Runners - what's the hardest part of running for you?



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    the right shoes, so far i LOVE my vibrams but i am working to build up mileage in them. i just don't get the same satisfaction or pace with my brooks!
    I have the Brooks Pure Connect (and regular Brooks). They are a great compromise between Vibrams and regular runners.
  • RunningSphynx
    Ooo great thread!

    Ya'know I am 28 yrs old and never really had any dying issues with running other then not running enough (gain speed) BUT last year I got bad shin splints for 2 weeks and was fine afterward AND this year I got shin splints again PLUS a really bad left hip injury.

    So I have been going to physio for the hip and have been off for two months!! :o I bought new shoes, iced after and before running, increased fluid intake by 100%, took pain meds before runs, stretches, physio foam roller.... nothing has helped. I went to a walk-in clinic and was told I have flat feet (I don't I have high arches! the polar opposite) and should give up running entirely. I don't think so!

    So I am now prepping to see a sports physician - no one should be in this much pain for so long without a solid answer.

    *whew* thanks for listening ;)
  • blasiansrus
    blasiansrus Posts: 151
    hardest part for me is running as long as I can..I walk before needed then don't feel like running because I've stopped, that & huge hills on the trail, I always slow wayyy down or even walk on them which gets me to the first problem
  • megntranr
    megntranr Posts: 12 Member
    So far, I am struggling with pacing. I just started running this year with the Couch to 5k program. I am up to 3.5 miles on a treadmill, but I cannot gauge my pace when I am running outside. How do you all control your pace without a treadmill?
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    So far, I am struggling with pacing. I just started running this year with the Couch to 5k program. I am up to 3.5 miles on a treadmill, but I cannot gauge my pace when I am running outside. How do you all control your pace without a treadmill?

    Find out the length of the trails you usually run, then time yourself. My old gym gave out maps of various running routes in the area, including the distances. Distances for park trails, hiking routes, etc. may also be available online. If you run on a road, the easiest way to measure distance is with your car's odometer.

    If you want to be even more precise you could run laps around a 200m or 400m track.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    So far, I am struggling with pacing. I just started running this year with the Couch to 5k program. I am up to 3.5 miles on a treadmill, but I cannot gauge my pace when I am running outside. How do you all control your pace without a treadmill?
    Nike+GPS app on the iphone helped me get to know my pace better.