June Starters - Monday Weigh In - October 12



  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    I didn't get a chance at the computer yesterday but I did weigh in . No gain, No loss. I'll take it.

  • down 1 lb this week...hoping for 3 but it's better than nothing
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I HAVE A BRAG..... you guys know how much we love those, right?!! :wink:

    So, anyway.... I posted about my skirt that I got into Sunday...Well, I have a ton of jeans that I can't fit into...they range in all sizes because I kept them as the scale number climbed up...good thing is, I have clothes for as I loose weight LOL... Anyway, be sure that I'm throwing these big clothes out to the good will as I shrink out of them...NOT GOING TO BE THIS BIG AGAIN!!!
    Anyway, back to my brag :happy:
    When we started the June Starters I was in a (I'm cringing as I'm about to type this) size 20. Yikes! I know...
    Anyway, I have been in a size 18 for a long while now. Today, I took a long, luxurious shower, shaved my legs, use really yummy smelling bath gel and sugar scrub and just really gave myself a good pampering... I'm staying away from the scale until Wed. but I got a good look at myself in the buff (don't laugh, you know you've done it to) and I actually saw so many improvements... I LOVE that my mother's apron is almost totally gone...just a little loose now, but not HANGING over anymore. My butt has shrank and lifted a lot. I'm not as dimply as I was before (snicker...that does sound funny)...
    Anyway, I went to my clothes and stood before all the jeans that are too little for me... I looked through them (through the 10's 12's 14's) then came to a size 16. I took it down and held my breath for a moment... then decided....WHAT THE HECK!!! I'm going to try these babies on..... Just like the skirt, they fit!! I'm wearing them right now!!! I don't even have muffin top with them!!!
    Ladies, I am so excited!!!! I have no idea why my scale isn't moving down....its weird, but my body is shrinking!!! So, I'm ok with that... BUT my number is still WAY TOO LARGE....So, I am really hoping I can kick my workouts up and start shedding the poundage again...
    So, this really made me feel good today. I challenge you guys to pull something out of your closet that is a size smaller than you are right now, give yourself a couple of weeks of really sticking to your goals and then try them on... The moment you zip those babies up you will feel on top of the world!!!
    I love you girls!!! You guys are really my biggest inspiration and motivation aside from my husband and kiddos... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :drinker:
    That is awesome!!!! You are doing fabulous! I have no idea why the scale isn't moving but if your in a 16 you must be doing something right:laugh: Congrats that is a huge success!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    hmmmm, true mamatspokane. I just figured I'd hit the gym. I didn't even think of those who don't...

    Any suggestions?

    By the way congrats on being in the Spotlight of the week!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I hadn't even checked out the website! Thanks! How cool is that?? Thanks again!:drinker:

    No real ideas...the pedeometer sounds fun or minutes excercise or cals burned..something of that nature. I will be on vacation though so pick whatever you girls like as I will likely miss it. So if walking is what you all decdie then go for it! I have an elliptical...I could calculate some sort of mileage :)
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I don't know how but I made it through Thanksgiving and came out 2 lbs less. I have been making an effort to get back to working out, but I still have to admit I am shocked. I munched all day, and ate everything offered including desert. We ate poorly the rest of the weekend too. I still plan to work my butt off so it doesn't show up later. :wink:

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    SW 208.5
    LW 177
    CW 176

    Hi everyone ... just making a quick report here ... I'm back from my Hiking Trip to Tobermory ... it was the best de-stressing trip ever. I'm a little stresssed to be back at work now ... but I'll just have to deal with the reality and move on. I'm down 1 lb. this week and hopefully I'm back on my healthy lifestyle track now. Gotta get working ... I'll talk to you as soon as my home computer is up and running again.
  • SW 182.4
    LW 153.4
    CW 151.2 (-2.2lbs)

    Wow, certainly not sure how I managed to lose over 2lbs over Thansgiving weekend.. especially considering the three turkey dinners and no exercise!! :noway: I'll certainly take it though! :laugh:

    So now that I'm just over a pound away from my initial final goal of 150, I'm going to go for a loftier goal of 130. This is still within my healthy bmi range, and since I've still got some flab laying around it certainly can't hurt!

