Beat the Holiday Blues Challenge



  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Monday Everyone:

    Was bad yesterday, my mother-in-law's birthday caused me to eat way too much cake, because I made the cake myself. (It was good!)

    Sun, we are going to Maine this weekend. We have a little house in Rockland, that we rent out, so we visit twice a year, and stare at it longingly, then stay somewhere else. Our hope is to move when the economy turns around. Are you anywhere near there?
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey zebras!

    We live in Guilford, which is about an hour and a half from Rockland. We actually went to the Lobster Festival in Rockland this summer. It is beautiful there! We drove up Mt. Battie in our convertible. Had a great day. The coast of Maine is beautiful anyway. I love it here April thru October. Fall is so pretty here. It's the looooong coooold winters that get me. As you can see by my profile pic...I live in a dream world!:laugh:

    So where do you live now?
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    sunlover: Currently live in CT
  • courtneyweiss
    Courtney, great job in setting up mini goals!! :drinker: How was your run?

    The run was great. I made 50 mins and gained myself 499 extra calories - alright! I always love it when it starts to get cold outside...I find it hard to run when it's hot. Got another one scheduled for today.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Courtney, I enjoy running myself. My husband and I ran 7 miles this morning. The weather was perfect, in the 50's.

    It has been a pretty good day today as far as eating is concerned. My husband is celebrating his birthday this Wed but he is working. So today we went to our favorite Korean restaurant. I always feel I eat really well when I go there so no problems. I know my dinner will be healthy so good day overall. I really don't have that many issues on regular days. My main concern is some weekends and definitely when we start all the Holiday gatherings. I will be reporting on those before they happen so I remain accountable and get some motivation to stay on track.

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • constancemwj
    OK THIS CANDY HAS GOT TO GO! I have no wilpower with a big bowl of chocloate setting around. and was over my calories today and yesterday because of it.....aagghhh!!! and didn't even exrcise today. I promice tomorrow will be better....I have a busy schudle but am determined to fit something in... I need to, and know I'll feel better for it...

    great job alf, 7 miles,,, I cant even imagine... Before husband and kids,, I loved running and went almost every night... but haven't done it in 20 years until this summer... and Its taken most the summer to work up to just a mile..... I'ed porbable be further along if I run more then once or twice a week.. But even with colder weather I'm going to try to stick to it.... I do love fall...
    have a good day tomorrow everyone and keep moving..
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    How is everyone doing?? :flowerforyou:

    These past 3 days have been really good. I have been able to eat healthy and stayed within my requirements. I have also exercised as planned.

    Constance, get rid of that candy!!!! :laugh: Can you give it away? Take it to your workplace. If you are brave enough just throw it in the trash. I say that because I have never been one to throw any food in the trash even if it is junk food. Lately I just share "goodies" with my co-workers. :laugh: How is your day going so far?

    Hope to hear from eveyone soon!! :flowerforyou:
  • courtneyweiss
    Things are going well for me. I seem to be stalling on my losses, but I think it's just because this weekend was a bit of a sodium bomb. I'm going to wait for a few more days until I start tweaking anything.

    Alf - the run was awesome. Made 45 minutes this time. Was SO tired about half way through :grumble: . Think this may be because I'm just getting back on the running bandwagon and I had such a long one on the weekend. And 7 miles! Wow! I'm lucky if I make it 7 Kilometres. Lol.

    Such a good idea about sharing goodies with the co-workers. I did this last Christmas and I'm sure I saved myself a few pounds! Constance: whenever we buy Halloween candy, I hide in our room while my husband hides the candy somewhere in the house. I find that if it's somewhere that I can't see it (he hid it in the crawlspace last year), I'm much less likely to munch. And, we are always home on Halloween to hand out candy, so this year the 31st will be a test of my willpower (especially since we always have friends over to watch bad horror movies).

    October 30 will be my next big challenge. My husband coaches football, and his coach, kid and parent wind-up is this day. I'm guessing I won't be able to control what is on my plate, but I'll probably have some success with portion control. Will definitely keep you ladies up to date on this one.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    courtney, it does feel good to talk about challenges, doesnt it? I am already logging in my foods for tomorrow, trying to play around with them since it is my husband's birthday and we are going to have a marble slab vanilla oreo ice cream cake!! :noway: I looked in their website and the svg sz is 162g, which I will measure, and it is 470calories!!!!! :noway: :grumble: Depending on the size I might not eat the whole svg but I am trying to make room for it. Just one piece...(excuses!!! :laugh: ) My workout for tomorrow is 90mins of yoga X and a run, if it is not raining in the am. So that will give me plenty of calories to eat!! :happy:

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning Friends!

