exercising question


In the goal of losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle I've decided to push all of my exercise to straight cardio. I know strength training can help with weight loss but is it essential to losing weight? If so what would you say is a good Cardio/strength training ratio for someone looking to shed 100-120LB?

That's my question yo.


  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    well YO do you really want to lose that much weight and gain NO muscle at all? I mean cardio is great for burning fat and helping weight loss but strength training builds (strength duh) muscle, increases overall fitness and can help with toning and saggy skin. Also muscle burns more calories than Fat (true story).

    So why are you pushing to straight cardio? Why limit yourself? Get healthy the right way so you wont ever have to go through all this again!
  • PrettyGirlPayton
    PrettyGirlPayton Posts: 93 Member
    JessyJ03 is exactly right.I just finished a 5-week Concepts of Fitness class at school. And actually cardio,strength endurance,and flexibility exercises= the perfect shape! :) Doing all three will give you major results even if done only 3 days a week. :)
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    As Pauline Nordin points out in all her workout stuff, cardio will help u lose weight but not get toned. To get fit a d not still be soft or have flab u have to maintain or gain muscle as well. Plus keep in mind , more muscle means more calorie burn.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would suggest looking in to a strength training program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, or any of the New Rules of Lifting programs- Mew Rules of Lifting for Life is the most recent one and has adaptations if you have any issues that may hinder some of the exercises. Those programs all give you a program comprised of full body compound lifts that can be done in 30-45 mins 2-3x/week. To accelerate your weight loss and help with overall health, add cardio at a level you can tolerate 3-4x per week, again 30-45 mins would be ideal. If you're just starting out and you can't tolerate that much- do what you can. Your endurance will get better with time.

    You can lose weight without ANY exercise, but adding both strength and cardio will preserve your muscle mass, get your calorie burns up, minimize excess skin, increase bone density, increase stamina, and leave you with a hot bod. Your diet, though, is the ultimate key to weight loss- a calorie deficit is how the weight comes off.
  • connorsludge
    connorsludge Posts: 35 Member
    I've been a cardio junkie for a long time and it's been really good for losing or maintaining weight while eating well. BUT, in the last six months I've really focused on a 50/50 mix of cardio and strength and the results have been great. even though I'm losing slowing my body looks much healthier. I'm actually considering changing my goal to a higher weight to accommodate the muscle that I've built, as my weight is not moving but my fat % is!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Strength training is essential in preventing muscle loss. You don't want to lose all that weight and look flabby. I haven't quite worked out a cardio/strength training routine for myself, so can't really give you suggestion.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    Yes yes yes! Strength training is essential. Firstly muscle burns off more calories than fat, so pound for pound your body is working more efficiently.

    I know if I just do cardio, I just don't lose weight. As soon as I start the downward trend continues.

    I personally like doing 50 mins of cardio 3/4 times per week and then 30 mins of strength 3 times per week focusing on different body parts. This is working great for me!
  • BellaAbrianna
    Yes yes yes! Strength training is essential. Firstly muscle burns off more calories than fat, so pound for pound your body is working more efficiently.

    I know if I just do cardio, I just don't lose weight. As soon as I start the downward trend continues.

    I personally like doing 50 mins of cardio 3/4 times per week and then 30 mins of strength 3 times per week focusing on different body parts. This is working great for me!
    Yup I agree with that. I HATE weight training but it's a necessary evil in healthy weight loss. So enjoy your cardio and put in the time for your strength training like I do. It's worth it. Good luck on that weight loss goal. So good!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I love strength training Yo......sorry had to:tongue: I take body works class with weights at the gym...I want to get into lifting. If you don't belong to a gym try P90X??? It is a great mix of cardio and strength!

    Good luck - keep moving!