What's your grocery/other food bill like?



  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    We spend about $125.00 a week. (2 adults and a Killer diva) Mostly we buy fruits, vegies and good cuts of meat / fish and chicken.
    We dont eat out of boxes or cans and what vegies we cant get fresh we buy frozen. Its not cheap to eat
  • jeserf
    jeserf Posts: 12 Member
    The two of us spend about $150 a week depending on the store. We only eat non-vegetarian meals once a week (so once a week I eat chicken, he eats fish) so our basket is 85% produce and dairy, which is very expensive. My husband eats a lot (skinny Marine), and while he was deployed I was spending probably closer to 75 a week on produce/groceries just for me. $150 covers dinner 6 nights a week and lunches each day.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I spend 300-350$ a week depending on the houshold needs. Thats me, my work out obsessed hubby (and all his suppliments), 2 kids, and 3 dogs that eat EXTEMLEY well for dogs. We dont eat out much anymore maybe once every 2 weeks. We buy mostly organic vegies and fruit, and meat from a actual butcher shop where the animals are only grain fed without any antibiotics or food fillers etc, and farm fresh eggs from a neighbour.

    If the meat you get from the butcher shop is claiming no food fillers and they are grain fed - I am sorry to say that that is food fillers.

    I buy only GRASS fed and pastured beef, heritage certified pork and free range chicken and eggs. Those little bug and worm eaters scurrying around the yard lay the richest and best eggs.
  • soo_z
    soo_z Posts: 42
    We try to stay around $150 per week. Of course, we go over that the more we go out =\
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    Usually 400-500 a month for myself, my 6'6'' fiance and our 3 big dogs. This usually includes some non grocery items if we end up at walmart and does not include Costco expenses (which would probably average 100/month). I pack breakfasts and lunches every day and we eat at home for dinner 6 days a week. We are both runners, as are the dogs, so we eat a lot. I think about 100 a month is dog food, 100 a month is fresh fruit/veggies, and then the rest depends on what is on sale. We buy a lot of frozen veggies, canned veggies, frozen fruit, canned fruit, oatmeal, soda (tsk tsk), and chicken.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I do bulk grocery shopping once a month and drop about a hundred (for just myself). A couple times a week I will pick up random odds and ends from the grocery store.

    However, I had a rude awakening yesterday. My power was out all day and I lost an entire freezer and fridge worth of food - a month's worth of food right in the garbage. I was beside myself because I simply can't afford to just throw money out. So from now on, no more bulk shopping. I'd rather go to the store 4 or 5 times a week now and buy things as needed.
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    $300 a month

    2 adults
    2 cats
    2 turtles
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I do bulk grocery shopping once a month and drop about a hundred (for just myself). A couple times a week I will pick up random odds and ends from the grocery store.

    However, I had a rude awakening yesterday. My power was out all day and I lost an entire freezer and fridge worth of food - a month's worth of food right in the garbage. I was beside myself because I simply can't afford to just throw money out. So from now on, no more bulk shopping. I'd rather go to the store 4 or 5 times a week now and buy things as needed.

    Oh my gosh that's awful!!! I don't buy too many things in bulk-I'm always afraid we won't finish them in time.
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    $300 a month

    2 adults
    2 cats
    2 turtles

    I'm jelly of your turtles. :]
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    We average about 100 a week....2 adults, 2 cats...bathroom/cleaning and other household stuff may add an extra 20 bucks a week. Seems low to what other people pay (from what I can hear and see from waiting in line! lol)
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I do bulk grocery shopping once a month and drop about a hundred (for just myself). A couple times a week I will pick up random odds and ends from the grocery store.

    However, I had a rude awakening yesterday. My power was out all day and I lost an entire freezer and fridge worth of food - a month's worth of food right in the garbage. I was beside myself because I simply can't afford to just throw money out. So from now on, no more bulk shopping. I'd rather go to the store 4 or 5 times a week now and buy things as needed.

    Oh my gosh that's awful!!! I don't buy too many things in bulk-I'm always afraid we won't finish them in time.

    I am pregnant and uber emotional. I bawled my eyes out for a good hour. I haven't been this upset in a long time.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    For myself and my two young boys it's $75 per week for all food and household needs.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I do bulk grocery shopping once a month and drop about a hundred (for just myself). A couple times a week I will pick up random odds and ends from the grocery store.

    However, I had a rude awakening yesterday. My power was out all day and I lost an entire freezer and fridge worth of food - a month's worth of food right in the garbage. I was beside myself because I simply can't afford to just throw money out. So from now on, no more bulk shopping. I'd rather go to the store 4 or 5 times a week now and buy things as needed.

    If you own your home your home owner's insurance may cover some/all of the cost of the spoiled food. Generally, they will just cut a check for a pre-determined amount. If you believe it was more, you may have to provide some type of proof.
  • Dani_Detroit
    Two adults + one child about $120 per week. We first go to the cheap grocery store like Lidl (Europe) then to the normal places for things we can't get there.
  • faylenechung
    faylenechung Posts: 107 Member
    seems normal we have 6 people in our family and we spend 800 to 1000 a month in groceries. That's without eating out.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    $150 - $200 per week, just food for home, for myself, SO & toddler.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    All said and done, my family of four, including my husband on 4k cals a day, I'm on 2k cals and two growing boys (who aren't even teenagers yet, eating me out of house and home, but who are still exceedingly skinny) , we spend between 800-1,000 a month including groceries, sundries, and eating out. Bit much do ya think? and I coupon, geeze.

    I guess that's ABOUT $200/week.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I do bulk grocery shopping once a month and drop about a hundred (for just myself). A couple times a week I will pick up random odds and ends from the grocery store.

    However, I had a rude awakening yesterday. My power was out all day and I lost an entire freezer and fridge worth of food - a month's worth of food right in the garbage. I was beside myself because I simply can't afford to just throw money out. So from now on, no more bulk shopping. I'd rather go to the store 4 or 5 times a week now and buy things as needed.

    If you own your home your home owner's insurance may cover some/all of the cost of the spoiled food. Generally, they will just cut a check for a pre-determined amount. If you believe it was more, you may have to provide some type of proof.

    I live in an apartment and do not have renters insurance. Even if I did, I'm sure my deductible would be $500, so it wouldn't even be worth it.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    4 people....

    Husband, myself, and two daughters is under $300 a month. That inlcudes other kitchen/bathroom items. I would say it's dropped to about $200 lately because I moved and have a lot more options and Farmers Market. That does not include date night though...