Ladies in the gym



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    What is the "ladies area" ?!?!

    Some of the gyms I have been to have a ladies only room.

    Weird! I've heard of women-only gyms but no ladies only rooms. Anyway, I don't mind it. I am usually able to cut a conversation off when I feel like it has run its course.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I wouldn't like if either men OR women approached me at the gym. I am there to work out, not chat. Thats why I don't like having a workout buddy LOL

    I agree. It seems to me guys are more chatty than the girls. I go in and get my workout done and leave.

    I've been approached twice by women wanting me to go to their church, a handful of times by guys who were friendly n didn't bother me, never by girls that I don't know. I really don't care during cardio(gasping responses is ok for a minute or two ha) or in resistance training because I lift heavy n pause between sets anyways, but I always feel awkward in the weight room~hence the desire to be invisible lol.. at my gym it's like I'm interrupting a sausage fest and it gets real quiet(other than the weights)... *shrugs n keeps going* ;)
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    Do you hate random guys coming up to talk to you as much as I think you do?

    I see this all the time and every woman looks absolutely miserable when it happens.

    .. but to answer your question, beyond a 'hello, are you using this?' or something along those lines I really don't want to get too chatty. Before or After the work out fine. My PT chats with me when I do my treadmill walking on Fridays just to see how my week went but that's the only person I talk to when in work-out mode. LOL
  • kenmunson333
    kenmunson333 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't like people talking to me when I'm at the gym so I don't talk to other people. The only time I talked to a woman there was because I happened to overhear her talking to someone while we were waiting for the doors to be opened. She mentioned she was a principal at an elementary school and I approached her to offer my astronomy club's services as part of our community science outreach. She was really excited to have such an offer and we did a star party at her school which was very successful.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    Would you want to date a woman who was interested in dating a guy who picked her up at the gym? If so, just go ahead and ask for her digits. Begin the weeding-out process, and the sooner the better.
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    If it is positive reinforcement heck yes! If your all pervy... no. I've actually met some great friends at the gym and learned a whole bunch of new techniques from some people!
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    In my gym, I guess the ladies area is the aerobics room? :huh:

    When I am weight training there are usually only a couple of us women around but I have my music in my ears, and am always a sweaty mess. I just try not to make eye contact with anyone when I am working out, I really am antisocial I am afraid :ohwell:

    . Once in a while someone may come up and I'll say hey back if I know them and am happy engage in chitty chat when the workout is done. If it's some a creeper though, I am far less pleasant in my response. :glasses:
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    In my gym, I guess the ladies area is the aerobics room? :huh:

    When I am weight training there are usually only a couple of us women around but I have my music in my ears, and am always a sweaty mess. I just try not to make eye contact with anyone when I am working out, I really am antisocial I am afraid :ohwell:

    . Once in a while someone may come up and I'll say hey back if I know them and am happy engage in chitty chat when the workout is done. If it's some a creeper though, I am far less pleasant in my response. :glasses:

    My gym is Fitness Forum and there is a completely closed off room called "Ladies Forum". Then there is another room for aerobics.

    I am all about no eye contact in the gym.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    In my gym, I guess the ladies area is the aerobics room? :huh:

    When I am weight training there are usually only a couple of us women around but I have my music in my ears, and am always a sweaty mess. I just try not to make eye contact with anyone when I am working out, I really am antisocial I am afraid :ohwell:

    . Once in a while someone may come up and I'll say hey back if I know them and am happy engage in chitty chat when the workout is done. If it's some a creeper though, I am far less pleasant in my response. :glasses:

    My gym is Fitness Forum and there is a completely closed off room called "Ladies Forum". Then there is another room for aerobics.

    I am all about no eye contact in the gym.

    If you use the Hip abductor machines, you could make it all awkward with eye contact just for fun:laugh:
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    I think if I worked out in some kind of ladies room I would drown in estrogen and beat myself to death with one pound weights...