    We are going to Maine for the weekend, and I always find I get the munchies on these long car rides, and of course there is all the eating out! HELP
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    zebras....try to pack some healthy eats for the car ride. We went to NYC last month for our anniversary and I packed a cooler with veggies and some apples, hard boiled eggs, nuts, etc. It really helped. As far as eating out, try to order something healthy but also ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!! Moderation is the key!:wink:

    And welcome to Maine...hope you have a great stay here in our fine state.:flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Zebras, I second what Sunlover said. Plan, plan, plan...pack snacks so you are not so tempted on eating junk from the stores. My husband loves to stop at those truck stops and get treats and of course I like them as well. Last time we went on a road trip I packed a lot of healthy snacks and I was not tempted to buy anything. Usually at restaurants there are healthy choices to choose from.

    Today is my husband's birthday and I am cooking ribeye steaks and ordered a marble slab ice cream cake. I have logged in all my foods for today and still have some calories to spare. I went over my fat requirement but that is ok. You may look at my food diary if you'd like.

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Alf: Happy birthday to your husband, mine's tomorrow, so tell him hi from a fellow Libra.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Alf & Zebras, this must be the week for fantastic MFPers to have birthdays - mine was yesterday!!!
    Time to change the ticker in my profile; didn't make the 125 goal by my birthday, so now time to focus on the anniversary goal........
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Late Birthday MK. No wonder we get along so well.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MK!!! (a day late) :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: And so I don't forget tomorrow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZEBRAS!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Best wishes to both of you! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • constancemwj
    Hi everyone,, and happy birthday to all the birthday people,,,, don't celebrate to hard.:laugh:
    Well the candy is put out of sight so its not as tempting... and yesterday and today I did much better.. and stayed within my calories. Last night I got home and went for a walk/run,,, 3.5 miles in 60 min... It felt good,,, but today it's been snowing all day here... so i tried to do yoga inside and some arobic, to a DVD, but my phone keep ringing, (suddenly everyone needed me tonight.) So I gave up after 30 min.... I guess some is better then
    Tomorrow is suppost to be nice,, maybe I'll be able to get out and walk in the new snow..... and maybe I'll really reach my goal for this week..
    have a great tomorow!:drinker: LAST CHANCE WORKOUT!!!!!!
  • courtneyweiss
    Awesome, Constance - good for you! Keep it up with the Halloween candy - you are stronger than you think! And, I love working out in the snow (as long as there's no ice). My hubby and I are planning a showshoeing trip one weekend this November - I'm very excited to take up some new winter sports.

    Happy Birthday to everyone:bigsmile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! Doing great!!! I did have a svg of that yummy ice cream cake for my husband's birthday. There is half a cake left and I am planning on having half a svg today. I did my legs/back P90X workout this morning. Might work on my Zumba routine tonight so that is extra work...if I count as exercise I would need to eat much more :noway: :laugh:

    Courtney, snowshoeing, that sounds interesting...but no snow here in San Antonio. :laugh:

    Constance, good job on hiding the candy, now do not go get any. :laugh: About the phone ringing, take time for yourself. Unless an emergency, anything can wait until you take care of your body, not just physically but mentally. I used to be like that but now my workout time is my time to take care of ME!!!

    Check in tomorrow!!!! You may choose to report your weight, measurements, ups and downs, challenges, goals for next week etc...

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    A belated Happy Bday to all celebrating this week! :drinker:
    Weight this morning 136, which is within maintenance range. So far so good approaching the holidays! Halloween thankfully won't be a big temptation for me. Our girls are 21 and 23 so there will be no candy coming home. And our only trick-or-treater will be our new little neighbor and he's only 5 months old so I'm getting him a toy of some kind. Candy really isn't a temptation for me anyway, it's potato chips! There's no eating just one for me. :sad:

    No snow in San Antonio?? "sigh"sigh"sigh" I wish! Although I, like Courtney, do enjoy snowshoeing. That keeps you pretty warm b/c it's such a workout. And it's safer than trying to walk/run on an icy sidewalk. The older I get, the less I like being cold. What is up with that?! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are getting 3 inches of rain here tomorrow so it will definitely be an inside workout. Awww....wasn't zebras coming to Maine this weekend??? That stinks!:grumble: