do you weigh yourself EVERY DAY?



  • paulvt65
    paulvt65 Posts: 73 Member
    Daily. I'm a numbers geek.
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    I was doing that for awhile and it crushed my spirit daily. So I removed the battery and hid my scale for about a year and I felt SO good and SO free.... just a thought :)

    ps. I didn't gain in that year either!
  • nicolio8699
    nicolio8699 Posts: 141 Member
    every single day. and i wouldn't have it any other way. i just make sure not to freak out with minor fluctuations! lol, sometimes i will literally have a difference of 5+ lbs!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Once a month is good enough for me.... Once a week if you're anal.... One a day is sick...

    Thank you for the implication. Some people can handle every day without it being a disorder. You have my sympathy that you can't do the same.
  • Exalted_Beauty
    I weigh myself everyday and a few times throughout the day but it's really not good to do so. Well my nutritionist told me it wasn't a good habit becuase your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. I also have the ounces included with my scale and it does make me obsessive. I have been trying to stick with once every Sunday morning, but it is tough.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Nope, it's too depressing..LOL

    I think it is only unhealthy if it causes bad habits- like skipping lunch and dinner because your morning weight was not to your liking... Or if your 'too many toughts' of the scales keep you from spending enough time doing/thinking about other things you should be giiving time to.

    But if you just like weighing yourself daily then no problem.
  • Ashatack
    Ashatack Posts: 41
    Every day you will go nuuuuts!!! i weigh myself every sunday morning. I like it better because weight come off in higher amount because im not minusing ever ounce. My scale dose show ounces however. Weight fluctuates like crazzzzyyy everyday is not a accurate reperesentation of your weight. If you do it that way then you might weig more just because you drank more water or havent gone to the bathroom yet. I would defenetly say not to do it every day. Just stay strong with your diet. youll do fine!!
  • sandyjeffery
    sandyjeffery Posts: 140
    I was weighing myself every day, but if the scale stayed the same for three or 4 days in a row, I would get discouraged even though I was dieting. Now, I weigh myself on Monday mornings only.
  • Rylansmommy12
    Every four days.
  • heronlover
    heronlover Posts: 11 Member
    I weigh in once a week - every Saturday morning. That comes from being an ex-Weight Watchers member - they advised us not to weigh in every day because of the normal fluctuations from day to day. They felt it was too stressful to check it every day. They suggested weekly weigh-ins, and I've stuck to that.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I weigh every day, but understand that my weight will fluctuate throughout the week. I only record my weight when I hit a new low.

    I really like having a scale that tells partial pounds. Mine goes in .2 increments.
  • Jazziemay
    Jazziemay Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh once a day, in the morning when I get up, but when I eat certain things I find I gain a few pounds then goes back down, Think I'm gonna start weighing once a week so I don't get frustrated
  • MegdKel
    MegdKel Posts: 96 Member
    nope, I'd drive myself nuts! I've always been really curious to see how much my weight fluctuates from day to day, but at this stage of my weight loss (very beginning!) I've got to do only once a week or I'll overanalyze *everything*.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Once a month. Why do it every day? That just seems like you are setting yourself up to stress yourself out.
  • cal_73
    cal_73 Posts: 77
    Once a day in the morning (actually I forget 2 or 3 times a week).

    I find the daily fluctuations interesting not worrisome. For example after a leg workout I'm always a few pounds more the next morning. I'm usually lightest after a day of not working out!
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    I weigh myself no more than once a month. I do really well this way. i sometimes get a slight urge to weigh in between but then I worry that I will be dissappointed if it isn't enough loss. A month is plenty enough time to see actual progress on the scale instead of seeing the fluctuation daily or weekly where sometimes I would see a gain and be very upset about it.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I think it's different for everyone:) I do weigh everyday, because I like to see how my body handles different foods. I have in the past when I've got discouraged only weighed once a week. It depends on how it effects you. If you can handle seeing the differences from a scientific perspective, and leave out the emotional aspect it's okay...However I'm sure many MFP-made nutrition specialists with no degree, will give you all kinds of answers as to why their methods are the way to go:)
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    Once a month is good enough for me.... Once a week if you're anal.... One a day is sick...

    LOL or it's just really interesting. Have you ever weighed yourself before and after you poop? It's hilarious, IMO.
  • kbbradley
    kbbradley Posts: 19 Member
    Once a week, so I can see some progress, I weigh the same time each Sunday after reading the paper (in the reading room) off with the clothes and on the scale. If I weighed more often I am afraid I will get to worried if I gained a little one day etc. The biggest test to me is how my clothes fit. I agree with most on here, too often can get obessive and for myslef like a lot of people here who are really trying, obsessiveness may have been what caused some of the problem.
  • jickalina
    jickalina Posts: 43 Member
    II used to weigh myself every morning like you, but after I hit my first plateau it became counterproductive. I knew all the explanations: plateaus were natural, muscle gain, water retention, blah blah blah. Even though I knew all that, it was still so discouraging to see my weight stay the same or worse yet gain an few ounces. I'd start having the 'why am i even doing all this' thoughts. No bueno.

    So I only weigh in once a week, on Mondays (helps me be good on the weekends), and that way I can focus on the lifestyle change part during the week, making good decisions etc instead of obsessing on the number.