Do you tell?



  • jennnnn2u
    jennnnn2u Posts: 133
    I have told my boyfriend and my kids since they are the closest to me, my coworkers since I have to work with them 40 hours a week and there is ALWAYS food around, and my two best friends (one has now also joined MFP!). Although it seems like a lot of people know already, there are still LOTS of people in my life that I haven't told. I'm not exactly sure what is stopping me.
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    I dont go around telling everyone, my boyfriend knows and my family knows but I'd rather wait till they notice. :)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I tell everyone...I want people to know what I'm going through, the only person that I really wanted to not tell was my mom she then hounds me did you lose today, we just talked a couple hours ago no I didn't lose anything in those hours. I know she means well and has wanted me to be thin for a long, long time. She told me she felt guilty because she made me fat...I told her not to feel that way because she didn't make me eat that food I chose to eat that food and way to much of it.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I didn't really tell anyone. I just did it. Then people would notice all the changes over time and ask questions or make comments (mostly good, some I found upsetting or irritating) Some people who asked, I did tell what I lost. Others I just danced around the question because it wasn't their business.

    As far as who knows about something like MFP? Just my DH and I plan to keep it that way.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I have my exercise entries and completion of food/exercise diaries set to post to Facebook, so I've basically told everyone I know what I'm doing. I did that so that people would talk to me about it, ask me about it, and otherwise hold me accountable for it. If I'm the only one who knows, it's easy to quit, but if everyone else knows I'm doing it and expects me to continue to do it, it's more motivation to keep it up.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid of failing. Eventually, I had to tell family and friends, because you couldn't help but to notice the weight dropping.

    You look great! Awesome transformation.
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    My hubby and I are on here together..... he found out about it, set up his account and mine, then came home and told me to log in! lol
    Only he and my kids and a few friends know. I hate it when people see me making changes, roll their eyes, and say "you look fine, you don't need to lose". My reply is usually "well, that's nice of you to say, but you haven't seen me naked!" More than anything I'm making healthier choices with food and becoming addicted to exercise (who'd have thought?). I still have baby weight from my 6 yr. old that I'm trying to lose and really want to reclaim what was mine b4 my kids came along. Get rid of the 'soft & squishy' and make it firm and strong!!

    If people ask, I'll be glad to share this amazing tool that we are all using!
  • ttoftwo
    ttoftwo Posts: 23 Member
    I told my mom, and my best friend. I am embarrassed by how much I weigh, and what I look like. I guess I don't want anyone to reaffirm that I'm fat. But it's not about them, it's about me, and my son and my health.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I tell folks my fitness goals if they ask, but I won't discuss my weight loss/maintenance. I will discuss my everyday eating regimen.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I've only told my kind, caring and extremely tolerant wife!
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    I didn't really start telling people what I was doing until they started asking... now I sing like a songbird to anyone that asks. I have introduced about 10 of my friends to MFP... some love it and others are just not ready to start their journey.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    well im on a public web site for weight loss sooo......most of the modern world??
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    I haven't been able to tell many people. I've mentioned Im going to try eating healthier to my roommate and a few close friends but I can't go into details or get support from them because most of my friend struggle with their weight and eating disorders so I am afraid that by sharing with them how Im losing weight and being healthy they will try to lose even more weight that they don't have to lose.

    I just keep it to myself and so far that isn't been working ever well for me. No one around to encourage me or hold me accountable for my crappy eating choices.
  • SRR15
    SRR15 Posts: 23 Member
    My boyfriend and I decided to join together. I've also shared it with my mom who has now also gotten back on MFP (both my mom and I have tried MFP before and fallen off the wagon). I've also shared my weight loss plans with my co-workers so they can keep me accountable on my snacking at work. No more chips and candy to keep my energy up!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    My co-workers know since they see me and can see a difference and always ask what am I doing. My parents know, my brother, and my husband. I have like 2 friends who know and that's it. I have been kinda hibernating in my home, working out and cooking healthy, on purpose so I can surprise people. I have two older sisters who aren't very supportive and just very negative people. My one sister is moving back to the states in October and my other sister I wont see till then anyways so I am keeping it a secret and asked my parents to not share. I was about 155-160 last time they saw me in May and currently down to 135. My sister made a rude comment about my weight back then and I cant wait for her to see me now. I am hoping to be at 115 or 110 by the time I see them at the Big Halloween Party. Only question will be, what costume should I wear lol. Got to show some skin! lol
  • magicstephanie
    My family knows, because I've asked them to try not to bring too many tempting snacks into the house! :laugh: A few of my close friends know because I've mentioned it when we go out to eat - they wonder why I'm suddenly skipping dessert! In general, though, I don't really like to tell people. Often they seem to think "I'm watching my calories" means the same thing as "I have an eating disorder." :noway:
  • SaraLynn85
    SaraLynn85 Posts: 23
    Just really my boyfriend and Mom. People at work sabatoge even if they don't really mean to. All of the people I work with struggle with their weight and it just seems like if you tell any of them they start asking you to go to lunch or bring in cakes/candies ect. Either that or they say I don't need to lose any weight because I don't need to lose that much, but to me 30 pounds is a lot and that is what will put me at my health weight for height.
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    I've been at this for a while (started in November, restarted April) and when I originally started I didn't really tell anyone. I just made it known I was eating more healthy and that this was a lifestyle thing, and was quick to glare anyone who said it's a diet. It's not for me, and that's definitely been more of the truth since restarting.

    Outright though I told my boyfriend that yes, I'm losing weight. In the past couple of months a few friends have actually joined me on myfitnesspal. One was already using a different app for her attempts and I convinced her to join this site instead. The other two friends, well one was already trying to lose and she just never mentioned mfp before and then she casually mentioned it and I got all excited because I could add her. And then I realized our mutual friend was on here too.

    My coworkers don't know. My distant family thinks it's just a healthy thing, since they've commented on how I look like I lost weight. My classmates at uni don't know either. But the main people in my life have an idea of what's going on.
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I've told Husband, parents, sister, and best friend. A few people at work have noticed. When they ask what I've been doing to lose weight, I say "Counting calories and exercising."
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    My whole family knows. I went on vacation with them and had to tell them so we could make different choices about where we ate (sit down restaurant instead of McDonalds). So far no one has asked the dreaded question, "Should you be eating that?" Thank goodness.