Anybody have family members who are totally not supportive?



  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    @Setof2Keys I am in college, but I don't leave again for another month, and it really doesnt stop once I'm away
    But you have the option to cut off the phone call and say you have homework... ;)
  • @Setof2Keys I am in college, but I don't leave again for another month, and it really doesnt stop once I'm away
    But you have the option to cut off the phone call and say you have homework... ;)

    True, and I do plan on doing that
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    My husband is not very supportive. If I am running at all late in the morning (Sorry, I don't roll out of bed at 7am, take a 29 min poo and leave for work) I do all imaginable housewife stuff, he will make a comment like "Maybe you shouldn't go to the gym?" "No you clown, maybe I shouldn't cook your breakfast, pack your lunch, run a quick load of laundry and than maybe I'll have some time"

    *Sighs* I hate complaining. I don't stress this to him but it is how I feel.
  • Get_Me_Fit1
    Get_Me_Fit1 Posts: 194
    Omg my family isn't as bad as yours. They say they are tryig to help, but always buy treats and say "oh one little this and that won't hurt you. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I know how it feels bad to not have the physical support. I'll add you, so that you can get the support you deserve (: were all very proud of you for trying to get a better lifestyle and actually staying with it through everything you've been through (: your brother can suck my non existent **** (: :flowerforyou:
  • Omg my family isn't as bad as yours. They say they are tryig to help, but always buy treats and say "oh one little this and that won't hurt you. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I know how it feels bad to not have the physical support. I'll add you, so that you can get the support you deserve (: were all very proud of you for trying to get a better lifestyle and actually staying with it through everything you've been through (: your brother can suck my non existent **** (: :flowerforyou:

    Best post :) made me laugh out loud haha thanks :) & yes please add me
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    My problem growing up was the exact opposite, yes I was also constantly told I was fat but rather than unhealthy food being around all that there was was healthy 12 years old I was 5'5" and 125lbs...not fat, not small no but not fat...when I looked at your profile picture I saw a beautiful girl...if you are uncomfortable at the size you are you have the power to change it..I personally know the power that negative words can have especially when coming from those we love...if you need someone to talk to that's been there I am here....I know how hurtful family can be...remember you are a beautiful girl and you can change your life for the better...use MFP to guide and support you along the way...
  • My problem growing up was the exact opposite, yes I was also constantly told I was fat but rather than unhealthy food being around all that there was was healthy 12 years old I was 5'5" and 125lbs...not fat, not small no but not fat...when I looked at your profile picture I saw a beautiful girl...if you are uncomfortable at the size you are you have the power to change it..I personally know the power that negative words can have especially when coming from those we love...if you need someone to talk to that's been there I am here....I know how hurtful family can be...remember you are a beautiful girl and you can change your life for the better...use MFP to guide and support you along the way...

    Thank you for your kind words. I read your profile and what you wrote is quite inspirational. Thank you again :)
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Ok, you know what? You're bother is stick-skinny NOW, but in twenty-five years when he's middle-aged, and his metabolism slows to a crawl (I promise you it WILL happen, it happens to everybody) and all he knows is to to eat whatever he wants, (burgers chips, ice cream, cookies) he is going to PACK on the pounds. And FAST. And if you can stick it out, you will be sitting pretty, lean and healthy, while that horrible snotrag sits on his fat butt, scratching his head and wondering how he ever let it get this bad, and why he can't seem to ever lose it. And when that day comes, you can give him some crap of your own, and then he'll see how much his actions have hurt you. The extra cherry on the cake is, you will have had all those years to hone and fine-tune your body to being efficient, and enjoying healthy foods, while your brother and family will have to learn to undo DECADES of terrible eating habits.

    Also some advice: If your family is truly as unsupportive as you say they are, you need to tell them that their actions and words are truly hurting you, and if they don't stop, once you leave you will stop calling them as much, or stop coming over to visit as often. Clearly let them know that this is something that is very important to you, and if they really love you, they will back off and respect it. If they still won't stop, GTFO of there and don't come back until you've proven them wrong!
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    My husband tries, but he STILL thinks it's simply a matter of "stop eating" and you will lose weight!'s not that easy for someone morbidly obese! He was overweight once...from drinking tons of beer...and tried to live on a snickers a day and a light supper. He lost, but not everyone can do that. (it was about 25 lbs I think)

    He is doing better now, but still not that supportive.
  • My husband tries, but he STILL thinks it's simply a matter of "stop eating" and you will lose weight!'s not that easy for someone morbidly obese! He was overweight once...from drinking tons of beer...and tried to live on a snickers a day and a light supper. He lost, but not everyone can do that. (it was about 25 lbs I think)

    He is doing better now, but still not that supportive.

    Well thats certainly not the healthy way to lose weight. Just stick to your guns :)
  • emtb319
    emtb319 Posts: 87
    It sucks that your family doesn't support you properly, but keep up the good work. In the end, you need to do what's best for your health.
  • I have the same problem. They just don't understand what it is like to be a teenager struggling with this. They keep telling me I am perfect the way I am and offer me junk food. We have no healthy food in the house and I struggle when I crave something because the only thing to reach for is ice cream. I don't care if they are happy being unhealthy I just wish they would stop forcing me to be unhealthy and start supporting my decision and help me get there.
  • I am going through this right now!! Yesterday I told my mom I was walking to her house (about a 20 min walk) and she goes "uhh why would you walk" then today I tell her I am coming to visit and she starts baking a cake! It is SOOO frustrating.