep french fries (surprised, because Los Angeles is full of food places).

    One of my big trouble foods is chocolate. That makes the holidays a bit rough--chocolate is often given as gifts (as was the case at work last year).
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Most of the time I ignore the craving, stick to my plan, and feel awesome for being so darn in control of myself.

    If it's something I've been wanting for a while, I find a way to plan for it. I'll plan a day of really light eating or plan to eat it on a day when I'm doing some major exercise.
  • wenza000
    wenza000 Posts: 5
    I can't answer - I just polished off the rest of the bag of potato crisps - left on the table in front of me :(
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    fries. you just writing the word made me want to punch you in the face...if it meant I could get those fries. (nothing personal. sorry.)
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    If I don't allow myself some kettle cooked chips or fries, I'll likely go insane until I go on a binge. Happened last night and I don't want it to happen again. Damn delicious potatoes. :<

    So really, don't deprive yourself, just try and watch yourself during cravings. c: