Too Much "Skinny" Not Enough "Healthy".



  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I want to be skinny. Healthy, yes, fit too.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    This is not meant to come off as an attack but I think perhaps it's the first paragraph of your post that most people, including myself, are having a hard time with. They are missing your point because the first paragraph seems a bit harsh and perhaps even judgmental even if those were not your intentions.

    It's very hard to state something on the internet in a way that will be taken the way you meant it. Perhaps better luck next time but I don't see this thread going anywhere good :(.
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    Darling why do you think 95% of people are losing weight if they don't want to skinny or thin? As my trainer once told me, No one wants to be big.

    You can be fit and healthy.. You can also be skinny and fit.. and skinny and healthy.

    It's all about how you define those words.. not how someone else defines them.

    I'm 5'9 and 150 pounds. I'm not skinny but I'm thin. and also I consider my self to be pretty fit. I'm also in pretty good health with no major health problems. My ribs show a bit when I stretch... and my hip bones pop up when I lay down and stand up. So tell me again how skinny/healthy/fit are not the same thing? If you work hard enough, I def. think you can have all three.

    *Claps** I cant post my gifs here i guess . Im cosigning ;)
  • Tanisha1014
    I would rather be thin (hwp) and healthy than be fat (or so called "thick") and "healthy" lol. Just because someone is thin or fit doesn't mean that they are unhealthy. Being overweight or obese is more dangerous than being thin or skinny. Some thin people do have eating disorders, but overweight people can just as easily have an eating disorder. What might be considered "skinny" to you, might not be "skinny" to that person, athletic people will usually be thinner. That same person may consider you to be "fat" or "big", when you think that you are "normal-sized" or just a little bit over-weight. Being overweight with alot of fat on your body just isn't healthy, period. I would never WANT to be fat or big. Being overweight is more associated with unhealthy. Just because you are not thin, doesn't mean that everyone else who is thin isn't healthy or is underweight. Your perspective is quite biased... if you aren't fit/thin/skinny or whatever, it does in no way mean that women/girls who are smaller than you are not healthy. OP (Tanisha), you may now shoot yourself in the foot. Good day ^_^

    Anorexia and Obesity... both can kill you so Idk why you're even trying to bash one more than the other. and JUST like you said. Athletes tend to be slimmer.That's because they actually workout a lot, they're fit. They're not fit because they were "born slim" they're fit because they worked to get that way. Which is the EXACT point I was making. with saying countless times "Skinny" and "Fit" are two different things. Fit is your stance and whether or not you have ABILITY to do things. Such as run for miles, do countless push ups and sit ups. WHICH not every skinny or "normal weight" (w/e that is) can do. Skinny is just a body type. Thin is just a body type.

    Does that make more sense? Explaining each term?
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    again...skinny can be and usually is healthy whereas being overweight is not.
  • Tanisha1014
    again...skinny can be and usually is healthy whereas being overweight is not.

    Anorexic people are skinny (not saying skinny is the definition anorexic for people assuming again) but they're not healthy. "usually" doesn't mean all the time. Which ONCE AGAIN for the 6,000th time I swear was my point.

    Unless a fat person has heart disease, is obese, has diabetes you can't assume they're unhealthy either. BUT just how you guys for some reason think I feel anyone who is skinny is unhealthy, some people think anything over a size 4 is fat.
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    I would rather be thin (hwp) and healthy than be fat (or so called "thick") and "healthy" lol. Just because someone is thin or fit doesn't mean that they are unhealthy. Being overweight or obese is more dangerous than being thin or skinny. Some thin people do have eating disorders, but overweight people can just as easily have an eating disorder. What might be considered "skinny" to you, might not be "skinny" to that person, athletic people will usually be thinner. That same person may consider you to be "fat" or "big", when you think that you are "normal-sized" or just a little bit over-weight. Being overweight with alot of fat on your body just isn't healthy, period. I would never WANT to be fat or big. Being overweight is more associated with unhealthy. Just because you are not thin, doesn't mean that everyone else who is thin isn't healthy or is underweight. Your perspective is quite biased... if you aren't fit/thin/skinny or whatever, it does in no way mean that women/girls who are smaller than you are not healthy. OP (Tanisha), you may now shoot yourself in the foot. Good day ^_^

    Anorexia and Obesity... both can kill you so Idk why you're even trying to bash one more than the other. and JUST like you said. Athletes tend to be slimmer.That's because they actually workout a lot, they're fit. They're not fit because they were "born slim" they're fit because they worked to get that way. Which is the EXACT point I was making. with saying countless times "Skinny" and "Fit" are two different things. Fit is your stance and whether or not you have ABILITY to do things. Such as run for miles, do countless push ups and sit ups. WHICH not every skinny or "normal weight" (w/e that is) can do. Skinny is just a body type. Thin is just a body type.

    Does that make more sense? Explaining each term?

    Fit people tend to be thin. Also, I would like to point out that you can be fit, and not able to run miles on end, you can be fit and not be able to complete countless push-ups...but that isn't the point of this topic. You created this thread so STICK TO OUR GUNS. Hopefully that makes sense to you. I will not entertain a pointless argument from someone who is so closed-minded. I think that you should re-evaluate yourself. Good day ^_^
  • Tanisha1014
    I would rather be thin (hwp) and healthy than be fat (or so called "thick") and "healthy" lol. Just because someone is thin or fit doesn't mean that they are unhealthy. Being overweight or obese is more dangerous than being thin or skinny. Some thin people do have eating disorders, but overweight people can just as easily have an eating disorder. What might be considered "skinny" to you, might not be "skinny" to that person, athletic people will usually be thinner. That same person may consider you to be "fat" or "big", when you think that you are "normal-sized" or just a little bit over-weight. Being overweight with alot of fat on your body just isn't healthy, period. I would never WANT to be fat or big. Being overweight is more associated with unhealthy. Just because you are not thin, doesn't mean that everyone else who is thin isn't healthy or is underweight. Your perspective is quite biased... if you aren't fit/thin/skinny or whatever, it does in no way mean that women/girls who are smaller than you are not healthy. OP (Tanisha), you may now shoot yourself in the foot. Good day ^_^

    Anorexia and Obesity... both can kill you so Idk why you're even trying to bash one more than the other. and JUST like you said. Athletes tend to be slimmer.That's because they actually workout a lot, they're fit. They're not fit because they were "born slim" they're fit because they worked to get that way. Which is the EXACT point I was making. with saying countless times "Skinny" and "Fit" are two different things. Fit is your stance and whether or not you have ABILITY to do things. Such as run for miles, do countless push ups and sit ups. WHICH not every skinny or "normal weight" (w/e that is) can do. Skinny is just a body type. Thin is just a body type.

    Does that make more sense? Explaining each term?

    Fit people tend to be thin. Also, I would like to point out that you can be fit, and not able to run miles on end, you can be fit and not be able to complete countless push-ups...but that isn't the point of this topic. You created this thread so STICK TO OUR GUNS. Hopefully that makes sense to you. I will not entertain a pointless argument from someone who is so closed-minded. I think that you should re-evaluate yourself. Good day ^_^

    I am sticking to my guns (obsessed with guns are we?). You have a different definition of fit, which should have made you realize your problem with my post earlier. and if you don't want to entertain don't respond. and closed minded me? Not you, someone who went off about fat people deeming them to be the worst things ever? Lol ALRIGHT then.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    again...skinny can be and usually is healthy whereas being overweight is not.

    Anorexic people are skinny (not saying skinny is the definition anorexic for people assuming again) but they're not healthy. "usually" doesn't mean all the time. Which ONCE AGAIN for the 6,000th time I swear was my point.

