Anyone have/ had a wrist ganglion?



  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    I had/have one on the back of my left hand who came back twice (same spot). My GP refered me to an orthopedic surgeon on both occasions. (I have a nice little scar to prove it.) And I think that it's comming back for the third time now (sigh) It's just in hiding but I can sense it. The cyst doesn't hurt as such, but the reason that I want it gone is because I feel that it has no business being there. At first glance it looks as though someone broke my hand and that the bone is trying very hard to make it's way out though the back of my hand. :tongue:

    FYI : I asked the surgeon who has no ulterior motives about the book method, he said: I don't recommed it, neither draining it yourself because of the risk of infections. (Healthcare in Denmark is free, I didnt pay a daim for the operations)
  • JWmovin4ward
    JWmovin4ward Posts: 195 Member
    I had one removed via surgery about 13yrs ago, due to it causing issues with tendons.