I don't like non cat lovers



  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Cat person here. Owned by three furballs. Two adopted from people leaving the island. One from the SPCA.

    The boys - Wee MacGregor and Rob Roy
    (bah...and I can't resize at the moment so right click and view image plse)

    The girl - Streaky
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Bump for when I'm at home, since I'm at work and can't see all of the pictures.. and then maybe I can post some of my own!

    I have two fur babies. Hobbes (my husband's name is Calvin, lol) is our big boy and he's a black/gray shorthair tabby. We found him abandoned when he was just a couple weeks old, and bottle fed him, he is our big lap baby.. now he is huge!

    Leah, is our petite little lady. She's also a tabby, but is very light gray/white and has beautiful amber colored eyes. She came from a shelter, and is a little less trusting than Hobbes, but is still very sweet, she's a Daddy's girl.

    Just last night we were sitting on the couch and I was leaning on my husband with my head on his chest.. and she slowly inched her way in between the two of us and tried to use her little paws to scoot me away so she could have him all to herself. :laugh:
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    Stash and Manny - Manx brothers

    Do they have any tail?? My Fat Ash does not even have the slightest stump... Vet said that was kinda rare, so just curious!!

    Neither of them have any tail.... the Manx we had before these two had about a 1 1/2 inch stump.
    Here is a good pic of Manny that you can see he has no tail.
    They are like dogs too..... they totally get excited at the door to go for a walk. :tongue:
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    This is my favorite thread ever!!!!!
  • SarahSpasmodic
    SarahSpasmodic Posts: 6 Member
    I LOVE this thread!

    This is Scoogie Jo, she will be 10 in September. She is my baby.

    And this is Simba Michael. Technically he's my best friends cat but she joined the military so he lives with me now. I am the only person in this house he likes except for Scoogie. (Who hates him. Lol.)

  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    So nice to meet all you cat lovers & your babies !

    I love cats AND dogs ....... and working at an animal hospital, I get to see plenty of both ...... this is my kitty Radar ..... she has only one eye ...... I've had her since she was 2 weeks old, now she's 11 years ..... she loves the NY Giants & can't wait for football season to start !

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    You friggin werido.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    How to win friends and influence people. LMAO!!!

    I HATE cats.

    Shame we can't be friends.

  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    I have two kitteh's and only them do I love in this WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!! I will change my profile pic to my tiger kitteh who I call Zeus. That is the best I can do right now for pics.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I no likey cats
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    This may also be helpful to you:

  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Martin - My grumpy old man. He's between 7 and 9 and is a rescue.


    Lass - Short for Lucky AS **** - She's another rescue and isn't quite a year yet. We were early at the vet's so I let her out of her carrier.

    Nelson - I've had him the longest, adopted him from a foster home when he was 12 weeks. He is Satan's Spawn, but I love him.

  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    This is Stelladactyl. She's a lady.



    Make that an OLD lady... over 10. She is a rescue, in these pics she has eye boogers as she was being treated for a sinus infection.
    She is so beautiful!
    *edit* and yes, I am aware that she is GAWDAWFUL UGLY. :) Its why we love her. Her nickname is Minger.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member

    Abigail looks just like my cat Francis. I can't find the pic that I thought was on my phone. Driving home from work one day I hit a stretch of road that was straight for about 4 miles. For some reason I noticed that there was a car in the on-coming lane that didn't appear to be moving. It wasn't. There was a little old lady sitting in it. There was a Oreo cat laying in the middle of the road with a "Kill me" expression on his face. She hadn't hit him, she was just unsure what to do (she had been sitting there for almost 10 minutes she said).

    So I pick up this cat to have a look at him. He was wheezing and sneezing. Both eyes were so infected that you could barely see those eyes. he had scabs and what appeared to be a broken leg. I felt bad for him so I put him in the truck and took him home. The town vet lived across the street from us and I asked him to come over and have a look. I thought he was probably too far gone and the vet may put him down.

    As I was talking to the vet my wife wandered out. She had given birth to our daughter 3 weeks before and was taking a break while some friends were watching the baby. Anyway.. she came out and heard Scott say that this 3 week (same age as the baby) old cat most likely wouldn't survive but he could try. My wife looked at the cat, said "awwww", and basically handed him a blank check.

    So this is how he got his name: Almost anything that could be wrong was. His lungs were infected, his eyes were infected, Doc thinks he had a digestive tract infection as well. The leg was broken, compound break where the broken ends were side by side instead of in line on the x-ray. Doc couldn't operate on the leg until the infections were cleared up. 3 weeks later, when the infections were nearly gone, we take him back in for the leg surgery and neutering. The Doc came by later in the evening with the newest x-ray. He had done the neutering but not the leg surgery. He handed me the x-ray and said he hadn't seen it before. The leg bones had somehow pulled back into line and knitted. We knew that it wasn't an x-ray mix-up because you could see the calcium build up where the break had been.

    So this mangy little kitten crawls out of a corn field in the middle of Iowa, 10 miles from the nearest home or farm, has all these problems and a low survivability outlook-and lives. We figured naming him after the patron saint of animals wouldn't be too outside the box. We call him Francis, after St. Francis of Assisi.

    I think he may be the dark side of the saint though. He walks along counters and ledges knocking everything off. This includes newly opened beer bottles and cans, sippy cups, peanut butter jars, Basically anything that can hold water becomes a casualty of the "Crusade of Francis". There must always be a faucet running or he will meow like an air raid siren, and you will meet the claw as he destroyes your work shirt. Every now and then you will wake up with a cat wrapped around your foot biting your toes. Then he screams for water. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, he will jump straight up into the air to nearly 3 feet and then disappears into a cartoon cloud of dust and fur as he streaks to the other end of the house. Then he screams for water. He used to sit calmly in the middle of the room until the 80lb Rotweiler mix walked by. Francis would calmly look over at him-!!Snap from a psychological break!!- Smack him in the muzzle, and calmly go back to watching the wall. I once ran into the room (due to the noise) to find him wrapped around that same dogs face, mimicking one of the early scenes in "Alien".

    Did I mention that you can't approach a sink without him stretched across it screaming at you to TURN THE DAMN THING ON FOR PETE'S SAKE!! Every time I look at him I see the crackhead Pookie from "New Jack City".

    But he realy is a good cat... I think.

    Best cat story EVER!
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Here are my 3 fur-babies, all girls....
    Libby (tabby/tortoiseshell mix), Pookey (seal-point siamese), and Bebe (calico)


  • nicolio8699
    nicolio8699 Posts: 141 Member
    you can see my little kitty lovers in the background of my main shot:) how i love them! <3<3
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    Tried to post to Steeladactyl. She is SO beautiful!
  • archadtz
    archadtz Posts: 33 Member
    I've come to the right place (and so have you!) I love cats! I think I am the crazy cat lady ;) But, I also raise and show Himalayans & Persians. Here are a few pics. Check out my website for LOTS more! www.archadtz.com
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    <----Check out my photobombing kitty Coco in this pic! <3