Do you tell?



  • Gigglie_01
    Gigglie_01 Posts: 29 Member
    My husband knows and he got on the bandwagon however he hasn't tracked and is in really good shape anyways.I have told a few of my friends and some of them found MFP without me telling them and they told me - I mentioned that I already do that so it worked out but other than that not many people.
  • BeckyLH
    BeckyLH Posts: 117 Member
    I tell everyone lol, i tell people my weight too, I find it helps keep me on track :)
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    i told my family and friends and try to get them to use MFP as well
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    My family know, when I lose a bit more weight I'll tell more people but I get worried that the more people that know the more likely I am to fail.
  • Bluescat1
    Bluescat1 Posts: 207 Member
    I have not told anyone what I am doing, I like the reaction of people when they see me for the first time. I didn't want to tell everyone,and fail.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I have told EVERYONE. lol. From the beginning. I updated everyone on my FB every week, whether they liked it or not. Letting others know of your efforts helps to keep yourself accountable. And one of the best parts is even though so many ppl just rolled their eyes at me, after time those same ppl got motivated to get healthy too and have no joined me in the spamming of fitness pics on their FB lol!!!!

    Now I am telling the world to join me!!!! Me, the girl with major anxiety and self esteem issues, has addressed the world head on!!
  • jujudot
    jujudot Posts: 129 Member
    The only people that know are my husband and kids. I'm sure I'll let on to more people as the weight starts coming back off. :smile:
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    My doctor is who referred me to this site. Essentially - I'm not going to discuss changing your thyroid meds until you spend a year on this site - I think the reason for your weight is you don't know portion control versus your thryoid is still out of whack.

    Hubby and kids know and family - one or two people at work know I'm on it (much to my happy surprise one of the people I knew is also on here so we became online "friends" too - always nice to know someone online that you can see in person). I don't try to hide it and when asked have been an advocate for the site and how fotunate I have been to find online friends who have been very supportive, even on days when I've exhibited a lack of control and went way over my calories. =)
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first. I found that most people want to offer their advice and "try" to support you. It drives me bananas when someone offers me advice and hasn't been successful themselves. I mean, why would I listen? haha.

    You could also run into people trying to sabotage you or making you feel bad by trying to motivate you. Like asking "How much this week, what have you been doing, what food are you eating and then saying your doing it wrong". When your having a hard week, it can send you in a tailspin, at least it used to with me.

    I do my own thing, other then this website I don't discuss what I'm doing with my family or friends. Only when I have a loss, and sometimes not even then. This journey is about accepting yourself, not other accepting you. Be your own coach and motivation. You can do it :)
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    The first time I started losing weight I told everyone I knew. I will admit, it was great motivation to keep it up. But unfortunately, when you tell people you are losing weight, everyone you know become a nutritionist, gym coach, etc. Then, as you lose weight, you then have to deal with people who want to decide whether you need to lose weight or whether you've lost too much weight.

    The second time I started losing weight, I told my mother, internal physician, and boyfriend. While this allows more area for slippage, I've found this to be an easier way to approach it.

    This is just what's worked for me -- good luck with the weight loss! :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I don't keep it a secret, but I don't shout it to the world either.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    I didn't mention it to anyone when I got started, truly because I was only doing it for myself and didn't want to feel like (or sound like) I was expecting any external motivation. As time went by, I got excited about how things were going and then it started slipping out in conversations with friends and family.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    My doctor is who referred me to this site. Essentially - I'm not going to discuss changing your thyroid meds until you spend a year on this site - I think the reason for your weight is you don't know portion control versus your thryoid is still out of whack.

    Hubby and kids know and family - one or two people at work know I'm on it (much to my happy surprise one of the people I knew is also on here so we became online "friends" too - always nice to know someone online that you can see in person). I don't try to hide it and when asked have been an advocate for the site and how fotunate I have been to find online friends who have been very supportive, even on days when I've exhibited a lack of control and went way over my calories. =)

    Hopefully your doctor ran multiple tests to rule out a change in your meds.
    I actually will lose weight when I eat right, exercise and drink water. My thyroid hasn't been the issue...I have been. I haven't been consistent long enough to see if I had a wall and will need to have my meds adjusted.
  • LeanMeanJeanne
    LeanMeanJeanne Posts: 44 Member
    I haven't told the world about weight loss specifically, I don't want to look obsessed with a simple number. I've let it be known that I want to make healthy choices for my overall well being and as an example to my son. I always offer to bring healthy dishes and desserts to get-togethers to get everyone on the band wagon, it won't hurt ANYONE to eat better!
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    My parents, who are here with me. My dad actually got us all hooked on MFP (thanks Dad!). And my husband knows I'm doing "something" but hasn't been too interested in what it is.

    I have a friend (my bf from highschool) that I don't see much. I used to tell her everything, but she's in the same cycle we've all been in. Fad diet/fail/Fad diet/Fail.... I want to have some really visible results before I share this with her so hopefully she will get serious about her health. She's very offended and defensive when someone mentions weight to only talk about it when she brings it up. We live in the same town but we don't see eachother often with everything going on with our families. :) SO I'm excited to show her that this CAN be done...and maybe it will light a fire inside for her too.

    BUt if anybody asks, heck yeah, I'll tell them. :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I used to tell everyone. I had a blog all about it.

    I'm in maintenance mode now, so it doesn't matter anymore. But, I posted all my workouts and everything on facebook, and then blogged about my successes, recipies, etc. I motivated a few people that found my blog too. I should have kept it up, but got tired of doing it.
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    To everyone who says, "I DIDNT TELL ANYONE JUST INCASE I FAIL"

    The only reason you'd fail..... is because of yourself - if you screw up one day, start over the next.

    You cant fail. You shouldnt fail. This is not a competition. Its a new way of life. So there are no losers. Dont worry about losing. Its not in your vocabulary. You just have to be patient and persistent :) We got this......

    Personally, I told everyone - I share my success/struggles on my facebook every day to over 300 friends. Its a great excuse for me NOT TO FAIL!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I told my husband, my kids, and my doctor of course. At around a 15, 20 pound weight loss I started talking about it with extended family and friends. Around 25 pounds people started to notice, and now I'm at a nearly 40 pound weight loss and folks can really see a difference. I'm getting to the point where my losing weight is unnerving to some people. Most tell me I look great and to keep it up, but a few seemed perturbed that I am not stopping here but plan to keep on going (I still have 68 pounds to lose). So I don't talk numbers anymore, I just say I have lost a bit and have a bit more to go.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    my fiancé knows, and i chat about it occasionally with my mom and my sister.

    i told some friends at work, mostly to stop them from bringing me gigantic starbucks drinks and muffins i hadn't planned for, because my willpower to resist is so bad, lol - but mostly they do the "oh! you're losing weight! how are you doing it?!?!" thing, and when i say that i'm counting calories and exercising more, they look disappointed and go, "oh, that didn't work for me" (yeah, it didn't work because, you know, you *didn't do it* heh). so i just stopped talking about it. i figure they'll notice eventually.

    i never posted it on Facebook or anything, because there are too many people on there that i don't know well, haven't seen since high school, etc and i don't feel they need to be privy to my personal details like that ;)
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Didn't tell anyone. But, when people started noticing the weight loss, I did tell them. Basically, I didn't want to hear the "you can't eat that, you're on a diet" spiel. I hadn't seen my siblings for a year (don't live close) and when I visited last month, two out of four didn't even recognize me!