What do you drink?

SO I've always been good about getting my 8-a-day with water, but come meal time I do get tired of the monotony. I'll drink green tea occasionally, but I'd love some other, calorie friendly options.


  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I drink topo chico carbonated water..in regular or lime flavor...In So Cal it's available in either the bottled water or ethnic food section...depending on what walmart I'm shopping at.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Just water. I know I'm really boring, but it is true. Sometimes I'll add a little lemon/lime slice to make it a bit less boring, but I honestly prefer the taste of plain boring water. I do enjoy the occasional tea but for the most part I only consume tea when I'm chilly or not feeling well. Chamomile, green, raspberry, apple cinnamon, blueberry, or lemongrass are my various choices, although some of them do have calories in them so keep an eye on that.

    Sometimes I'll splurge and have almond milk or aloe juice.

    I am not a fan of carbonated drinks, they make my stomach sore.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I add lemon to my water, or I'll put two tea bags in my water bottle (32 oz.) overnight, so I have iced tea in the morning. This works for almost any kind of tea; sometimes I'll do one bag of ginger-lemon and one bag of white or green. It's delicious <3

    Good luck!
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    Call me weird, but there's nothing like a glass of water.
  • Numitkon
    Numitkon Posts: 12
    I honestly don't like drinking water with my meals. I am also guilty of the occasional splurge on soda (although it doesn't taste like it used to when I drank it all the time).

    Most of the time I'm good, though, and drink either green tea or (if I'm not eating really dry or salty food) eat first and then drink water after my meal. Weird, I know!
  • stellaluna72
    Okay I have to admit I absolutely love plain ole water BUT I also love a bit of flavor. Try SOBE Life Water, the Fuji Apple Pear is my favorite. They have great light flavor that satisfies, and my favorite part-ZERO CALORIES!!
  • Cullen421
    Cullen421 Posts: 7
    I'm a huge fan of V8 vegetable juice.
  • Fenestra13
    Fenestra13 Posts: 30 Member
    We have a soda stream, so sometimes I make carbonated water, which is especially good with lemon or lime. The other day I made a sort of lemonade, with the juice from one lemon and the carbonated water. I like sour things so I didn't put in a sweetener, but you could use a small amount of honey or agave if you wanted to add a little sweetness without many calories. Using more than just a slice of lemon but much less than regular lemonade would make it taste refreshing and different than water without needing too much to sweeten it.

    Carbonated water with a little orange or pomegranate juice is good too. Not NO calorie, but by cutting the juice A LOT with the fizzy water, it saves a lot of sugar calories.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    crystal light! I never drink water by itself anymore. I alwasy get sugar free crystal light or brew my own iced tea. Or I really ike those flavored sparkling waters from walmart.
  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    I drink water, crystal light lemonaid, and the MIOs are pretty tasty, also teas I have a ton of flavored tea bags, I don't sweeten so they are calorie free. I love to mix black tea with blueberry pomegranite, it's a little sweet w/o sugar. There are a ton of flavors peppermint, cranberry, egg nog, caramel, ect...
  • tarisa222
    tarisa222 Posts: 27 Member
    water, coffee, green tea, and unsweetened almond milk. i used to drink vitamin water, but just recently i cut that out. its not as "healthy as it sounds" and i hope to stop drinking coffee someday...but we will see i can't make promises with that one!
  • SamanthaAnnM
    SamanthaAnnM Posts: 143 Member
    Water and green tea or earl grey tea! Every once in a while I'll have a diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus (the one in the bottle that you drink cold) or a coke zero but that's really just a treat. I haven't drank almond milk straight ever but I put it in other stuff like smoothies and shakes. That's pretty much it for me!
  • ncates00
    ncates00 Posts: 51

    Sometimes a little milk or orange juice. But pretty much just water!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I make lemonade (either with real lemons or lemon juice) and Stevia -- it's essentially calorie free and tastes great. I drink a gallon of it a day.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    Water and diet sodas. The water is obvious, but the diet soda is sort of a judgment call. Some people hate it.
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    I usually drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day( I keep my 24 oz cup in the freezer) some days I’ll have almond coconut milk, and if I want a change I’ll have some coconut water with a teaspoon of agave and lemon.
  • bkvamp
    bkvamp Posts: 30
    I absolutely love water! Sometimes fresh coconut water before a work out.
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    just plain ole water here too.
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    I'm all about the water...lemon, cucumber, strawberries, raspberries, or sometimes I add 1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced, 1 lemon, thinly sliced, 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger and around 10 spearmint leaves. leave in the fridge for a few hours or overnight and in the morning you'll have a cold and really refreshing drink :smile:
  • jseger3
    jseger3 Posts: 9
    Mostly water, but sometimes I need something different, so a Zevia or a Steaz can really hit the spot. Once in a great while I hit Starbucks and splurge on an iced green tea.