    On a more personal note, my dear bf accepted a job in Missisauga (it's about 5+ hours from where we live currently) so he'll be moving not this weekend, but next. :frown: While I'm excited that he's gotten this great opportunity I'm bummed that we'll be living apart for at least a year. The other position he had lined up was in the Netherlands, so I guess 5 hours away isn't so bad afterall!!

    Congrats on all the pounds and inches lost girls! Everyone's doing so great!! :flowerforyou:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    HI Girls!

    Sw- 195
    Lw- 169.8
    CW- 169.5

    A loss is a loss and I'll take it! At least the scales going back down. :laugh:

    I vote for the mileage challange starting Monday we'll keep track of how many miles we walk/run/eliptical and Friday we'll find out the winner. Sound good?

    I really need to re-commit. My fiance has been a bad influence the last couple weeks and I've been making excuses for eating bad but no more!

    Yellowhouse I don't have enough stats (sw, lw, cw) to put you on the spreadsheet so if you can post your weight I can add you to it...
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    HI Girls!

    Sw- 195
    Lw- 169.8
    CW- 169.5

    A loss is a loss and I'll take it! At least the scales going back down. :laugh:

    I vote for the mileage challange starting Monday we'll keep track of how many miles we walk/run/eliptical and Friday we'll find out the winner. Sound good?

    I really need to re-commit. My fiance has been a bad influence the last couple weeks and I've been making excuses for eating bad but no more!

    Yellowhouse I don't have enough stats (sw, lw, cw) to put you on the spreadsheet so if you can post your weight I can add you to it...
    I like it-good motivation.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Aaaaw, I made a dr appt for Monday and the nurse said they'll want to draw blood. :ohwell: :sick: I hate having my blood drawn. I'm grown up and I still pass out!! :grumble: :frown:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch in the rain this morning:grumble: So just getting to work have 5 seconds to check in.

    SW 176.5
    LW 152.9
    CW 150.8
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Hey ladies!!!

    LW 217
    TW 216.5
    I'll take it! LOL :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Is everyone ok with a walking challenge? We will post our milage throughout the week and the one who logs the most miles is our challenge spotlight winner for the week....

    We will start Sunday and end Saturday and the spotlight'er will be posted the following week....
    Start day, October 18th and end day October 24th.... How does that sound?
    This will motivate me to get my butt back into the C25K!!!!
    Ok, I need some feedback.. I know a couple of you said this sounds great and are ready to go with it!!! Thanks, Busymom!!!! :happy:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    No problem kandyjo, I'm in!! I will walk my freakin pants off!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    SW 208.5
    LW 177
    CW 176

    Hi everyone ... just making a quick report here ... I'm back from my Hiking Trip to Tobermory ... it was the best de-stressing trip ever. I'm a little stresssed to be back at work now ... but I'll just have to deal with the reality and move on. I'm down 1 lb. this week and hopefully I'm back on my healthy lifestyle track now. Gotta get working ... I'll talk to you as soon as my home computer is up and running again.

    Awesome, Mags!!! Glad your trip was great!!! Congrats on the 1lb!!!!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I just walked 5.42 miles. Do you want us to log it everyday or the total amount at the end of the week? I think this challenge is going to help with my motivation even though I'm at a plateau. :happy:
    JUST realized that it's not the 18th! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: BUMMER
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    SW - 180
    LW - 155.6
    CW - 154.8

    Thats a weight loss of 0.8lbs. I'm really disappointed this week been working so hard. I was really hoping to get below 11 stone this week though. Oh well at least its a loss and I look and feel slimmer even if the pounds and inches aren't going. :happy:
    Well done to everyone who's losing.
    Oh and my dress I bought for the wedding next week is looking really good now especially when i wear the control pants (had to buy a new pair in a smaller size :wink: )- love em! lol.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000

    I like the mileage challenge ... I've never looked at mileage before ... I usually count time and calories. I'll have to figure out that setting on my HRM. LOL
  • I like the mileage challenge too, I've been slacking recently so maybe this will motivate me! :smile:

    If you do your walking/running/cycling/whatever outside, a cool website for calculating your mileage is runthere.com, I use it all the time to plan out running routes!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Cool website Schlieffen!

