Looking for Nike Fuel Band Friends



  • sr750139
    sr750139 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started using my Nike+ Fuel Band again! Wish we were able to sync with MFP like the Fit can :(

    Add me to your Nike+ Friends; username: sara.harrington
  • Shinway
    Shinway Posts: 1
    I just got mine and a pair of Nike Flyknit Lunar 1+ running shoes. Feel free to add me!

    Screen Name: Shinway
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Just got mine Sunday and love it! Add me please :) screen name: aliselmx
  • Zacele
    Zacele Posts: 1
    Just got mine last week.Really want to have some friends to compete.My nike+ s/n is: Khoa Le.Fell free to add me :D
  • Rdeedavis23
    Rdeedavis23 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me Rochiele Davis. Love my band Xmas gift from my hubby:)
  • Just got my band the other day, my username is motelsprees. Feel free to add me! :) I also use the Nike Running app.
  • valkyrie06
    valkyrie06 Posts: 14 Member
    I got mine last week and I love it! My username is tracewashing90 if you'd like to add me. :)
  • mertdp27
    mertdp27 Posts: 5
    Hi everyone,

    I added plenty of you here and please feel free to add me for some challenge and motivation..

    SN: Mert DP
  • Hi everybody
    Add me Mathias_Poulsen, i average around 4000-5000, but i am working myself up to 6000 average. Unfortunally does the fuelband not measure my 2 hour daily swim, so i have to work extra hard to reach my goal.
  • hey everyone,

    feel free to add me: Jairo Tellez
  • I just received my fuel band...please add me Hoopz1523. Thank you
  • Hey everyone I am active on fuelband, please add me, I'm looking for friends to compete, share, and mingle with!

    Name: Deverin Mitts
  • Hello everyone,

    my user name is: Kehar3
    Please feel free to add me as well.

    Thank you all :)
  • Bug2love
    Bug2love Posts: 41 Member
    Added everyone. :). Sabel Mae
  • Add me, my S/N is Vtach21
  • I just got my fuelband a couple days ago and I need some friends for competition and motivation.
    Screen name: coryray81
  • I just got my SE Nike Fuel Band & would like some friends to help motivate & vice versa . . .
    My Nike SN is Mike579uk - please feel free to add me ...

    Thanks . . .
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    I'd love to have some friends. Please add me. trek.chick
  • Please fell free to add me : Long Teng
  • Add me up. Branden Wong.