What foods did you think were healthy but actually aren't??



  • Creamshakes
    Creamshakes Posts: 38 Member
    Bars! Protein bars, fiber bars, nutty bars, LARABARs...organic bars.

    All those things are is a carb and sugar bomb. :/
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I remember when around November '11, the boards had plenty of proNutella people, citing it along with peanut butter.

    As for me, I thought Nestle Nesfit was a rather healthy choice for cereal. Until I saw that added glycose syrup.

    nothing wrong with nutella - just had some :)
    Might want to check out the very first ingredient on the Nutella label.... SUGAR! Not a healthy source of food. I still eat it b/c it tastes awesome, but it is in no way healthy.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Diet soda is comprised mostly of water. Water doesn't have any nutritional value (it can't be metabolized) and doesn't contain any vitamins yet water is universally considered a "healthy" drink. So why is diet soda unhealthy if water isn't?

    I do think there may be something to the idea that drinking lots of diet sodas dulls your sense of sweetness and makes you crave sweeter foods. I just don't like misinformation -- as far as we know, diet soda is perfectly healthy and hydrating beverage and has no effect on weight loss and no negative health consequences whatsoever. For me, it definitely helps satisfy cravings for sweetness without taking in any calories, so it does wonders for my mental health.
    Dude, you're kidding right. Right?????? Please tell me you're kidding.
  • teamtommo6
    teamtommo6 Posts: 16 Member
    As many have said, yogurt. I used to snack on those cups like no other until I found out how much sugar is in them. Now I stick to a low sugar Greek yogurt, but it's no where near as good tasting. I also used to think all salads were great for you, until I realized that those ingredients you don't really think about like croutons or cheese add a lot of calories and fat.
  • Doreen9686
    Wow, I had no clue! I usually have a fat free yogurt for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Guess I am doing this all wrong. I'm sure there are plenty of websites that could help me learn more about nutrition, I just don't have time to "surf' the web to look for them. I am not a label reader either, I will have to up my workouts and watch my portions to try to lose weight/inches. Ugh! :frown:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Haven't Been thrilled with the new studies and findings of soy. Used to drink soy milk a lot more than I do now.

    What new studies? Were the studies on natural soy or soy supplements?
  • kriselayne1
    kriselayne1 Posts: 28 Member
    Diet soda is comprised mostly of water. Water doesn't have any nutritional value (it can't be metabolized) and doesn't contain any vitamins yet water is universally considered a "healthy" drink. So why is diet soda unhealthy if water isn't?

    I do think there may be something to the idea that drinking lots of diet sodas dulls your sense of sweetness and makes you crave sweeter foods. I just don't like misinformation -- as far as we know, diet soda is perfectly healthy and hydrating beverage and has no effect on weight loss and no negative health consequences whatsoever. For me, it definitely helps satisfy cravings for sweetness without taking in any calories, so it does wonders for my mental health.

    I think if you did a simple google search on some of the terms you used in this post you'd be very surprised at what you find. Diet soda has been shown to cause mental health problems, linked to weight gain and problems for your health. Please research this. If you can find me a soda tree, diet or regular, then I'll drink it. Until then, no thanks! Would you drink something I whipped up in my kitchen but you had no idea really what it was just because it tastes good and didn't effect your calories for the day? And I say this with love and concern, you've got to do some critical thinking when it comes to what you consume. Sugar at least is grown fromt he earth not made it in someones lab.
  • kriselayne1
    kriselayne1 Posts: 28 Member
    Turkey bacon

    OMG what's wrong with Turkey bacon?? Well besides nitrates.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Anybody else read this thread and think "I could make a healthy diet just from the things listed on this thread."

    Fruit? Smoked Chicken, Lunch meat, peanut butter...hell, other than veggies that's a lot of the stuff I eat now.
  • simplynaturalfarm
    simplynaturalfarm Posts: 73 Member
    Excessive fruit and grain products. What surprised me that is healthy - proper fats :)
  • WhatDoesLisa
    Hummus and peanut butter-pure fat.