Any Homeschooling Parents?



  • raininmyshoes
    I am a home schooling mom to an only child second grader who is extremely strong willed and dedicated to his interests in drawing, superheroes, and Halloween costumes. Everyday with him is like a roller coaster ride that begins at at 7:30 A.M. and shuts down at 9:15 P.M. I read lots of homeschooling books before he was even born, and my husband and I were hooked on the idea. My visions were of perfect manners, discipline, and early reading. My reality is yelling, back talk, struggling reading, advanced math skills, begging to learn off the wall topics, sometimes nonstop silliness, extreme extroversion and excitement about meeting new people, a little dog that wants to sit with someone at all times, flexible scheduling, and the craziest, happiest time of my life.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    i feel homeschooling makes children socially inept...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have a theory that homeschooling can somewhat limit a childs ability to interact with others...?

    But also think it's genius, not having to be taught useless crap that schools teach.

    Considering some of the kids that are in public schools, I don't see how not interacting with them is a problem. That's more of an incentive than anything to homeschool.

    I LOL'd
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have a theory that homeschooling can somewhat limit a childs ability to interact with others...?

    But also think it's genius, not having to be taught useless crap that schools teach.

    It can, which is usually better. I was homeschooled.. But I was able to get into college at 14, which was free for dual-enrollment.

    I was able to do this as well, from a Public School, of all places.

    The program is called PSEO. Post Secondary Enrollment Options
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have a theory that homeschooling can somewhat limit a childs ability to interact with others...?

    But also think it's genius, not having to be taught useless crap that schools teach.

    ^^ This. I remember homeschool kids starting high school and they just didn't have the social skills that other children had. You can almost always tell when a person was homeschooled. That said, however, I think public schools are limiting. The teachers have to teach for the entire class, which leaves some children behind and leaves others bored.

    My only concern would be, am I limiting my child by homeschooling? I was great in some subjects, okay in others. Shouldn't my child have the ability to learn from someone who actually understands the subjects fully? Because I think that way, I think homeschool is fine for younger children (K-3), but after that, I think school is necessary. How can you teach your child AP Physics, if you didn't even take high school physics?
    I wouldn't teach AP physics, either. I would ask my other homeschooling mama friend, who has degrees in physics and math, what she would recommend. I expect that she would point me to her favorite online course with a virtual classroom, a solid curriculum, and awesome teacher. :wink: Or perhaps a co-op class offered through a college. There are all sorts of resources available to us. We are not limited by our own knowledge, a classroom, or a one-size-fits-all curriculum.

    As for social skills, some kids have them naturally, some need a little coaching, and some never do "get it". I've seen plenty of "weird" kids, social misfits, and trouble makers who have attended public school their whole lives--did public schooling cause them to be that way? How much of a child's personality is nature, and how much is nurture?
    If I had to choose between one or the other, I would rather my kids learn to function in the REAL world and socialize well with adults of all different ages and abilities than to fit into the typical jr. high or high school environment.
    We have experience with both here at my house; my oldest daughter was public-schooled and graduated from high school this past spring. Public school isn't for everyone, and homeschooling isn't for everyone. I'm just glad we have different choices.
  • kristynsflab
    kristynsflab Posts: 66 Member
    We unschool. I have 7 kids and they will never go public school.
  • Brianna72994
    How do your kids make friends and socialize with other children if they are homeschooled? I'm not criticizing, I'm just wondering
  • MyPsalm63
    MyPsalm63 Posts: 303
    There are many other ways they are around other children.
    Monthly field Trips
    How do your kids make friends and socialize with other children if they are homeschooled? I'm not criticizing, I'm just wondering
  • MyPsalm63
    MyPsalm63 Posts: 303
    How so?
    i feel homeschooling makes children socially inept...
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    I was home schooled, from age 10-16.
    You do become pretty socially inept, I have difficulties around people, partly because of this I think.
    I was absolutely secluded.
    I have no qualifications, I would have had to study til 21-22 to get them.

    On the plus side, I ended up a pretty good teen. :)
    I didn't get all the 'bad influences'. But maybe that's just me.

    I think to home school your child you need to get them out and about with other children definitely.
    You need to have a brilliant relationship with your child, you need to motivate them.

    Home-schooling is definitely not for everyone, whether that be the parents or children.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    We unschool. I have 7 kids and they will never go public school.