    Normally guys don't talk to me all that much, on account of the sweat trail I leave everywhere and I tend to keep moving and focused..but when I can see he's serious about it too and maybe he has a question about what I'm doing then I really like it..part of working out in a group is to expect some sort of interaction..if he knows gym ettiquette then he knows to keep it short..I don't mind shutting down a stalker though cause they just don't get subtle...
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    In my gym, I guess the ladies area is the aerobics room? :huh:

    When I am weight training there are usually only a couple of us women around but I have my music in my ears, and am always a sweaty mess. I just try not to make eye contact with anyone when I am working out, I really am antisocial I am afraid :ohwell:

    . Once in a while someone may come up and I'll say hey back if I know them and am happy engage in chitty chat when the workout is done. If it's some a creeper though, I am far less pleasant in my response. :glasses:

    My gym is Fitness Forum and there is a completely closed off room called "Ladies Forum". Then there is another room for aerobics.

    I am all about no eye contact in the gym.

    If you use the Hip abductor machines, you could make it all awkward with eye contact just for fun:laugh:

    Too funny!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    The gym where I work out is at work, so it is a bit different for me. Usually only a few people in there. I'm always the only woman lifting and am often the only person in the gym much less in the weight room. And the gym is just a weight room with a couple of cardio machines anyway.

    But yeah, don't talk to me while I'm in the middle of my set. Don't. Don't turn up the music REALLY loud and then try to talk to me from across the room. I can't hear you and I'm actually trying to rest for the specified rest time in my plan. I'm a nerd like that.

    But most of the guys that are at my gym have been there with me for months now. So they'll say, "hey you're getting really good at that" or "wow that's a lot of weight" or invite me to Tough Mudder (squee!).

    My boss works out at the same time as me. He gives advice. Normally that would annoy me. He does it while I'm lifting or walks near behind me while I'm lifting. But. His input is pretty spot on, he can lift like a beast and you'd never think it, and I'm mostly in a mode to always at least appear to be listening when he talks. Dressed for work, he looks like a wimpy little guy who spends his off time in independent bookstores and coffee houses. Doing bench presses or dead lifts or pull ups, he's a beast. He has had good input. But, he earned the right to talk to me about this.

    Also in the gym is the Warden sometimes. One of the first couple times he came in (new Warden to the facility, though he'd worked here before in a different capacity) and he says, "wow you're really serious, aren't you?!" That was nerve wracking. But again, He's the Chief Executive Officer at my place of work. He gets to say stuff.

    Some of the others that comment and chat can get on my nerves, but mostly because I'm trying to get some work done, and my brain's energy isn't going to the conversational portion, its going to the move this weight portion of my brain. So shut up.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    What is the "ladies area" ?!?!

    Some of the gyms I have been to have a ladies only room.
    lol. I have to ask...are you in the middle east? Are those ladies sporting burkas?:wink:
    I have exactly 30-45 minutes to workout...I have it down to a science. If ANYONE disrupts my workout I get irritated. I could spend an hour ranting about the guy yesterday that sat and RESTED on the seated row machine and wouldn't get up to let me do my sets. :explode:
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    When I was a single girl in the gym I did not prefer to be approached at the gym. I didn't go there to socialize I went there to work out.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    No one fcuks with the black chick.:tongue:
  • catwoman131
    I wouldn't mind it. In fact I might welcome it. When I work out I think I look terrible (sweaty, red-faced, frizzy, etc...) so the attention might make me feel a little less self conscious!
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    It's not against random guys, I don't like socializing in gyms overall, doesn't matter if it's friends or family. Especially during cardio. I hate it immensely so I'm even less outgoing.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    When I'm lifting I'd like to be left alone. I don't mind random chatting in between sets or during cardio (Are you using this? Kind of Qs). I'm at the gym to work out and have a limited amount of time when doing so. If they're really interested, then they should ask for a phone number. Gym time = My time.

    Along these lines for me, passing comments over time as we're all going about our workouts then, perhaps, a bit more of a chat after we've gotten a bit acquianted.
  • revncarmichael
    revncarmichael Posts: 15 Member
    At Boot camp we barely can breathe, I work out in some guy groups, but then at 65 and extremely happily married I appreciate how they motivate me. :happy:
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Do you hate random guys coming up to talk to you as much as I think you do?

    I see this all the time and every woman looks absolutely miserable when it happens.

    I actually had a random guy talk to me a few days ago... he was nice, waited until I was finished wtih my set and then complimented me.... I said thanks and smiled and walked off.....

    ok, it was kinda *****y - but I had more work to do!

    On the other hand, if he would have waited until I was finished working out, it may have gone a little better :)