Your silly gym behavior



  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    i give the weights an angry look. trying to intimidate them.

    love this
  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    I start to sing out loud and shake my booty when on the treadmill.. Sometimes I forget I'm in the middle of a crowded gym. LOL!!

    LOL I thought I was the only one that got into the music like that..;
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I always sing along to my music. I also add in arm gestures like pointing my finger to the sky and emphasizing each word.

    No care ever.
  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    I find a focal point and I stare at it while listening to my music and get lost in what I am doing.... always wipe down the machine after i use it..
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't go to the gym, but when I'm running on the road, I talk to myself. I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I'm looney now...
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    I'm guilty of dancing on the elliptical too.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    When I am lifting heavy, people walk by and I look at them, if they make eye contact I will say ( in an angry voice ) " what? you want some of this ".
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I do my jogging outside on a track at a local school. There's a really nice neighborhood right next to the track. When I start getting tired or feel like I want to give up I just start saying "I can do this" over and over. And the more I want to quit the louder I get. Yesterday I was shouting. I'm sure all the people out mowing their yards in the morning were thinking I was crazy.

    When I'm at the gym I am a little OCD about some things. Like someone else mentioned I have to have things match. But to be fair I'm like that everywhere, even when I'm eating. Like if I swipe carrot sticks or something they have to be even numbers. I'm not so anal I count noodles on my dinner plate or anything like that but I probably will when I'm an old, still single lady with a ton of cats. It'll give me something to do :laugh:

    And I do wipe down the benches and machines when I'm done with them. I don't have the urge to sit in anyone else's butt sweat...or any other kind of sweat for that matter.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I've been know to cuss my way through a heavy lift:)
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I do squats in daisy dukes while wearing a bandana in a stupid way.

    We have the same work out clothes.

    I stare at myself all mean like in the mirror and dare myself to quit. Then, when I've finished a set, I give myself a high five.
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    Singing along to whatever I'm listening to on the treadmill. Or rapping, as it were, since half my running playlist is Eminem. I'm not too embarrassed about this though... not like somebody on an elliptical is going to judge me when I'm rocking out on the treadmill set to 9mph.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I lift at a gym in a part of town that, according to the trainers that work there, "people normally have other people do things for them, like picking up after themselves". Well, seldom does anyone rack their own weights. I have been known to play with that a little, asking others around if they know who is working out there, when I come accross a loaded bar.. Many funny internal laughs as many admit it was them but have not the faintest idea that I am playing with them...

    -Former trainer
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    I love to listen to music so in between sets I dance and bob my head :happy:
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    When I'm really pushing myself I'll say outloud to myself: this will not kill you, your not going to die, this is typically followed by some expletive and comment about whatever area of the body I'm working on. Sometimes its nice, like look at the muscles in those calves you sexy beast, sometimes its more derogatory; you want those wimpy noodle arms for ever fatty-push yourself!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i squat.... in the squat rack O_O
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    My workout buddy and I purposely go late at night when there are only about 3 other people in the gym (and we stay far away from them) so we can talk and laugh and dance.

    When there are other people, we keep it quiet!
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I bite my bottom lip a lot...I hate those mirrors at the gym..I'm like..really..Do I look that insane? :blushing:
  • BLSaw
    BLSaw Posts: 216 Member
    cuss at myself when form is not perfect!!
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Today when I was running on the treadmill my shorts would not stay up. I even tied them tight. (it's a good, but bad thing) lol. But I usually sprint out the last portion of a mile and as I was preparing to run, I rolled my shorts up very very high so they wouldn't fall down. I was wearing compression shorts underneath that went to my knees, so it wasn't innappropriate or anything, just pretty goofy lookin. But hey, I gotta get my mile in in a decent time, cant let shorts that don't fit anymore slow me down. Haha
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    I shut my eyes and bob my head to the music playing in the background if I'm resting in between sets, then open to find others looking at me weird =/ But I do it again. Lol
    I also walk around in small circles slowly when cooling down in between sets. Do I need a white jacket to hug myself with?