Please understand...



  • Ray50296
    Ray50296 Posts: 58 Member
    Years ago I was a very successful sales person....we had a saying..."what you think about, comes about". You will do very well on your journey as you continue to stay positive about every big or little accomplishment. I have alot of health problems too, and staying positive and happy will keep you self movitivated. I know you can achieve whatever you set your mind to, I just know it!! The power of the mind is so much stronger thank most people realize.
    Yes, many people might not agree, but I do! I know it's true! I just have to set my mind to it. Thank you for your support, and I will be sending you a friend request also 8-)
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Thanks once again to my new found friends! By the way, just to clarify....No one has said anything about my logs. Just looking at everyone else's seemed to make mine puny in comparison. All the P90X and things like that. Which I guess I should have thought about the fact that I'm just starting out. I do floor workouts at home, some Yoga/Pilates, and I'm getting addicted to the Wii Just Dance (and golf)! But, no one has said a word about my fitness logs being insufficient. I just felt that way. Everyone I have talked to has been supportive of me 100%!!! :blushing:

    I went to look at your logs and they aren't open - probably why no one has commented. But, I think it's great that you are doing some sort of exercise. You'll increase it if you just keep doing something. I love Just Dance as well and have a bunch of them that I have been doing, but I think I will move to Turbo Jam next as JD feels easier.