Not pregnant, just fat



  • Nikki8287
    I've gotten asked that a few times too. My friend's mother put her hand on my belly and asked if I was expecting. I got super embarrassed and told her no. I think we were both pretty embarrassed at that point.

    It sucks, it makes you feel bad but clearly it happens to a lot of women. Ya can't let it get to ya ;)
  • isingthebodyelectric
    Aw, I'm so sorry you ladies have all had this horrible experience! There is a small comfort in knowing that other people have been there before too. For a really long time after I had my baby people at work were constantly asking me when the baby was due - this would happen several times a week. Eventually I got to the point where I'd be like "August"... and they'd give me this funny look because it'd be June or July and then I'd finish my sentence with, "of 2009!" I can empathize with the running into the breakroom/bathroom and bursting into tears!
  • MVal79
    MVal79 Posts: 8
    Happened to me, too! So glad I'm not alone! It happened twice! Twice! I was working the front desk of a hotel and a guest I was checking in asks how I'm feeling. I reply 'okay' (with weird look) and then he asks when I'm due. I replied that I wasn't pregnant. He looked mortified and apologized. Another time it happened, also at the hotel, only a woman who asked. I blamed bad posture and promptly sucked in my stomach and stood up straight. Her response was to laugh and say she loved food, too and patted her stomach. LOL. And here I am, MFP. 6 pounds down, 34 more to go!
  • Nikki8287
    I think its a good idea to let the person know that you're NOT pregnant. They should feel embarrassed. I'm not sure I'm the only one that feels this way but I think its a kinda rude. Especially if they are just assuming you're pregnant. It's almost as bad as when someone asks you to guess their age. LOL!
  • MeltingCandlewax
    MeltingCandlewax Posts: 42 Member
    An employee at a lunch spot I go to often said to me a couple weeks ago: "How exciting! I didn't know you were expecting!". There were at least five people within earshot at the time, and because I was too embarrassed to announce that I wasn't in fact pregnant - just fat - I just nodded and smiled, effectively lying about being pregnant.

    I'm really going to miss eating there.

    So... this reality check has helped me realize that I have, in fact, lost control of my weight, and it's time to get back on track!

    I have lost about 6 lbs so far, and have a long way to go, but I feel good about it. Just making the decision to start and make changes was the hardest part for me so far. My first short-term goal is to lose 20 lbs by the end of October (so, 14 more to go).

    If anyone is looking for a MFP buddy to help keep them accountable and motivated, and want to do the same for me, please feel free to add me!

    Good luck everyone!

    That happened to me a few months ago. I was at little gym with my 2 year old, and some 5 year old girl asked me if there was a baby in my belly. Im not sure her mom heard her but i was kinda offended, her mom called her over at that minute so i didnt have to answer. not sure if coincednence or mom heard it. but was pretty embarrassed.
  • Pacileo4Evers
    Pacileo4Evers Posts: 129 Member
    feel ur pain!
  • badgranola
    badgranola Posts: 67 Member
    I'm so sorry that happened to you. I know how awful it feels! 22 pounds ago, a gentleman at my work asked me if I was pregnant. I smiled and said, "No, just fat." :)
    After he walked away, I went to the break room and cried. I also never wore that shirt again! I will never EVER ask a woman if she is pregnant. If you are not 100% sure, you should not ask!

    You can do this! I'll add you and give some encouragement. Good luck! Just let this make you stronger. And in a few months, go back to that lunch spot and show of your new and improved self!

    I had this happen to me before as well. I donated that shirt to goodwill as soon as I got home from work.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    This has happened to me before. The first time was about a year after our son was born. We were at a party for a friend of my husband's & I was wearing a denim dress. My husband's friend comes up to us & says to my husband, "You didn't tell me your wife was pregnant again." My husband burst out laughing & I just walked away. Needless to say, we left soon the party soon after that because I was completely embarrassed. :huh:
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Looks like it's happened to a lot of us! My husband and I adopted our two children, I was at my skinniest when my daughter was born and people were surprised to see me with a new baby. Fast forward 13 years and a nail tech asked me if I was pregnant . Again, "No, I'm just fat". I was mortified and so was she. I used to wonder what it would feel like to be pregnant but I don't want to look pregnant when I'm not!!
  • ashleew1117
    I have been asked this before as well, and i was only 17 at the time. I know that 17 year olds can and will become pregnant but i'm not one of those girls.

    I was horrified, and i was ready to cry. Not only that i have had 2 other employees as me that, that i work with and i have had a guy customer ask me that as well.
    I was so angry at them and myself for even looking as if i was pregnant.