    Good for you?
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    It takes extra effort on the parent's part to make sure the home-schooled child interacts with other kids their age. We try to make sure that our child finds friends throughout our area and make it a point to have regular "parties" or play dates with groups. It involves driving a lot and coordinating with other parents, but she receives social interaction with other children her age. She also goes to summer camps and participates in other after school activities that other children go to as well.
  • Brianna72994
    I dont know why people are so against public school. I went to public school my whole life and I turned out fine. I was never bullied, I have never drank or smoked.. Most of the stereotypes about public schools arent even true
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    My sister is home schooled.

    I was NOT. I was salutatorian at my high school and went on to a university.

    I was VERY against her being home schooled at first. I thought it would make her into an unsocial freak to be honest.

    all i can say is....

    I was WRONG. She learns more and has more time to hang out with children and has wayyy more opportunities. She does field trips 3-4 times a week and meets so many people.

    I do believe it is something you have to see to believe.

    Home school children have a certain stereotype. And that is exactly what it is... a stereotype. Do not buy into the bull. They are not freaks. They are not weird. They do interact with other kids, way more than I did in school. Public school worked for me perfectly fine, but I wish I would have been home schooled.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    My sister is home schooled.

    I was NOT. I was salutatorian at my high school and went on to a university.

    I was VERY against her being home schooled at first. I thought it would make her into an unsocial freak to be honest.

    all i can say is....

    I was WRONG. She learns more and has more time to hang out with children and has wayyy more opportunities. She does field trips 3-4 times a week and meets so many people.

    I do believe it is something you have to see to believe.

    Home school children have a certain stereotype. And that is exactly what it is... a stereotype. Do not buy into the bull. They are not freaks. They are not weird. They do interact with other kids, way more than I did in school. Public school worked for me perfectly fine, but I wish I would have been home schooled.

    Kind of like the public school sterotype.

    See what I did there?
  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    For those who say there is little to no interaction as a homeschooled child (which I was from 10 til I graduated at 17), are completely wrong (at least in my case). My youngest 3 siblings (ranging from 12 to 7) are homeschooled and are as social as any other regular schooled kid. I wasn't taught any crap, I get along better with adults and I had a job at 16 and went to college as well. I credit being homeschooled as the reason I scored a 93 on the ASVAB after working 16 out of the previous 24 hrs at my job. If you have any questions feel free to inbox me! Good Luck!!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Homeschooled, Private School, Public Schooling....It doesn't matter how you were educated. There needs to be a good balance in teaching and parental involvement.

    I would put a Public School kid (who's parents are egaged in their kids education) up against a homeschool or private school kid any day of the week.

    Just sayn'
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    We homeschool!! I have a 2nd grader, Kindergartner, and a 2 year old. We are also using apologia for science! We did sea life last year and this year we are doing astronomy. :)
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    My sister is home schooled.

    I was NOT. I was salutatorian at my high school and went on to a university.

    I was VERY against her being home schooled at first. I thought it would make her into an unsocial freak to be honest.

    all i can say is....

    I was WRONG. She learns more and has more time to hang out with children and has wayyy more opportunities. She does field trips 3-4 times a week and meets so many people.

    I do believe it is something you have to see to believe.

    Home school children have a certain stereotype. And that is exactly what it is... a stereotype. Do not buy into the bull. They are not freaks. They are not weird. They do interact with other kids, way more than I did in school. Public school worked for me perfectly fine, but I wish I would have been home schooled.

    Kind of like the public school sterotype.

    See what I did there?

    Exactly. It is just a stereotype, but like I said. I was in public school my whole life. My brother is a sophomore in public schools. It works fine. I see both sides. I did not mind my experience. I would not change it. I did AFJROTC, marching band, pep band. volleyball, etc. I do not believe public schools are all bad.

    I really hate seeing how home school kids are "socially inept." I wish I could have done the field trips they do, or the book clubs, or the museum days, etc. My education was based off being in a room all day, everyday because there were no funds to do such things. She has so much fun and learns so much more.
  • DavidYates79
    DavidYates79 Posts: 12 Member
    I was homeschooled. I went to college a month after I turned 16, and I didn't have any trouble keeping up or socializing. I now homeschool my 7yr old son. He is one of the most social kids you'll ever meet. In fact, we went for a walk through the neighborhood the other day, and you would have thought He was the Mayor. Adults were stopping their cars in the middle of the road to say hi to my Son and His dog.