How to I tell my Boyfriend..

Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
That I had never seen Batman before tuesday?



  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    That I had never seen Batman before tuesday?


    Which Batman? If it it was the one with Val Kilmer you should be ok , but if its the one with Michael Keaton he might beat you in the face.
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    That I had never seen Batman before tuesday?


    Which Batman? If it it was the one with Val Kilmer you should be ok , but if its the one with Michael Keaton he might beat you in the face.

    I lost my Batman virginity with the Dark Knight Rises.. and I had to ask my Dad who the guy in the Wheelchair was.
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member

    I lost my Batman virginity with the Dark Knight Rises.. and I had to ask my Dad who the guy in the Wheelchair was.

    O________O GUUUUURL.....
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member

    I lost my Batman virginity with the Dark Knight Rises.. and I had to ask my Dad who the guy in the Wheelchair was.

    O________O GUUUUURL.....

    I knoooow. It's shameful.

    It was EPIC though!

    ETA - And trust me - I'll be rightly punished when he dumps me for this!!
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    I haven't seen it yet but I have seen all of the others. :)
    Looking forward to it. I'm a little iffy on Anne Hathaway as Catwoman though.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member

    I lost my Batman virginity with the Dark Knight Rises.. and I had to ask my Dad who the guy in the Wheelchair was.

    O________O GUUUUURL.....

    I knoooow. It's shameful.

    It was EPIC though!

    ETA - And trust me - I'll be rightly punished when he dumps me for this!!

    Have a marathon this weekend! Catch up!

    The Dark Knight is one of the best movies I have ever seen!
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    She was actually fantastic - nothing at all like her Rom Com roles.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    I haven't seen it yet but I have seen all of the others. :)
    Looking forward to it. I'm a little iffy on Anne Hathaway as Catwoman though.

    You shut your mouth about Anne hathaway :mad:
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    Yup. Banished to the couch.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    That I had never seen Batman before tuesday?


    You are better than me because the closest thing I have watched related to Batman is the Seal music video.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I've never seen Batman and idk who you are referring to in the wheelchair :huh:
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    That I had never seen Batman before tuesday?


    You are better than me because the closest thing I have watched related to Batman is the Seal music video.

    LMAO! Love that song!
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    I haven't seen it yet but I have seen all of the others. :)
    Looking forward to it. I'm a little iffy on Anne Hathaway as Catwoman though.

    You shut your mouth about Anne hathaway :mad:

    LOL! Sorry.
    She just never struck me as the kind of girl that oozed sex appeal like Catwoman is supposed to.
    I'm eager to see what she did with the role, though.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    That I had never seen Batman before tuesday?


    You're too young for Burton's, thankfully still too young for the crap inbetween and you can always say that you were living under a rock and missed Nolan's first two.

    Or you simply weren't interested but you're very much intrigued and would like to know more (if he's a fan).
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    The new Batman movies annoy me. Jack Nicholson was a faaaar better joker.
    Don't even get me started on the terrible "batman voice"... it's so bad I actually laugh and cringe.
  • crystal_darling
    crystal_darling Posts: 53 Member
    The new Batman movies annoy me. Jack Nicholson was a faaaar better joker.
    Don't even get me started on the terrible "batman voice"... it's so bad I actually laugh and cringe.


    I've always wondered about the voice! I've said it a bunch of times, why the voice? lol
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    The new Batman movies annoy me. Jack Nicholson was a faaaar better joker.
    Don't even get me started on the terrible "batman voice"... it's so bad I actually laugh and cringe.


    I've always wondered about the voice! I've said it a bunch of times, why the voice? lol

    Yup. I don't get it either, but I'm certainly NOT telling him that. I'd be beaten :laugh:
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    The new Batman movies annoy me. Jack Nicholson was a faaaar better joker.
    Don't even get me started on the terrible "batman voice"... it's so bad I actually laugh and cringe.

    I beg to differ about Nicholson being a better joker!
  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    I told mine and came home to the dvds on our coffee table.
  • Alzzak
    Alzzak Posts: 89 Member
    okay, I will make it simple....

    "Honey, I love you... but I feel in love with batman and now are going to have his bat baby."

    seriousness, tell him or not... it is a movie... eh, If your biggest worry is how to tell your boyfriend about Batman... you are in a lot better shape then most...