Breakfast help!



  • Rolinuk
    Rolinuk Posts: 2
    i have just discovered matterson turkey rashers... they are smoked and if you served them up to someone without saying you would swear they were bacon.... and they are only 27 calories each....they are my newest best food...!
  • FTW7
    FTW7 Posts: 21
    Leftovers from the.night before? ...
    Sugar free cereal. Shredded wheat n bran
    I use unsweetened almond milk
  • j_wilson2012
    j_wilson2012 Posts: 293
    i have just discovered matterson turkey rashers... they are smoked and if you served them up to someone without saying you would swear they were bacon.... and they are only 27 calories each....they are my newest best food...!

    Now you are talkin my language!
  • fsahun
    fsahun Posts: 4
    A video about sugar metabolism, interesting but a little bit long, it worth to watch I think!
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi....I have recently gotten rid of bread from my diet, and I am having trouble on breakfast. I am trying to watch my sugar intake in the morning. I know that milk is pretty much filled with it, and if you combine it with a few servings of cereal, you have already hit the home stretch in the sugar column, and it is only 7am.
    I do like to have some eggs, turkey sausage or bacon, and then maybe some orange slices. I stopped eating boxes pancakes. What are some other good breakfast ideas so that I can stray away from packing on the breakfast sugars, but still have good energy for the day? Should I abandon milk? I am trying to stay under 700 calories.

    Hiya goto breakfast has always been....2 egg omelet, cheese, either sausage or bacon....sometimes both if I'm not going to eat for awhile, some onions or mushrooms, a little dab of sour cream on top...very filling, very low carb. Now its hard/expensive to eat this every day so I alternate this Bfast with a protein shake usually every other day. Also if you don't mind splenda or Truvia or other natural low cal sweetner and you love milk, unsweetened almond milk with a packet or 2 of sweetner is really awesome with my chocolate protein powder. Almond milk unsweetened has less than 3 grams of carbs/sugar. Very low carb and really tasty.
  • charest68
    charest68 Posts: 3
    One of my favorites is blueberries and sliced strawberries sprinkled with stevia. I mix it with about 2-3 tablespoons of reduced fat sour cream and sprinkle my favorite granola or sliced almonds over the top. It tastes like a dessert, but it is filling and healthy.

    Ok, so I'm new here and I'm having a tough time incorporating fruits without going WAY over on my sugars. How do you have blueberries and strawberries and not go over your sugar allowance?

    Thank you so much!
  • AllisonB145
    AllisonB145 Posts: 94 Member
    I ususally have Source yougurt with fresh fruit for breakfast, however I also have egg white omlette, Kashi organic cereal etc.. btw try using almond milk or soy milk, I was using 1% partly skimmed and your right full of sugar...who knew LOL

    Good Luck
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    How about blueberry pancakes. 3 massive pancakes at under 400 calories. Let me know if you want the recipe :)

    Porridge is one of my favourites. (oats)

    Garlic mushrooms on hi fibre toast.

    Chicken thigh grilled with tomato, mushrooms and spinach if I'm heading straight to the gym.
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    1 cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch mixed with Greek yogurt - I use Chobani. Quick, easy and 600 calories packed with protein and fiber.
  • camoore93
    camoore93 Posts: 3
    In my personal opinion, MFP's sugar/carb requirement ratio is somewhat skewed and unrealistic. If you are getting your carbs and, in turn, sugars from good, unprocessed sources like fruits and veggies I wouldn't worry too much about the sugar. Since all carbs are eventually converted to sugars in our bodies, I recommend just focusing on staying within the prescribed carbohydrate requirement.
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    I don't see how you can have hundreds of cals. with skim milk and low-sugar cereal. That's what I have every day and stay under 200 cals for breakfast. Not bad to throw a few berries or half a banana in to keep to full well into the a.m.