    Unless a fat person has heart disease, is obese, has diabetes you can't assume they're unhealthy either. BUT just how you guys for some reason think I feel anyone who is skinny is unhealthy, some people think anything over a size 4 is fat.

    so you think being fat isnt unhealthy? glad you cleared that up. now i see where your thought process is coming from. you should read up on all the problems being fat cause.

    if you are fat you are unhealthy...period.
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    I mentioned two different things though. I said I see girls with hip bones and exposed rib cages claiming to be fit.

    Right here is your proof that you were asking for that you DID in fact relate hip bones and exposed rib cages to being unhealthy... i can tell you that i am FAR from being unhealthy, i have all the things showing that YOU said were signs of being unhealthy. hip bones, rib cage and my spine shows... I'm not unhealthy i just have a low body fat percentage which is something i work very hard for everyday! and not because I'm unhealthy i probably eat more everyday then you do. Maybe you need to watch the way you word things when you are categorizing "skinny" women with "unhealthy" women.

    i also see what you were trying to say but you should maybe re read things before you post them. being skinny is not a bad thing... being too skinny is they are both two very different things just like being chunky isn't horrible and being obese is. So get over people using the word skinny.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    i think that people just need to realize what you said, not all skinny people are healthy, the more people hear about "skinny fat" the better, because when i was a teenager, i was thin as could be, but not healthy, all i ever ate was junk
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I am sticking to my guns (obsessed with guns are we?). You have a different definition of fit, which should have made you realize your problem with my post earlier. and if you don't want to entertain don't respond. and closed minded me? Not you, someone who went off about fat people deeming them to be the worst things ever? Lol ALRIGHT then.

    Ding Ding Ding! You finally have a winning post!

    Everyone has different definitions of the words.. So you can't get on this forum and say that skinny/healthy/fit aren't the same.

    Depending on how a person defines it, they can be skinny/healthy/fit... and whatever other word they choose to describe themselves with.

    BTW Some anorexic people think what they are doing is perfectly fine and healthy.. so by their definition, they are healthy. It's in your eyes that they are unhealthy.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    The MAIN topic for this post is really just that it's also crazy how Society (I hate using that term, reminds me of people who talk like they know everything) focuses Weight Loss WAY TOO MUCH on being Skinny rather than being Healthy.

    i just wanted to say that i dont think society focuses too much on being skinny OR being healthy. if it did then we wouldnt have an obesity epidemic in the first place. in the past years we've seen a lot of fat acceptance go on which IMO has helped people delude themselves into thinking they are OK when in actuality they aren't, or things just haven't caught up to them.

    fat people talking about how anorexics and skinny people are also healthy kind of misses the point. this isnt like the olympics so there is no competition over who's more unhealthy as winning will allow the other side to somehow flip to healthy.

    and for the record i agree with those who say being too fat for your body isn't healthy. just because that person doesnt have issues now doesnt mean that stuff wont develop later. for instance in 2010 i had a normal blood pressure, normal blood levels, etc then by the end of 2011 (i hadnt gained weight in that year) i suddenly had high blood pressure, was having heart trouble and was prediabetic. that didnt come out of nowhere, it came out of the extra fat on my body :laugh: so me claiming to be healthy in 2010 was complete BS.

    of course being severely underweight is also not healthy, but let's be honest. given how many people are obese, them worrying about being underweight is like a poor person worrying about getting a job because he might just become a gazillionaire and have to pay higher taxes. there's so much room between one and the other, but yet i see so many overweight/obese people use the "i dont want to get too skinny because that's not healthy" excuse as a way to not lose any weight
  • Tanisha1014
    Dear Tanisha,
    I am not accepting your friend request or reading your creepy messages, I am okay with us not agreeing, I hope that you are able to eventually accept that. Please leave me alone, you are starting to scare me.


    P.S. Please seek help.

    Sending you a message about the difference between obesity and anorexia is....

    -sending you a friend request?
    -bothering YOU when you told me to shoot myself when I didn't ask you to comment on anything?
    -"scares" you enough to respond to me on a public post to make it seem like I did anything to you?

    lol maybe you should get a dictionary because you don't know the meaning of anything.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    There is only one way to settle this.

