Hot chicks - Porn Free



  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    There's sites specifically designed for the creepiness you've described.

    Here ;

    I've linked you to a some websites you might enjoy.

    Edit- I know you're just talking about encouragement and getting fit, ect. But there are sites for flirting (see above) and sites for weightloss/fitness (like this one.) No need to join the two together, especially when most mfp members are married or just not interesting in being creeped on by strangers over the internet.

    What taunto said, in addition to, if you're married, in a relationship, not comfortable flirting, dont want to flirt with the person coming on to you, have no sense of fun and can't take a suggestive joke, find something creepy, etc etc, just ask the person to stop. Say, Hey guy and/or gal and/or undead necromancer, this isn't my cup of tea, kindly stop. If they don't, there's a handy report button, and possibly a block feature, although I'm unsure of that one since I've never had to use it. One of the bonuses of being a larger girl, not many creepers ;)

    Not married, not in a relationship, TOTALLY comfortable flirting, WANT to flirt with the person coming onto me, have a HUGE sense of humor, can totally take a suggestive joke...then turn it into a totally fun sexual game and not sumtin' personal or creepy, could ask the person to stop...if I really wanted to....into zombie dudes (or chicks if you are hot), and totally and completely sure I have used it more than once. Aw heck...whatcha want?

    That made me literally LOL - love ya!!
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    what are you all getting at? :)

    That we're a bunch of flirty dirty men and women, quite possibly ;D
  • GFab
    GFab Posts: 75
    was it good for you as it was for me? :smokin:

    i must have missed it.........
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    was it good for you as it was for me? :smokin:

    i must have missed it.........

    :noway: you sound just like my wife! :sad:
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member

  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    There's sites specifically designed for the creepiness you've described.

    Here ;

    I've linked you to a some websites you might enjoy.

    Edit- I know you're just talking about encouragement and getting fit, ect. But there are sites for flirting (see above) and sites for weightloss/fitness (like this one.) No need to join the two together, especially when most mfp members are married or just not interesting in being creeped on by strangers over the internet.

    What taunto said, in addition to, if you're married, in a relationship, not comfortable flirting, dont want to flirt with the person coming on to you, have no sense of fun and can't take a suggestive joke, find something creepy, etc etc, just ask the person to stop. Say, Hey guy and/or gal and/or undead necromancer, this isn't my cup of tea, kindly stop. If they don't, there's a handy report button, and possibly a block feature, although I'm unsure of that one since I've never had to use it. One of the bonuses of being a larger girl, not many creepers ;)

    Not married, not in a relationship, TOTALLY comfortable flirting, WANT to flirt with the person coming onto me, have a HUGE sense of humor, can totally take a suggestive joke...then turn it into a totally fun sexual game and not sumtin' personal or creepy, could ask the person to stop...if I really wanted to....into zombie dudes (or chicks if you are hot), and totally and completely sure I have used it more than once. Aw heck...whatcha want?

    That made me literally LOL - love ya!!

    Hey bebe...whatcha doin?
  • its_rierie
    its_rierie Posts: 44 Member


  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member

    Hey bebe...whatcha doin?

    About to head to bed actually, open for company :devil: :wink: :blushing:

    Night guys and gals!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I'm sad because I don't know what happened. I always miss the good MFP drama!!!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member

    Hey bebe...whatcha doin?

    About to head to bed actually, open for company :devil: :wink: :blushing:

    Night guys and gals!

    Imma there!! L8r g8rs!!!
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    Where are the boobies?
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    It started with me (and now apparently a sick perv!) who said thanks to all the hot and soon-to-be-hot MFP women out there who are insipiration. I used the term "eye candy" and "better than porn". From that I've become an evil person who hates women, people who were involved in tragic accidents and I should be relegated to the "adult websites". I've decided people take things VERY seriously around here!

    I logged in my breakfast this morning, and found about equally messages of love and hate. The excuse makers love to hate - and the people who are putting in their all seem to "get it". Anyway - good to see there are MANY like minded, hard working folks who derive alot of motivation from others doing the same. Not sure about the other bitter folks...
    I'm sad because I don't know what happened. I always miss the good MFP drama!!!
  • kevinvs
    kevinvs Posts: 17 Member
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    You rock!
    Ummmm... is it bad for me to call you Eye candy?
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    People reound here seam to make nothing, out of something. were ALL here for a reason to BETTER ourselves... We wouldnt be here if we throught we were ALREADY perfect, that being said.. I dont see ANYTHING wrong with saying something on the lines of "soon to be hot" things... Its a goal.. am I right? :love:
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    You rock!
    Ummmm... is it bad for me to call you Eye candy?

    Can I agree with you...
  • MarkAWhipple
    MarkAWhipple Posts: 77 Member
    What taunto said, in addition to, if you're married, in a relationship, not comfortable flirting, dont want to flirt with the person coming on to you, have no sense of fun and can't take a suggestive joke, find something creepy, etc etc, just ask the person to stop. Say, Hey guy and/or gal and/or undead necromancer, this isn't my cup of tea, kindly stop. If they don't, there's a handy report button, and possibly a block feature, although I'm unsure of that one since I've never had to use it. One of the bonuses of being a larger girl, not many creepers ;)

    LMAO at undead necromancer. I have a feeling most people didn't get the reference...
  • MarkAWhipple
    MarkAWhipple Posts: 77 Member
    You rock!
    Ummmm... is it bad for me to call you Eye candy?

    I know of very few men who mind it when attractive women call them attractive...
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Damn thought there was going to be porn in this thread.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    You're welcome to call me anything you want!
    You rock!
    Ummmm... is it bad for me to call you Eye candy?