Biggest Regret in your Fitness Journey?

What's your biggest regret in your fitness journey?

Mine is that I didn't do it sooner. It took me to the age of 35 to really wake up and take my health seriously. When I think of all the wasted years in my 20's and early 30's, I'm sad. I also think if I would have done this sooner, maybe I would have gotten into Olympic lifting or participated in a fitness competition. Yet, all in all, I'm happy that I'm in better physical condition, despite it taking me a lifetime to get here.

Anyone else?


  • chrischinchilla
    chrischinchilla Posts: 109 Member
    My immediate thought was: that I didn't do it sooner! But mainly, I wish I would've known at 19 and fresh out of Marine Corps Boot Camp that I wasn't going to automatically stay as lean as they'd made me--even though I felt like a fitness God at the time! I was a thin, strong 150, and I would've liked to have worked to bring that up to a trim and built 165. Instead, I let complacency get to me and packed on nearly 30 lbs by the time my enlistment was up. I'm only now returning to the point that I was when I LEFT the Marine Corps... I still have another 10 to 20 lbs to go to get where I really want to be.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Pretty much the same "Why did I wait so long" Honestly I just though it was impossible for me to change my body (as much as I hated it) so why bother, I'd never had success at gaining till MFP. And I never gave exercise a real go either, as I used to be a smoker, I never tried to find something I liked till now...I never got the rush and high until now. I though it was all a pile of BS!

    All I can say is better late than never!
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    My biggest regret is that I yo-yo so much. But since my highest it would be that I didn't just aim for 1kg a month and make life a lot simpler.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    That I didn't do it sooner. :ohwell:
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    1. that I didn't do it way sooner

    2. That when I give in to temptation, I give in too much.
  • Sam_Hain
    Sam_Hain Posts: 68 Member
    Not doing it sooner will probably be a top on here. Had I kept up my childhood habits I would have never gotten up to 240 in the first place.

    The other thing I regret is not learning enough about weight lifting. Got a bum shoulder now because of it.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    In the same boat about not doing it sooner!

    The other biggest regret is that I havent taken it seriously enough, I should be way ahead of where Im at today
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    I regret that after about six months of hard work and losing a good amount, I became complacent for four months and put back on some weight. Instead of getting to goal in May, I am still plodding along and hoping by October I'll be there. :frown:
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    My biggest regret is that I don't have a bigger budget to buy better healthier food choices. But that being said my financial situation is going to look better pretty soon. My other biggest regret is why I didn't pay attention in HS as to why they were pushing physical education on us. They should just say you need to exercise so you won't get fat as an adult and show video's on what happens when you eat out and get fat. I've been fat since I've been 22 and I'm 37 now. :-(
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    That I didn't do more competitions. After 6 contests, I abstained from competing, but still trained like a competitor. May do just one more in the "Masters" category of a Natural show.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    I regret that after about six months of hard work and losing a good amount, I became complacent for four months and put back on some weight. Instead of getting to goal in May, I am still plodding along and hoping by October I'll be there. :frown:

    ^^^ This for me too
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    1. That I didn't do this sooner
    and 2 that I keep "taking breaks" when I have too much going on and I feel overwhelmed that is the first thing cut to make time for **** that needs to get done.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    That I've kept gaining it back over and over. ugh.
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    What's your biggest regret in your fitness journey?

    Mine is that I didn't do it sooner. It took me to the age of 35 to really wake up and take my health seriously. When I think of all the wasted years in my 20's and early 30's, I'm sad. I also think if I would have done this sooner, maybe I would have gotten into Olympic lifting or participated in a fitness competition. Yet, all in all, I'm happy that I'm in better physical condition, despite it taking me a lifetime to get here.

    Anyone else?

    My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. All of the time I wasted on crappy "diets' and failed....or was too lazy to do what I needed to do....I could already have a 6 pack. LOL But nope, I'm still trying to lose a ton of body fat! Lesson learned.

    Well played life, well played.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    That i didn't take this site/app seriously when i first signed up. But now i seem to have made up for lost time.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Join in the chorus of not doing it sooner for the right reasons - feeling great ! I am 53 became a lifetime member of WW twice - once in my 20's, once in my 30's,but did it just to fit into a smaller size.

    It is so much easier to do to feel better and get the pain out of my hips and knee joints!
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    the days I eat a ton and dont put it in cuz I feel wick, working on that
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    aside from not doing this sooner, i'd say one of my biggest regrets is that i didn't take my measurements or get blood work done so i can compare my numbers from then to now. i know my starting weight and pants size, but i am tremendously curious about my cholesterol, blood pressure and stuff like that. i know i can get it checked now, but would like to have something to compare it to.
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    That I lost 140lbs but let myself gain 50 of it back.
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    acting like I have it all together and not being more open about my struggles in my journey. that is why I revamped my blog to be more open and allow my friends to support me and better help encourage me.