Looking for Nike Fuel Band Friends



  • ryancan2
    ryancan2 Posts: 1
    Add me : ryancan2
  • HAd mine for a month i think! love it and find it awesome how I find myself moving at night to make goal! Add me
  • thevirtualrunner
    thevirtualrunner Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone! Can you add me too please:

  • I just got a fuel band too, really excited about it.

    Please add me as a friend, just looking for some motivation in the app. My Nike+ id is: jeffh74

    BTW: Does anyone who's had their band for awhile know why friends on Nike+ website won't show up on my iPhone in the Nike Fuel app? (yes, they have fuel bands too)
  • martinshiner98
    martinshiner98 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all had my fuel band for a couple of months and it is great. Probably the best motivational gadget ever! Really getting into now , walking instead of getting in the car to pop to the shops. Would be great to have more nike fuel friends to keep me going to achieve the million fuel points on Facebook by end of year.

    Please add me as a friend s/n recycledcat2013
  • krainbird
    krainbird Posts: 30 Member
    Please add me as a friend krainbird. :)
    Request sent...
  • mhughes33

    would love more Nike friends for motivation and a bit of competition :))
  • krainbird
    krainbird Posts: 30 Member
    Silly question: How do I get the Nike Fuel Band friends to show in the Apple App?

    Thanks everyone who added me. I appreciate it!
  • Almayyas
    Almayyas Posts: 4
    Hello everyone,

    my user name Buttercup_h. please feel free to add me as well.

    Thank you all!
  • add bgf3350
  • I'm looking for people as well!
    Add me "FerminCamacho".
  • I'm "dreamymayling" Add me please.

    Had my fuel band since December 2012 (Christmas present)
  • Everyone add me on their Nike+ Friends list ,

  • Please add me foxychicky user name love my fuel band
  • blkpag1
    blkpag1 Posts: 34 Member
    I want in! My fuel band should be back any day (being replaced due to button quit working). I have been using it since I got it in December.
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    Added all that I could

    My S/N: jgcurry3
  • xandegray
    xandegray Posts: 2
    Add me please: Ripstonetitan

  • chelchel02
    chelchel02 Posts: 2
    Add: Meechy Brown
  • Add me if you dare... Screen name: ninohellman