    Congrats to all the June Losers!! <--- always wanted to call us that. :devil: :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I just walked 5.42 miles. Do you want us to log it everyday or the total amount at the end of the week? I think this challenge is going to help with my motivation even though I'm at a plateau. :happy:
    JUST realized that it's not the 18th! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: BUMMER

    We will start on Sunday, so the "first one up" so to speak can start the post...JUNE STARTERS WALKING CHALLENGE.... We can log our miles that whole week and use it to encourage each other during the week on the challenge. On Sat. when everyone has logged there miles, we will see who walked (ran, whatever) the most miles... They will be our spotlight challenge winner.....
  • Sorry I've been away for so long! Classes got crazy and I just got caught up in homework, work, and exhausted sleep.

    I've been keeping up with my progress though!

    I've lost 30 Pounds since June 12th.

    I weigh in on Fridays but I'll keep updating here on mondays.

    Also, I will most definitely be participating in the walk challenge. I'm aiming for doing the Couch 2 5K program but I just can't do week one yet, so I'm doing brisk walks and adding some jogging here and there. Good to see all the progress!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I just found this site to help me calculate my miles/kilometers when I hike or walk ... I love it so I thought I would share.

  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I just walked 5.42 miles. Do you want us to log it everyday or the total amount at the end of the week? I think this challenge is going to help with my motivation even though I'm at a plateau. :happy:
    JUST realized that it's not the 18th! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: BUMMER

    We will start on Sunday, so the "first one up" so to speak can start the post...JUNE STARTERS WALKING CHALLENGE.... We can log our miles that whole week and use it to encourage each other during the week on the challenge. On Sat. when everyone has logged there miles, we will see who walked (ran, whatever) the most miles... They will be our spotlight challenge winner.....
    Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Sorry I've been away for so long! Classes got crazy and I just got caught up in homework, work, and exhausted sleep.

    I've been keeping up with my progress though!

    I've lost 30 Pounds since June 12th.

    I weigh in on Fridays but I'll keep updating here on mondays.

    Also, I will most definitely be participating in the walk challenge. I'm aiming for doing the Couch 2 5K program but I just can't do week one yet, so I'm doing brisk walks and adding some jogging here and there. Good to see all the progress!

    Welcome back!! We have missed you! :)

    I am super excited this week because I broke into the 150s!!! Wahoooooo I am only 9 pounds from my original goal now (19 from my new goal). I got to go shopping in a friend's closet this week because she has lost a bunch of weight and I can fit into her too big clothes. I got some super nice doctor-y dress pants. I have to do a full patient history and physical next week on a patient in the hospital, so I'm excited/nervous about that. Gotta look stylin' for that :glasses:

    I dunno if I can participate in the walking challenge. When I do exercise I go run for 2-3 miles or so, but it's only about twice a week--not sure if I want to do anymore than that :blushing: I will totally support you guys though, so good luck with that!!

    SW: 191
    LW: 160.5
    TW: 159
    GW: 140
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Good job Courtney!! You can count all walking, even at work walking. (Right Kandyjo?)
    Plus, you already walk further than me. :noway: I'm gonna have to step it up. lol

    I'll post the Spreadsheet sometime later today we're still waiting on a couple people.

    Wow! We've collectively lost 18.4 lbs this week! (So far.) WHOOO!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: Good job everyone!!
  • I forgot to weigh in on Wednesday

    LW: 193.5
    TW: 194 Boo!!!

    Why can't I get past this stupid 193.5. :grumble:
  • Weigh in!

    Last week - 273.4
    This week - 271.7

    Loss of 1.4 pounds. :happy: EDIT: I actually lost 1.7 pounds (had to pull out the calculator)

    1.7 pounds to my 10% of original weight and having my BMI be 39.9, just under the "Morbidly Obese" BMI marker.

    Then I'll just be obese :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    This week should be good... I'm going dancing on saturday, a day at seaworld on sunday (Lots and lots and lots of walking), and definitely am going to try adding a few bits of jogging to my morning walks!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm working on the Spreadsheet now, I still need 1 more weigh in though.

    I'll post the web address again when I'm done.
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