How do you stay motivated to work out?



  • jsmith1352
    One way is to get up just 30 mins earlier than you do know and work out then. I am also exhausted at the end of the day and always think I'll work out after work but never do. If you do something, even something small, in the morning before work, then you feel ok when you come home and veg out in the evenings, less guilt.
    Also, you could try working out with your BF. Even just walking, so that you could still spend the time together but also get some cardio in.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I struggle with this every day. For the last month, I've been wanting to get up earlier and work out for about 30 min before I start my day. That has not happened yet. It always seems I get the urge to workout when I'm sitting at work, not when I get home. Like you, I don't want to do anything when I get home. It is hard to balance.
    My other tip is to put your workout clothes on the minute you get home. Even if you're not working out until later, put them on. If I'm in my workout gear, I'm MUCH more likely to actually do it.
    ^Thats a great idea. I do this quite often as well.
  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member
    These are all such fantastic ideas! Thanks everyone! I'm so glad to know I'm not alone on this!
  • meantforsea
    I do it in the morning. I go to bed knowing that before anything happens the next day, I will have my workout done. It gets me juiced up for the rest of my day. I'll be able to focus better after running or doing Pilates. I absolutely hate running in the morning when it's over 70 degrees (I know, but I enjoy the 60 degrees better) because I overheat and everything feels much worse. I enjoy eating more carbs (not crazy amounts, but I'll have french toast!) the day before running and I know that I'll work it off and use the carbs as energy. I know that over time I'll see results and I've come so far that I can't quit. Good luck! Try waking up earlier and getting it done that way; it makes your day better knowing that it's out of the way.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I made a list of reasons to lose, having kids, living a long and healthy life with hubby & future kids, diabetes been always in the men in my family & I don't want to be the first to leak it over to the female side, there is many reasons for me =)

    I also sit and look back sometimes at myself in high school being in sports, fit & active and always in shape, when I gave up smoking back in 2000 and put on almost 200lbs I then remember what I used to weigh and how i used to eat, its a big motivation for me to remember these things, how i used to sit & eat a bucket of KFC chicken on weekends to myself sometimes all at once thats just one of many bad habits I used to do

    In 2009 I remember how hard it was to get started on my journey then I remember in 2010 losing 156lbs in 19 months

    The struggle i go though now getting motivated is NOTHING compared to all that I been though, I gained some back with stress of buying and selling houses but I am fighting hard to keep it moving !

    I can do this i can I know I can and so can you, make your list stick it on the fridge read it before you open that door and go looking for food, what I do =)

    So after all that I know its time to get up and keep it movin, and don't stop =)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    My best way to trick myself into working out (especially now that I have graduated and entered the "working" world), is to put on my work out clothes as soon as I get back, and more often than not, I feel like I may as well go since I'm ready. Also because I know that if I want to get the body I want, not just the weight I want, I need to hit the gym.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Motivation definitely fluctuates for me but in the end I remind myself that I will feel like crap if I don't go (physically and I'll be down on myself) and I will feel great after it's done when I do go. Just getting yourself to the gym is the hardest part but once you've done that it's easy. I try to keep my goal in mind or now that I have some cute clothes I use those as motivation when all else fails. I want to keep fitting into them lol
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    If I find myself losing motivation, it's usually time to switch up the workout. We had been going to a gym but then we moved to the middle of no where and no gym so we started running on the treadmill. After about 8 months of that, I was SO bored of it that I stopped. A few days later we went into town and I bought a 4pack of workout DVD's...I started doing those instead of running and my motivation was back. They were fun and different.

    Now, I'm running again because we are going to try for our first race ever next weekend, a 3k. When that's over, I'll probably do a combination of the two.

    Also, it doesn't hurt that my husband channels his inner drill sergeant when it's time to workout....
  • workkoutchick96
    Post pictures of people with ahhmazzing bodies all over my workout room :) hahahaa
  • dawntribue
    I go to a gym that makes me happy to walk into! The instructors are amazing, the owner is one of the best people I have ever met and the classes are fun! That's what keeps me motivated! :happy:
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I just run everyday. I don't listen to my body when it says no. I just change drink a bottle of water and go. And now my body knows when we start out, there is no stopping until the run is complete. I do vary the run from 45 min., 60min. 120 min. or 140 min. Depending on how hot and humid it is and how tired my legs may be, but the legs know we are doing at least 45min and thats only once a week or so. Usually 1 hour to 120min. and once a week or maybe 2 times 120.min.

    I really get depressed if I decide to take the day off because of being tired. I did that this past Thurs. and ended up doing 120 min when it was hotter than hell!

  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I find have a program to follow keeps me going. For awhile it was the Couch to 5K, then I stared the Bridge to 10K, but never finished. More recently I've started Turbo Fire and having a workout scheduled 6 days a week doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room. I know if I skip I have to do double one day and that is not at all enjoyable.

    Another thing I used to do was when I got home from work I'd change into my workout clothes before sitting on the couch. Then after I'd had my break I couldn't sit there and think "Oh I don't want to go change and find my HRM" etc. It helped my husband worked out too, for awhile we went to the gym together and it just became part of our evening routine.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    I got a dog, and we live in an apartment... So I HAVE to take him for walks. Also he only has three legs, so I tell myself he has to exercise cause he cant afford to gain weight.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I been doin this since Aug 2011 & I struggled a lot with exercising. Ive never fallen off the calorie counting wagon, but I def fell off the exercise one A LOT. actually I didn't start workin out consistently until April 2012. I just told myself one day tht I had to get my butt in gear & do this. I was startin a new program so at tht moment I decided I was goin to workout 6 days a week & never miss a day. And I havent since. It's become routine now. U need to set a time to workout when u kno u will have time & thn do it at tht time every day. If u don't schedule them, something else will take its place.
  • camiller02
    I use workout videos at at home. Right now I am doing Jillian Michael Revolution. It is kicking my but but it works. I can see the difference already. I usually go home drop everything , change and head to my basement. If I sit I will not do a workout. I also tell my family do not disturb me , only if the house is burning down or someone is dying
  • niwrehs
    niwrehs Posts: 11 Member
    GooD Quote to live by... "you can't get the butt you want by sitting on the butt you have"
  • UWZander
    UWZander Posts: 70
    This might not be helpful, but there are some preworkout supplements. If you take a quarter/half scoop of something like Cellucor's C4 extreme you will defiantly work out. I mean, you will DEFIANTLY work out.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I have to schedule non-negotiable times to workout, mine is between the time hubby leaves for work and when the kids have to get up. This gives me anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour. After supper and dishes have been cleared, we (husband, kids and I)either go for a walk or bike ride, around 30 minutes.
  • Denise_Valentine
    Denise_Valentine Posts: 93 Member
    a friend of mine from high school recently lost roughly 80 lbs. she was around the same weight is the same age and has had a kid. She looks amaaazing! i thought if she can do it then why the heck can't i? Plus another friend of mine is on here and she is steadily loosing weight and we are cheering each other on, so are my sisters and my wonderful bf. I think about how much i want to weigh and the only way to get there is to work out everyday. a good support team really helps too!
  • reid95
    reid95 Posts: 18 Member
    I ask myself would I rather eat this junk food and feel good for 5 minutes or eat the salad and feel good for months.
    I try to eat naked when home, so i can see my fat and eat healthy and then work out with clothes on.
    And chew gum, that helps.