No loss for 2 weeks, but exercising 5 times a week...

I have been exercising about 5 times a week, and for the past 2 week i havent lost any weight. I have stuck to my calories (apart from one saturday, but only went over by about 300 calories) Im really confused as im trying so hard. Do you think its muscle that has contributed to not loosing the weight? I have lost about half an inch off my waist and hips, so something must be happening. Im not ready to give up or anythig, just wanted to know if anyone else has had weeks like this too. It seems to happen to me frequently.


  • muirspud
    muirspud Posts: 27 Member
    You are probably turning fat into muscle.

    What sort of workout are you doing?

    Ive been told, to do at least 45mins of cardio as that will get the heart rate up enough, to then, start burning off the fat.
  • davery1985
    davery1985 Posts: 142 Member
    I have been doing exercise dvds, rosemary conelly ones, then walking, kettlebells and i go on this machine called a lateral thigh trainer. I normally only do about 20 mins on LTT, but about 35 mins with dvd and kettlebells. Ill normally walk for over an hour when im pushing my daughter in pushchair xx
  • whipa494
    whipa494 Posts: 41 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    You will have to open up your diary for anyone to really be able to see the whole picture and advise :)
  • muirspud
    muirspud Posts: 27 Member
    You could just be turning fat into muscle, if you are losing inches then you are doing something right, thats for sure.

    Try running or jogging if possible. That will get the heart pumping fast!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    This is exactly what's happening to me and it's really disheartening. I havnt lost weight in about a month and i've been doing so so well. Exercise wise i mix things up with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and Killer buns and thigs, i sometimes go running as well or mix the Jillian stuff with DVDs that have full on cardio. People are telling me i look slimmer ect but the number on the scale just isnt budging :( I know it's more about how you look than what the scales but im 18lbs away from my target and just wanna get there so i can focus on maintaining. I've stopped exercising for a week or 2 anyways to stop me going insance cause im getting too disheartened and i'd rather throw the towel in with exercise for a week or 2 (to see if it makes my weigh ins any different) then to completly give up on my diet too.
  • I only lost about 5lbs from October to July but came down 4 sizes from exercising. Don't get discouraged our bodies go through changes all the time. I'm easing off the heavy weights and doing more cardio right now. Just make sure you eat all your calories. Good luck!
  • think it must be something that happens around the10-13lbs weight loss lol, ive been stuck for over a week now and ive lost nearly 11lbs
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    I don't think this is a case where you expected to lose (random number) 2 lbs of fat but you got 2 lbs of muscle so the scale didn't move. Here's one reference where it says that new lifters might put 1 lb on per month doing weights. I'm also assuming that you are eating at a deficit so muscle gains would be very difficult. It's probably just water hanging in there. It happens. But, when you open that diary up you'll get better advise and opinions. :)
  • shiftysheep
    shiftysheep Posts: 44 Member
    If you have lost size around your waist you will have lost it all over, sounds to me like your body fat percentage is dropping (burning fat), but at the same time you will be toning up & gaining lean muscle mass. And because lean muscle mass is more dense than fat, you can weigh the same but be smaller & more toned.

    You will gain lean mass fast at first because of beginner gains (gaining a little bit all over in all muscles), this leads to a faster metabolism, because lean muscle burns more calories at rest than fat (that's why we store fat because it's high in calories when burned but energy efficient to store). Over all you will start to burn fat faster than you gain lean muscle mass as long as you keep up the hard work.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I'm going on nearly 3 weeks with no loss. I've changed things up though, my gym is doing a refurb and I haven't been able to go. However I've been running more and started cycling. I'm burning fewer calories than I did at the gym. I'm hoping that my body catches up to whats changed and starts losing again :(

    It's frustrating, but hang in there, the scale will move in the right direction.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    Yeah I gained 2 pounds this week and I have no idea how. at 1400 (1550 is MFP goal) calories a day ( and working out 5200 calories a week (roughly)

    it's very disheartening
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    This is what happened to me when I wasn't eating enough. As soon as I upped my calories and started eating back the calories that I burn excercising I never plateaued again.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    story of my life...
  • These things are really tricky, don't give up, I away Plateau at around 82kgs it takes me a lot longer to get to 79kgs than it does 82kg coming down from 88kg. you world think its as simple as calories in v calories out but I think its more complex than that.
    good luck and stick with it, Get your Cardio time up and see if that helps.
    all the best.
  • shiftysheep
    shiftysheep Posts: 44 Member
    People are too concerned with weight, when you should be trying for a healthy body fat percentage for you sex/height. You can get too hung up on a goal weight, as long as my cardio is improving & I'm losing the body fat I'm happy.
  • shiftysheep
    shiftysheep Posts: 44 Member
    If you haven't already, you should get a decent heart rate monitor it will let you know if you are maxing you your heart enough during intense cardio & track your calorie burn, Also try to work out in the morning before you break your fast.
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    Plateaus SUCK!!!! But don't give up. W
    Soon you will have nice surprise on the scale. Keep the faithless,, strength. And willpower.
  • It's been said by lots of others on here but I wouldn't worry about it - I also haven't really lost weight in the past few weeks but have noticed my clothes are baggier and my measurement are decreasing. I work out practically every day and stick to my calorie goal.

    DOn't be disheartened - you will have an amazing body if you are toning up! Are you taking measurements of your hips, chest and waist? I do and it's reassuring to see I am going in even if hte pounds aren't flying off!
  • vtachycardia
    vtachycardia Posts: 374
    You are probably turning fat into muscle.

    What sort of workout are you doing?

    Ive been told, to do at least 45mins of cardio as that will get the heart rate up enough, to then, start burning off the fat.

    Turning fat into muscle. NO NO NO

    It is possible to lose 2lbs a day in fat, not recommended except in extreme medical circumstance (like having to drop weight for an operation). It takes at least a month, while increasing protein, while reaching muscle hypertrophy to gain 2lb in muscle.

    Sensible option is to try and lose 2lb per week. So, with a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day and a exercise deficit of 500 per day, that figure should be achievable.

    If you were training to actually increase muscle size, you would lose 8lb per month in fat but may gain 2lb in muscle. Net loss, 6lb. But you cannot think like that, lean muscle gained is gained, fat loss is fat loss. Lower BMI, lower body fat percentage.